16.05.2024 1 Welcome to Clinical anatomy of the head, neck and neuronal pathways Lecture #13 Department of Anatomy MUNI, MED Alemeh Zamani, Ph.D. Spring 2024 Arrangement and function of the autonomic nervous system Functions: o Contraction and relaxation of smooth muscles o Function of all exocrine glands o Heart rate o Some metabolic processes 16.05.2024 2 Sympathetic: Thoracolumbar outflow T1-L2 Parasympathetic: Craniosacral outflow CN III, VII, IX, X & S2-S4 Autonomic Nervous System Autonomic Nervous System 16.05.2024 3 Sympathetic Nervous System Catabolic reaction (activities that are mobilized during emergency and stress situations Fight or Flight Generalized reaction of body o Coronary artery o Increase heart rate o Bronchodilation o Mydriasis o Sweat secretion o Glycemia Anatomical Organization of the Sympathetic Preganglionic and Postganglionic Axons 16.05.2024 4 Parasympathetic Nervous System Anabolic reactions (activities associated with conservation and restoration of body resources Rest and Digest Localized reaction of body o Decrease heart rate o Bronchoconstriction o GIT activation o Miosis 16.05.2024 5 Pathways distributing visceral sensory information in the brain Pathways that control autonomic responses Central parts of Autonomic Nervous System Central parts of Autonomic Nervous System 16.05.2024 6 Innervation of the Eye The sphincter pupillae is supplied by parasympathetic nerves. The dilator pupillae is supplied by sympathetic nerves. Pupilary Light Reflex A reflex that controls the diameter of the pupil, in response to the intensity of light (luminance) that falls on the retina of the eye o mydriasis: dilation of the pupil o miosis: constriction of the pupil o direct response o consensual response o anisocoria 16.05.2024 7 o Accommodation reflex involves convergence (voluntary), pupillary constriction and accommodation (involuntary). Edinger-Westphal nuclei → oculomotor nerve → ciliary ganglion → short ciliary nerves → sphincter pupillae and ciliaris Accommodation Reflex o Changing the radius of curvature of the lens to focus the world on the retina. Reading list Thank you very much for your attention