Inflation Targeting, Expectations and Uncertainty in Monetary Policy (Guest editor?s summary) (in English) Authors: Frait, Jan Pages: 314-315 How Inflation Targeters (Can) Deal with Uncertainty (in English) Authors: Šmídková, Kateřina Pages: 316-332 Is the CNB Predictable? (in English) Authors: Kotlán, Viktor; Navrátil, David Pages: 333-343 Do the Measurements of Financial Market Inflation Expectations Yield Relevant Macroeconomic Information? (in English) Authors: Fukač, Martin Pages: 344-362 Determinants of Long-term Interest Rates in the Czech Republic (in Czech) Authors: Holinka, Tomáš Pages: 363-379 Inflation Expectations and Monetary Policy (in Czech) Authors: Filáček, Jan Pages: 380-394