The “Revealed“ Comparative Advantage and Competitiveness of the EU´s International Trade vis a vis the USA Saleh Mothana OBADI, Matej KORČEKStrana 397, Číslo 5 - Ročník 64/2016 Reálna konvergencia v stredoeurópskych krajinách z pohľadu Balassa-Samuelsonovho modelu Ivan OKÁLIStrana 423, Číslo 5 - Ročník 64/2016 Sources of Real Exchange Rate Fluctuations in New EU Member States Rajmund MIRDALAStrana 440, Číslo 5 - Ročník 64/2016 10 Years of EU Membership: Diverging Performances in New Member States Agriculture Attila JAMBOR, Miklós SOMAI, Sándor KOVÁCSStrana 458, Číslo 5 - Ročník 64/2016 The Effect of Ownership Structure on Corporate Financial Performance in the Czech Republic Lukáš KONEČNÝ, Ondřej ČÁSTEKStrana 477, Číslo 5 - Ročník 64/2016