Petr Musil, Jana Kramulová, Jan Čadil, Petr Mazouch Regional Price Levels in the Czech Republic NUTS 3 Regions Ondřej Babuněk Foreign Direct Investment in Visegrad Four and the Main Trading Partners Ondřej Nývlt Statistical Survey of Non-Formal Education Kateřina Maršíková, Aleš Kocourek Income Expectations of University Students: Sample of Selected Economic Universities in the Czech Republic, England and Poland Julie Poláčková, Zuzana Pacáková Multivariate Statistical Analysis of the E-C ommunication in the European Union Jana Špirková, Mária Spišiaková Gender and Extended Actuarial Functions in Pension Insurance Ondřej Šimpach LOGIT and PROBIT Models in the Probability Analysis: Change in the Probability of Death from Celiac Disease Patients Sonu Madan Human Development and Poverty - a Perspective Across Indian States