MOTOL UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL | July 2018 REMAP GOALS OF CARE, LATE IN THE ILLNESS STEP WHAT YOU SAY OR DO REFRAME why the status quo isn’t working. “There is something I’d like to put on our agenda today.” “We’re in a different place.” “This is a point where some treatments could do more harm than good.” You may have needed to give serious news first; that’s a separate task. EXPECT EMOTION respond with empathy. “It sounds like you are worried about [your family].” [Name the patient’s emotion] “I can see how much you love your [son].” “You have worked so hard to do the right thing.” MAP OUT big picture values, what’s important. “Can we step back, think about what you are hoping for, and try to find a good option for you?” “Given this situation, what’s most important for you now?” “Have you ever thought about what if things don’t go the way you want?” ALIGN yourself & team with the patient’s values. “It sounds like the most important issues to you are [spending time with your family, being comfortable, and enjoying your garden]” “By planning ahead, we can avoid some things you said you didn’t want.” Reflect the patient’s values. PLAN medical treatments that match the patient’s values “Thank you for talking to me about this. I will talk to your team and come back later today with a plan.” “For this situation, here are some things that I can do now…”