Articles Andreas Ortmann, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University and Economics Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (;, Katarína Svítková, School of Business Administration, The New Anglo-American College in Prague (katarina.svitkova, CERTIFICATION AS A VIABLE QUALITY ASSURANCE MECHANISM IN TRANSITION ECONOMIES: EVIDENCE, THEORY, AND OPEN QUESTIONS [full text (PDF)] Karel Janda, Transgas-RWE Group Chair in Economics at Department of Microeconomics and Mathematical Methods, Charles University, Department of Banking and Insurance, University of Economics ( OPTIMAL DEBT CONTRACTS IN EMERGING MARKETS WITH MULTIPLE INVESTORS [full text (PDF)] Boris Gramc, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Administration ( FACTORS OF THE SIZE OF GOVERNMENT IN DEVELOPED COUNTRIES [full text (PDF)] Ewa Lisowska, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw( THE FUTURE OF WORK AND WOMEN [full text (PDF)] Tomáš Otáhal, Masaryk University, Faculty of Economics and Administration ( WHY IS CORRUPTION A PROBLEM OF THE STATE?