Department of Regional Economics and Administration Preliminary programme  13/6/2018 registration, informal meeting  14/6/2018 registration, plennary, dinner, sections, social evening  15/6/2018 sections, conclusions of colloquium, dinner invites you to the 21st International Colloquium on Regional Sciences June 13 – 15, 2018 Hotel Kurdějov, Kurdějov, Czech Republic Topics The Colloquium represents a platform for meeting of experts whose common interest is research of European region issues and above all, the Czech and Slovak ones. Region is perceived as a territorial unit between national state and municipalities, which implies the necessity of specific approaches to dealing with their matters. In this sense the Colloquium is thematically focused on:  issues of regional disparities in the context of the economic, social and territorial cohesion policy,  impacts of activities of public administration on public policy implementation in municipalities and regions,  evaluation of economic, innovation and knowledge potential of Czech, Slovak and European regions,  spatial aspects of transport, tourism, population, environment and business environment. Conference fee CZK 3000 Registration March 15, 2018 Papers: March 15, 2018 Accommodation Hotel Kurdějov – hotel houses Vinař, Kaskáda, Adina and Tenis. Conference proceedings Papers will be published in reviewed conference proceedings with ISBN. It will be submitted for CPCI by Clarivate Analytics – Web of Science (proceedings published from 2010 to 2016 have been included in it, proceedings 2017 are under the evaluation process). Registration and detailed information: