Content of Lecture Fiscal Imbalance Problem and Public Financ^ w*»*^«^» Czech Case 3rd Lecture Transformation of the Public Sector l. Fiscal Imbalance Problem 2. Public Budget Reform Fiscal Imbalance - definition i fiscal imbalance occurs in situation when budget revenues differ from budget expenditures in certain period (budget year) revenues > expenditures —> surplus revenues < expenditures —> deficit Primary x secondary deficit Primary deficit is created in certain budget period (year) and expresses growth of public debt due to government fiscal policy and (or) exogenous factors (exception - interests from the public debt). Total deficit = primary deficit + interests from the public debt. Secondary deficit arises in connection with financing of public deficit (e.g. bonds,...) Characteristics of Czech fiscal system Czech fiscal system is extremely vulnerable to demographic pressures (graph) pro-cyclical features of Czech fiscal system (cyclical x non-cyclical factors) deficits have structural character, not cyclical transparency of the fiscal system is insufficient size of off-budget operations is not negligible —> transformation institution, state funds Basic thesis of the Czech Reform Public Budget Reform Defore setting up the reform was not e for a long time continued decreasing of the public deficit in order to Maastricht criteria maintenance of width and quality of provided services preference in changes on expenditures side rather on revenues side of public budgets stages of the Czech Public Budget Reform: Stage - main goal: —> bring the deficit trend to a stop —> slowing down the dynamics of public d< increase; Stage - main goal: —> fiscally-neutral tax package for enhancement of economic grow —> preparation of pension and health care reform Targets on the revenue side (around 40 %) harmonization with EU tax-law restriction of tax evasions together with increasing of tax justice simplicity of tax-system and levy of taxes Income Tax the corporate income tax should be reduced from 28 % (January 2004) to 24 % (January 2006) the "minimum tax" was set partial broadening of tax base - setting of a price limit for depreciation of acquired cars to taxation of individuals not go through significan changes in 2004 - 2006, only dec?"-^ul- <+™ f~ children is raised bv CZK 2000 Estate Tax Real Estate Tax ■ new legal regulation —> the tax ( on Ian dis transferred in full to a v: due prii ticiple. , without participation of experts or asses ;sors - -> reducing the total cost of this tax admini: stration Real Estate Transfer Tax ■ tax rate is reduced from 5 % to 3 % ( 1 July 2004) ■ certain exemptions concerning this tax was cancelled 14 Other Taxes Inheritance Tax ■ the inheritance in the group I of he irs is exempted from the tax Local Fees ■ transformation to municipal taxes ■ the range of municipal taxes will be extei ided if need be 15 Tax Administration taxes and tax control —> new process regulation, the so-called tax code obligation to register cash payments by means of cash registers on marketplaces or through stall sales the bookkeeping of the VAT non-payers will be simplified Social and Health Insurance ance for students unlimited possibility to have gainful employment together with obtaining parent's contribution incomes from student's summer jobs will not be counted to total income of family —> family will not loose social benefits the assessment base of self-employed persons for both type of insurance will be increased 35 % (2004) to 50 % Social and Health Insurance <2> the principle of a fictive income in the amount of 50 % of the average wage in the national economy will be applied —> establishing minimum income tax, calculation of a minimun payment of social security insurance premium and state employment policy contribution, minimum assessment base for the health insurance and for evaluation of the entitlement to social benefits 3 Expenditure Side financially very demanding programs following from the declared government's priorities government engaged itself to stabilize the public ire of the State Budget Sickness Insurance Aim —> to prevent misuse and deformation of effects of the system: the decisive period for the determination ol the assessment base is prolonged from 3 to 12 months reduction of the assessment base for the time of the first 14 days of sickness from 100 to 90 % for the first three calendar days of sickness the amount of sickness pay is reduced to 25 % of the daily assessment base State Social Assistance and Social Welfare Benefits necessity of quick and deep reform —> intensive targeting of benefits to those in need increasing motivation of participants revision and reduction of state social assistance benefits and social welfare benefits reconstruction of the subsistence minimum conditions should generally be stricter and separation of the roles of the state and territoria self-eovernine units Public Health Insurance ■ necessity of reforrr i because of finan cial demands on public : health insurance system L connected with age iing of population ■ regulation, cost control and increase of effectiveness of mi magement of the health care facilities —> regulat ing of expenditures ■ implementation of a payment for dia Lgnosis in the bed care segme mt ■ regulation of exper lditures for medic aments 23 State Assistance to the Building Savings J state support of the building savings decreased from 25 % to 15 % of the annually saved amount ("assisted maximum increased from CZK extension of the five years' binding period provision of the state assistance to the participants who reach 15 years of aee 4 Public expenditures Management maintenance of aggregate fiscal i allocation efficiency - allocating of sources in order to government priorities i economic efficiency - support of Improvement of Public Expenditures Management 5 years horizon )lementation or expei instead or buc expenditure audit centralization of certain purchases in the public sect Risks of the Reform's Realization insufficient support —> Government, across the political scene, laic and professional public, media —> necessity of transparency fragmentation or public budgets —> consolidation of expenditures ceilings, local budgets, state funds, transformation institutions "new skeletons" —> debt of the past, state guarantees, ... political factors —> inclination of politics, elections in 2006 for earlier?) Risks of the Reform's Realization (2) adaptation of the chapter administrators to new challenges —> internal competition in given financial sources, qualitatively different environment employees are responsible for creation, realization, monitoring and evaluation of the State Budget —> necessity of continuous professional training, co-operation wi appropriate faculties of Czech universities The Main Issues of the 2nd Stage of the Public Finance Reform J support of families with children (shared taxation of married couple, child allowance) i commerce support (accelerating of amortization in 1.-3. class science (increasing of limits for gift depreciation) fight with tax evasions (control labels on spirits, limitation of cash pays, cash registers ...) The Approach of ODS principal changes of the economic policy environment favorable for business activ s s activities small state deep changes in social system (cancellation of benefits, principle of negative tax) and pension system (minimum pension guaranteed by state unification of the tax rates to 15 % (VAT Income Taxes) 5 The Approach of ODS <2> ■ health insurance reform ■ deregulation of rentals ■ rationalism of legislative ■ rationalism of public institutions ■ consolidation of public budgets ■ fixation of proportion of consolidated expenditures on GDP ■ obligation of balance budgets (except of the State Budget) 31 6