Li Xin Yu 旅 行 lǚ xíng Travel 马上 mǎ shàng immediately;right away 我马上整理我的房间。 wǒ mǎ shàng zhěng lǐ wǒ de fáng jiān. I will clean up my room right away 我马上去写功课。 wǒ mǎ shàng qù xiě gōng kè. I will write my homework right away. 放假 fàng ji go on vacation; have time off 马上就要放假了,你想去哪儿旅行。 mǎ shàng jiù yào fàng jià le, nǐ xiǎng qù nǎr lǚ xíng. It's vacation soon, where do you want to travel. 有名 yǒu míng famous; well-known 这家餐厅的糖醋鱼很有名。 Zhè jiā cāntīng de táng cù yú hěn yǒumíng The sweet and sour fish in this restaurant is famous. 爱因斯坦很有名 ài yīn sī tǎn hěn yǒu míng. Einstein is famous. 公司 gōng sī company 明天我要去公司上班。 míng tiān wǒ yào qù gōng sī shàng bān.. I'm going to work at the company tomorrow. 这家公司很有名。 zhè jiā gōng sī hěn yǒu míng. This company is very famous. 实 shí xí to intern 他明天要去公司实习。 tā míng tiān yào qù gōng sī sh íxí. He is going to intern in the company tomorrow. 你在哪里实习? nǐ zài nǎr shí xí. Where do you intern. 计划 jì hu plan; to plan 马上就要放假了,你有什么计划? mǎ shàng jiù yào fàng jià le, nǐ yǒu shén me jì hu It's vacation soon, what are your plans? 我计划明天早上开始工作。 wǒ jì huà míng tiān zǎo shang kāi shǐ gōng zuò. I plan to start work tomorrow morning. While the verbs 打算(dǎ suàn) and 计划(jì huá) are synonyms, the former is more colloquial and the latter more formal. 打算 dǎ suàn to plan; plan 我打算寒假去公司实习。 wǒ dǎ suàn hán jià qù gōng sī shí xí. I plan to go to the company for an internship during the winter vacation. 我有我的打算。 wǒ yǒu wǒ de dǎ suàn. I have my plan. 打工 dǎ gōng to work at a temporary job (often part time) A: 假期你要做什么? jià qī nǐ yào zuò shén me ? What are you going to do on vacation? B: 我要回家打工。 wǒ yào huí jiā dǎ gōng. I'm going home to work. 父母 fù mǔ parents; father and mother 王先生对父母很孝顺。 wáng xiān sheng duì fù mǔ hěn xiào shun. Mr. Wang is very filial to his parents. 暑假 shǔ ji summer vacation 我暑假打算回北京去看父母。 wǒ shǔ jià dǎ suàn huí běi jīng qù kàn fù mǔ. I plan to go back to Beijing to see my parents during the summer vacation. 下个暑假我们一起去旅行吧。 xià gè shǔ jià wǒ men yì qǐ qù lǚ xíng ba. Let's travel together next summer vacation. 首都 shǒu dōu capital city 北京是中国的首都。 Běi jīng shì zhōng guó de shǒu dū. Beijing is the capital of China. 布拉格是捷克的首都。 Bù lā gé shì jié kè de shǒu dū. Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic. 文化 wén hu culture 他很喜欢中国文化。 tā hěn xǐ huan zhōng guó wén huà. He likes Chinese culture very much. 北京是中国的文化中心。 Běi jīng shì zhōng guó de wén huà zhōng xīn. Beijing is the cultural center of China. 政治 zhèng zhì politics 华盛顿是美国的政治中心。 huá shèng dùn shì měi guó de zhèng zhì zhōng xīn. Washington is the political center of the United States. 名胜古迹 míng shèng gǔ jì famous scenic spots and historic sites 长城 cháng chéng the Great Wall 北京有很多名胜古迹。 Běi jīng yǒu hěn duō míng shèng gǔ jì. There are many places of famous historic sites in Beijing. 故宫 gù gōng 紫禁城 zǐ jìn chéng Imperial Palace Forbidden City There are four Imperial Palace(故宫) in China. The most commonly mentioned is the Beijing Imperial Palace(北京故宫), also known as the Forbidden City(紫禁城). The other three, one in Shenyang(沈阳 Shěnyáng), one in Nanjing(南京nánjīng), and one in Taipei(台北). 天坛 tiān tán the Temple of Heaven 颐和园 yí hé yuán Summer Palace 台北 tái běi Taipei 台北101 Tái běi yī líng yī Taipei 101 导游 dǎo yóu tour guide 那你跟我一起回去吧,我给你当导游。 nà nǐ gēn wǒ yì qǐ huí qù ba, wǒ gěi nǐ dāng dǎo yóu. Why don`t you go with me, I could be your guide. 护照 hù zhào passport 请出示你的护照。 