Unit 5 Human body and Exercise Modal Verbs Task 1 Human Body ankle arm navel chest chin ear elbow eye fingers foot hand head heel hip knee leg mouth nose neck shin shoulder thigh toes waist wrist Label the human body diagram using the word list above. body to label Task 2 Basic anatomy Match the description with one of the systems. What organs do you associate with each of them? skeletal digestive lymphatic integumentary respiratory nervous reproductive urinary muscular circulatory endocrine 1. The ____________ system supports and protects, regulates body temperature, makes chemicals and hormones, and acts as a sense organ. 2. The _____________ system supports and protects, makes movement easier (with joints), stores minerals, and makes blood cells. 3. The __________ system brings about body movement, maintains posture, and produces heat. 4. The ________________ system allows a person to communicate with the environment and integrates and controls the body. 5. The _____________ system secretes hormones into the blood that serve to communicate with, integrate, and control mechanisms. 6. The ____________system transports substances through the body and establishes immunity. 7. The _____________ system is a subdivision of the circulatory system. It does not contain blood, but rather lymph, which is formed from the fluid surrounding body cells and diffused into lymph vessels. The major functions of this system are the movement of fluid and its critical role in the defense mechanism of the body against disease. 8. The __________system exchanges oxygen from the air for the waste product carbon dioxide, which is eliminated from the body. 9. The ____________ system breaks down food, absorbs nutrients, and excretes solid waste. 10. The _________ system cleans waste products from blood in the form of urine and maintains electrolyte balance, water balance, and acid-base balance. 11. The ___________ system produces sex cells, allows transfer of sex cells and fertilization to occur, permits development and birth of offspring, nourishes offspring, and produces sex hormones. Task 3 Fill the gaps with the correct word chosen from below. increase joints recovery health immune regular cardiovascular Physical exercise is the performance of some activity in order to develop or maintain physical fitness and overall _____________. Frequent and _______________exercise is an important component in the prevention of the diseases such as heart disease, cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes and obesity. Exercises are generally grouped into three types depending on the overall effect they have on the human body: 1. Flexibility exercises such as stretching improve the range of motion of muscles and ________________. 2. Aerobic exercises such as walking and running focus on increasing ________________ endurance. 3. Anaerobic exercises such as weightlifting or sprinting ______________muscle strength. Physical exercise is important for physical fitness including healthy weight, building and maintaining healthy bones, muscles and joints; and strengthening the ____________ system. Proper nutrition is at least as important to health as exercise. When exercising it becomes even more important to have good diet to ensure the body has the correct ratio of micro and macronutrients to help the body with the ________________ process after exercising. Task 4 Fitness - Exercise Myths Although some old fitness fictions, such as “no pain, no gain” are fading fast, plenty of popular exercise misconceptions still exist. Here are some of the most common myths as well as the not-so-common facts based on current exercise research. Discuss them. Do you consider them myths? Support your arguments. 1. If You’re Not Going to Work Out Hard and Often, Exercise Is a Waste of Time. 2. Yoga Is a Completely Gentle and Safe Exercise. 3. If You Exercise Long and Hard Enough, You Will Always Get the Results You Want. 4. Exercise Is One Sure Way to Lose All the Weight You Desire. 5. Overweight People Are Unlikely to Benefit Much From Exercise. 6. Home Workouts Are Fine, But Going to a Gym Is the Best Way to Get Fit. Task 5: Verbs of movement What parts of body do you associate the verbs with? Movements Characteristic of Body Parts 1. smile frown sneer grin yawn chew squint blink wink gape stare glare leer 2. open close clench grab scratch squeeze pat stroke pinch point tap slap grasp clasp rub 3. strike sweep cut slice chop push pull thrust clutch dig throw fling catch beat whip wave punch lift reach 4. kick shuffle stamp trample tip-toe slip stumble tap drag Task 6 Listening Fun science: The human body (http://www.videojug.com/interview/fun-science-the-human-body#what-is-my-body-made-of) Listen and answer the questions: 1. What´s my body made of? 2. Why do we get “goose bumps”? 3. Why do I get “brain freeze” when I eat ice cream? 4. Why does my skin look like a wrinkled prune after I take a bath? 5. Why do I sweat? 6. How do my eyes see colour? 7. What happens to food when I eat it? 8. Why do I need food?