谈天气 tán tiān qì Talking about the Weather LI XIN YU 那么 nà me (indicating degree)so,such 好玩儿 hǎo wánr fun,amusing,interesting 出去 chū qu to go out 回去 huí qu to go back 非常 fēi cháng very, extremely,exceedingly 糟糕 zāo gāo in a terrible mess; how terrible 又 yòu again 又(yòu, again) indicates recurrence of an action. 5. The Adverb 又(yòu, again) 1. 昨天早上下雪,今天早上又下雪了。 zuó tiān zǎo shang xià xuě , jīn tiān zǎo shang yòu xià xuě le. It snowed yesterday morning. It snowed again this morning. 2. 妈妈上个星期给我打电话,这个星期又给我打电话了。 mā ma shàng ge xīng qī gěi wǒ dǎ diàn huà , zhè ge xīng qī yòu gěi wǒ dǎ diàn huà le. My mom called me last weekend. She called me again this weekend . 3. 他昨天复习了第八课的语法,今天又复习了。 tā zuó tiān fù xí le dì bā kè de yǔ fǎ , jīn tiān yòu fù xí le. He reviewed the grammar in Lesson Eight yesterday , and he reviewed it again today. Both 又(yòu, again) and 再(zài, again) indicates repetition of an action, but in a sentence with 又(yòu, again), usually both the original action and the repetition occurred in the past, whereas 再(zài, again) indicates an anticipated repetition of an action in general. 5. The Adverb 又(yòu, again) 4. 我上个周末去跳舞了,昨天我又去跳舞了。 wǒ shàng ge zhōu mò qù tiào wǔ le , zuó tiān wǒ yòu qù tiào wǔ le. I went dancing last weekend. Yesterday I went dancing again. 5. 我昨天去跳舞了,我想明天晚上再去跳舞。 wǒ zuó tiān qù tiào wǔ le , wǒ xiǎng míng tiān wǎn shang zài qù tiào wǔ. I went dancing yesterday. I`m thinking of going dancing again tomorrow night. 面试 miàn shì to interview;interview 春天 chūn tiān spring 夏天 xià tiān summer 秋天 qiū tiān autumn;fall 冬天 dōng tiān winter 舒服 shū fu comfortable 加州 jiā zhōu California Sentences in this pattern usually imply that the speaker accepts the validity of a certain point of view but wishes to offer an alternative perspective or emphasize a different aspect of the matter. 6. Adj/V+是(shì)+Adj/V,+可是/但是...(kě shì /dàn shì ...) 1. A: 滑冰难不难? huá bīng nán bu nán ? Is ice skating difficult? B: 滑冰难是难,可是很有意思。 huá bīng nán shì nán , kě shì hěn yǒu yì si. It is difficult , but it is very interesting. Sentences in this pattern usually imply that the speaker accepts the validity of a certain point of view but wishes to offer an alternative perspective or emphasize a different aspect of the matter. 6. Adj/V+是(shì)+Adj/V,+可是/但是...(kě shì /dàn shì ...) 2. A: 在高速公路上开车,你紧张吗? zài gāo sù gōng lù shang kāi chē , nǐ jǐn zhāng ma ? Do you get nervous driving on the highway? B: 紧张是紧张,可是也很好玩儿。 jǐn zhāng shì jǐn zhāng , kě shì yě hěn hǎo wánr. I do get nervous , but I find it a lot of fun , too. Sentences in this pattern usually imply that the speaker accepts the validity of a certain point of view but wishes to offer an alternative perspective or emphasize a different aspect of the matter. 6. Adj/V+是(shì)+Adj/V,+可是/但是...(kě shì /dàn shì ...) 3. A: 明天学校开会,你去不去? míng tiān xué xiào kāi huì , nǐ qù bu qù ? There is a meeting at school tomorrow. Will you go? B: 我去是去, 可是会晚一点儿。 wǒ qù shì qù , kě shì huì wǎn yì diǎnr. I`ll go , but I will be a little bit late. Sentences in this pattern usually imply that the speaker accepts the validity of a certain point of view but wishes to offer an alternative perspective or emphasize a different aspect of the matter. 6. Adj/V+是(shì)+Adj/V,+可是/但是...(kě shì /dàn shì ...) 4. A: 你喜欢这张照片吗? nǐ xǐ huan zhè zhāng zhào piàn ma ? Do you like this picture? B: 喜欢是喜欢,可是这张照片太小了。 xǐ huan shì xǐ huan ,kě shì zhè zhāng zhào piàn tài xiǎo le. I like it , but this picture is too small. 6. Adj/V+是(shì)+Adj/V,+可是/但是...(kě shì /dàn shì ...) This pattern can be used only when the adjective or verb in it has already been mentioned,e.g., 难(nán) in (1), 紧张(jǐn zhāng) in (2), 去(qù) in (3), and 喜欢(xǐ huan) in (4). In this regard, it is different from the pattern 虽然...可是/但是...(suī rán ...kě shì /dàn shì ...) 怎么了?(zěn me le ?) is a question that may be asked upon encountering an unuaual situation. A: 这儿的天气非常糟糕。 zhèr de tiān qì fēi cháng zāo gāo. The weather here is awful. B: 怎么了? zěn me le ? How come? A: 昨天下大雨,今天又下雨了。 zuó tiān xià dà yǔ , jīn tiān yòu xià yǔ le. Yesterday it poured. It rained again today. language practice