qǐng chū shì nǐ de hù zhào. Your passport please. 请拿好你的护照。 qǐng ná hǎo nǐ de hù zhào. Please take your passport. 订 dìng to reserve; to book (a ticket, a hotel room, ect) 我想订一张去台北的票。 wǒ xiǎng dìng yì zhāng qù tái běi de piào. I want to book a ticket to Taipei 我想订间旅馆。 wǒ xiǎng dìng jiān lǚ guǎn. I want to book a hotel. 签证 qiān zhèng visa 护照我已经有了,我得赶快办签证。 hù zhào wǒ yǐ jīng yǒu le, wǒ děi gǎn kuài bàn qiān zhèng. I already have a passport, I will have to apply for a visa at once. 旅行社 lǚ xíng shè travel agency 我马上给旅行社打电话订飞机票。 wǒ mǎ shàng gěi lǚ xíng shè dǎ diàn huà dìng fēi jī piào. I`ll give the travel agency a cell right away and get the plane tickets. 香港 xiāng gǎng Hong Kong 1. 不得了(bù dé liǎo, extremely) The expression 不得了(bù dé liǎo, extremely), which often follows the structure “adjective+得(de),” indicates a high degree, in the speaker`s judgment, of the attribute signified by the adjective, For example, if one cannot stand the summer heat in a certain place, one can comment on it by saying: 那个地方夏天热得不得了。 nà ge dì fang xià tiān rè de bù dé liǎo. Summer is unbearably hot in that place. 1. 不得了(bù dé liǎo, extremely) The expression 不得了(bù dé liǎo, extremely), which often follows the structure “adjective+得(de),” indicates a high degree, in the speaker`s judgment, of the attribute signified by the adjective. If the Great Wall is extremely crowded, one can describe the scene by saying: 长城上的人多得不得了。 cháng chéng shàng de rén duō de bù dé liǎo. There was an incredible number of people on the Great Wall. 初 chū beginning 请问六月初到北京的机票多少钱? qǐng wèn liù yuè chū dào běi jīng de jī piào duō shǎo qián? How much is a ticket to Beijing for the beginning of June? 1.月初(yuè chū) refers to the first few days of the month, typically from the 1st to the 5th or 6th. 月中(yuè zhōng) is for the middle of the month, roughly from the 14th to 16th or 17th. 月底(yuè dǐ) means the final days of the month, usually from the 27th or 28th. One can also say 年初(nián chū,beginning of the year)、年中(nián zhōng, middle of the year)、and 年底(nián dǐ, end of the year). The words 初(chū, beginning), 中(zhōng, middle), and 底(dǐ,end; bottom) usually compound with either 月(yuè) or 年(nián) and are never used with 星期(xīng qī) 单程 dān chéng one-way trip 我买的是单程票。 wǒ mǎi de shì dān chéng piào. I bought a one-way ticket. 往返 wǎng fǎn make a round trip; go there and back A: 您要买单程票还是往返票? nín yào mǎi dān chéng piào hái shì wǎng fǎn piào? One way or round trip? B: 我要买两张往返票。 wǒ yào mǎi liǎng zhāng wǎng fǎn piào. Two round trip tickets. 航空 háng kōng aviation 你想买哪家航空公司的票? nǐ xiǎng mǎi nǎ jiā háng kōng gōng sī de piào? Which airline ? 查 chá to check; to look into 请等等,我查一下。 qǐng děng děng, wǒ chá yí xia. Please wait a moment. Let me check. 你能帮我查一下吗? nǐ néng bāng wǒ chá yí xià ma? Can you check it for me? 航班 háng bān scheduled flight 好几家航空公司都有航班。 hǎo jǐ jiā háng kōng gōng sī dōu yǒu háng bān. Quite a few airlines fly there. 今天天气不好,好几个航班都延误了。 jīn tiān tiān qì bù hǎo, hǎo jǐ ge háng bān dōu yán wù le. The weather is bad today, and several flights have been delayed In Taiwan, people say 班机(bān jī) instead of 航班(háng bān) 千 qiān thousand 这件衣服要一千三百块。 zhè jiàn yī fu yào yì qiān sān bǎi kuài. This dress costs 1,300 yuan. 这张机票只要两千块。 zhè zhāng jī piào zhǐ yào liǎng qiān kuài. This ticket costs only two thousand yuan. 直飞 zhí fēi fly directly 你们有没有直飞新加坡的航班? nǐ men yǒu méi yǒu zhí fēi xīn jiā pō de háng bān? Do you have direct flights to Singapore? 