Li Xin Yu chī fàn Dining 师傅 shī fu master worker 师傅(shī fu, master worker) is a common term to address a stranger, especially a blue- collar worker such as a taxi driver or a chef. 好吃 hǎo chī delicious 糖醋鱼 táng cù yú fish in sweet and sour sauce 糖 táng sugar 醋 cù vinegar 甜 tián sweet 苦 kǔ bitter Bitter gourd 咸 xián salty 米饭 mǐ fàn cooked rice 黄瓜 huáng gua cucmber 凉拌 liáng bàn (of food) cold “blended”;cold tossed 红烧 hóng shāo to braise in soy sauce 牛肉 niú ròu beef 牛 niú cow;ox 鱼 yú fish 极 jí extremely When used after an adjective or a verb, 极了(jí le) usually indicates the superlative degree: 今天热极了。(jīn tiān rè jí le, it is extremely hot today) 他高兴极了。(tā gāo xìng jí le. he is overjoyed.) 忘 wàng to forget 带 dài to bring; to take; to carry; to come with 饭卡 fàn kǎ meal card 错 cuò wrong 清楚 qīng chu clear 没关系 méi guān xi it doesn`t matter 没关系(méi guān xi, it doesn`t matter): When someone apologizes by saying 对不起(duì bu qǐ), it is common to respond by saying 没关系(méi guān xi, it doesn`t matter) 上海 shàng hǎi Shang hai 6. Reduplication of Adjectives Some Chinese adjectives can be reduplicated. When monosyllabic adjectives are reduplicated, the accent usually falls on the second occurrence. When the reduplicated monosyllabic adjective takes a “r” suffix, like 慢慢儿(màn mānr), its second occurrence is usually pronounced in the first tone, regardless what the adjective`s original tone is. Reduplication of adjectives often suggests an approving and appreciative attitude on the speaker`s part. 1.王朋高高的,很帅。 wáng péng gāo gāo de, hěn shuài. Wang Peng is tall and handsome. 2.可乐凉凉的,很好喝。 kě lè liáng liáng de, hěn hǎo hē. The cola is nicely chilled and tastes good. 6. Reduplication of Adjectives Some Chinese adjectives can be reduplicated. When monosyllabic adjectives are reduplicated, the accent usually falls on the second occurrence. When the reduplicated monosyllabic adjective takes a “r” suffix, like 慢慢儿(màn mànr), its second occurrence is usually pronounced in the first tone, regardless what the adjective`s original tone is. Reduplication of adjectives often suggests an approving and appreciative attitude on the speaker`s part. 3.酸辣汤酸酸的、辣辣的,非常好喝。 suān là tāng suān suān de, là là de, fēi cháng hǎo hē. The hot and sour soup is a bit sour and a bit hot; it tastes great. Reduplication of adjectives usually does not appear in the negative form. 7. The Verb 来(lái) In colloquial expressions, the verb 来(lái) can serve as a substitute for certain verbs, mostly in imperative sentence: 1.A: 先生,你们想吃点儿什么? xiān sheng, nǐ men xiǎng chī diǎnr shén me ? Sir, what would you like? B: 来一盘糖醋鱼,一碗酸辣汤和一碗米饭。 lái yì pán táng cù yú, yì wǎn suān là tāng hé yì wǎn mǐ fàn. Give me a plate of sweet and sour fish, a bowl of hot and sour soup, and a bowl of rice, please. 7. The Verb 来(lái) In colloquial expressions, the verb 来(lái) can serve as a substitute for certain verbs, mostly in imperative sentence: (At a party, when someone has sung a song) 2.再来一个! zài lái yí ge. Encore! The use of 来(lái) in this sense is rather limited. It is usually used in restaurants and stores, especially when buying small things or coaxing someone to sing a song.