Identifying Determinants of Residential Property Values in South London Adam R. Corbin Daniel E. May Philip D. Hollins This paper advances the academic work conducted on identifying some of the determinants of residential property values in different countries. Such determinants might include positive factors such as access to amenities, or negative factors such as high voltage overhead transmission lines (HVOTL). The objective explored here is to extend this research in the UK by considering the particular case of residential property values in South London. A number of determinants is considered, grouped and a model which explains the effect of the determinants on value is produced. The elasticities between property values and the distances from different determinants were also analysed to help highlight relationships between the determinants and residential property values. The results showed a... ...více The Political-Budget Cycle in Countries of the European Union Jitka Doležalová We empirically estimate the political-budget cycle in the member countries of the European Union in period of 1988-2008. We indirectly analyze the potential of these countries to deal with increasing public debts which were augmented by the global economic crisis. The selection of the EU countries depends on three characteristics of democracy – shared power, openness and adaptability. The openness of democracy is the most important characteristics in relation to effective behavior of governments. We suppose that governments are motivated to make electoral manipulation in countries which have lower level of openness. We choose Finland, the Netherlands, Austria, Estonia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania and Greece to include into our sample of countries. The research of political-budget... ...více Wage Determination with Special Reference to Role in a Family Lenka Filipová Zuzana Machová The paper has arisen as a part of the project dealing with the questions of measuring of wage determinants and wage discrimination on the basis of different subjective requirements of women and men on their wages. Using the ordered-response model (Ordered Probit), it analysed wage determination on the basis of Mincer’s Wage Regression including dummies for role in a family. The analysis was carried out with the total sample of respondents and subsequently separately for men and women. The data were gained from a questionnaire survey carried out in Ostrava city, Czech Republic. In general, the analysis did not prove previous conclusions of theories or empirical studies about prevailing influence of family characteristics on the wage rate. Nevertheless, it proved statistically significant...