我将为你预订直飞伦敦的航班。 wǒ jiāng wèi nǐ yù dìng zhí fēi lún dūn de háng bān. I will book a direct flight to London for you. 转机 zhuǎn jī change planes 我要从这里转机去俄罗斯。 wǒ yào cóng zhè lǐ zhuǎn jī qù é luó sī. I am here to transfer to Russia. 我不想买转机的票。 wǒ bù xiǎng mǎi zhuǎn jī de piào. I don't want to buy a transfer ticket. 打折 dǎ zhé to sell at a discount; to give a discount 这家航空公司正在打折,差不多一千四百六十,可是要转机。 zhè jiā háng kōng gōng sī zhèng zài dǎ zhé, chà bù duō yì qiān sì bǎi liù shí, kě shì yào zhuǎn jī. This airline is having a sale. About $1,460, but you have to change planes. The approach to describing a discount in Chinese is different from that in English. In English the emphasis is on the amount that is given as a discount, e.g., 10% off, 20% off, ect. In Chinese, however, the emphasis is on the proportion of the original price that is actually paid. Therefore, 九折(jiǔ zhé) means that the price is 90% of the original price; or 10% off; 七五折(qī wǔ zhé) means 75% of the original price; or 25% off;and 对折(duì zhé) 50% of the original price. Original price:$300 current price: $225 这件衣服打几折? 这件衣服打___折 225 300 =0.75 =75% (七五折) =25% off · 窗户 chuāng hu window 我们家的窗户很大。 wǒ men jiā de chuāng hu hěn dà. The windows in our house are large. 请把窗户打开。 qǐng bǎ chuāng hu dǎ kāi. Please open the window. kào to lean on; to lean against; to be next to 他靠在椅子上。 tā kào zài yǐ zi shang. He leaned on the chair. 他靠着窗户。 tā kào zhe chuāng hu. He leaned against the window. 走道 zǒu dào aisle 你们喜欢靠窗户的还是靠走道的? nǐ men xǐ huan kào chuāng hu de hái shì kào zǒu dào de? Do you prefer window or aisle seats ? 份 fèn (measure word for meal order, job) 来一份牛肉面。 lái yí fèn niú ròu miàn. Give me a beef noodle. 请给我一份鸭肉饭。 qǐng gěi wǒ yí fèn yā ròu fàn. Please give me a duck rice. 素餐 sù cān vegetarian meal 我朋友吃素,麻烦帮她订一份素餐。 wǒ péng you chī sù, má fan bāng tā dìng yí fèn sù cān. My friend is a vegetarian, Could you please order vegetarian meals for her. 你们这儿有素餐吗? nǐ men zhèr yǒu sù cān ma? Do you have vegetarian meals here? 租 zū to rent 你要租车吗? nǐ yào zū chē ma? Do you want to rent a car? 我想租一辆自行车。 wǒ xiǎng zū yí liàng zì xíng chē. I want to rent a bicycle. 旅馆 lǚ guǎn hotel A: 您在北京要订旅馆、租车吗? nín zài běi jīng yào dìng lǚ guǎn, zū chē ma? While in Beijing, do you need to make reservations for a hotel or car rental? B: 不用,谢谢。 bú yòng, xiè xiè. No, thank you. 中国国际航空公司 Zhōng guó guó jì háng kōng gōng sī Air China 中国国际航空公司(zhōng guó guó jì háng kōng gōng sī, literally,“China International Airlines”) is often shortened to 国航(guó háng) it`s known in English as Air China. 西北航空公司 xī běi háng kōng gōng sī Northwest Airlines 2. Question Pronouns as Indefinite References (Whoever, Whatever,ect.) A question pronoun repeated in two separate but related clauses of the same sentence forms the equivalent of the “question pronoun+-ever” expression in English. Its first occurrence refers to an indefinite person, object, time,place,ect. Its second occurrence then refers to that same person, object, time, place,ect. 1. 谁想去,谁就去。 shéi xiǎng qù, shéi jiù qù. Whoever wants to go can go. 2. Question Pronouns as Indefinite References (Whoever, Whatever,ect.) 1. 谁想去,谁就去。 shéi xiǎng qù, shéi jiù qù. Whoever wants to go can go. In the kind of sentence, sometimes the two occurrences of the question pronoun play the same grammatical role, i.e, both are subjects, as in (1); 2. Question Pronouns as Indefinite References (Whoever, Whatever,ect.) 2. 你吃什么,我就吃什么。 nǐ chī shén me, wǒ jiù chī shén me. I`ll have whatever you`re having. In the kind of sentence, sometimes the two occurrences of the question pronoun play the same grammatical role, both are objects, as in (2) 2. Question Pronouns as Indefinite References (Whoever, Whatever,ect.) 3. 哪双鞋便宜,就买哪双。 nǎ shuāng xié pián yí, jiù mǎi nǎ shuāng. Buy whichever pair of shoes is the cheapest. 2. Question Pronouns as Indefinite References (Whoever, Whatever,ect.) 4. Taxi Driver: 您想怎么走? nín xiǎng zěn me zǒu? Which way do you want to take? Passenger: 怎么近,怎么走。 zěn me jìn, zěn me zǒu. I`ll take whichever is the shortest distance. 2. Question Pronouns as Indefinite References (Whoever, Whatever,ect.) The adverb 就 often precedes the verb in the second clause, but not always, as shown in (5) and (6) below. 5. 哪儿安静,我住哪儿。 nǎr ān jìng, wǒ zhù nǎr. I`ll live wherever it`s quiet. 2. Question Pronouns as Indefinite References (Whoever, Whatever,ect.) The adverb 就 often precedes the verb in the second clause, but not always, as shown in (5) and (6) below. 6. A: 他找谁帮他搬家具? tā zhǎo shéi bāng tā bān jiā jù? Who is he going to ask to help him move his furniture? B: 谁身体棒,他找谁。 shéi shēn tǐ bàng, tā zhǎo shéi. He`ll ask whoever is strong. 3. Numbers over One Thousand Examples of large numbers: 12,345 (1`2345) 25,000 (2`5000) 340,876 (34`0876) 1,000,900,000 (10`0090`0000) 一万两千三百四十五 yí wàn liǎng qiān sān bǎi sì shí wǔ 两万五千 liǎng wàn wǔ qiān 三十四万零八百七十六 sān shí sì wàn líng bā bǎi qī shí liù 十亿零九十万 shí yì líng jiǔ shí wàn Practice: 1012,345 (101`2345) 37,001 (3`7001) 10,174 (1`0174) 1,309,400,050 (13`0940`0050) 1072(1072) 4. Comparative Sentences with 比(bǐ) In a sentence where 比(bǐ) is used, a numeral+measure word combination can be placed after the adjective to indicate the disparity. A+比(bǐ)+B+Adjective+Numeral+Measure Word+Noun 1. 我们班比你们班多四个学生。 Wǒ men bān bǐ nǐ men bān duō sì ge xué sheng. Our class is larger than yours by four students, 4. Comparative Sentences with 比(bǐ) In a sentence where 比(bǐ) is used, a numeral+measure word combination can be placed after the adjective to indicate the disparity. A+比(bǐ)+B+Adjective+Numeral+Measure Word+Noun 2. 这件衬衫比那件衬衫贵二十块钱。 zhè jiàn chèn shān bǐ nà jiàn chèn shān guì èr shí kuài qián. This shirt is twenty dollars more expensive than that shirt. 4. Comparative Sentences with 比(bǐ) In a sentence where 比(bǐ) is used, a numeral+measure word combination can be placed after the adjective to indicate the disparity. A+比(bǐ)+B+Adjective+Numeral+Measure Word+Noun 3. 我的房租比你的便宜五百块。 wǒ de fáng zū bǐ nǐ de pián yi wǔ bǎi kuài. My rent is five hundred dollars cheaper than yours. 4. Comparative Sentences with 比(bǐ) In a sentence where 比(bǐ) is used, a numeral+measure word combination can be placed after the adjective to indicate the disparity. A+比(bǐ)+B+Adjective+Numeral+Measure Word+Noun 4. 我表弟比我小三岁。 wǒ biǎo dì bǐ wǒ xiǎo sān suì. My cousin is three years younger than I. 4. 走(zǒu) basic meaning is “to walk”. Here 走(zǒu) means to leave or to depart. 哪一天走?(What are the dates for departure?) 5. 对了(duì le) is often used when one suddenly thinks of something. For instance, if a student is saying goodbye to his classmate, and all of a sudden it occurs to him that they need to study for a test the next day, he can say: 明天见。...对了,明天考试,别忘了复习。 míng tiān jiàn....duì le, míng tiān kǎo shì, bié wàng le fù xí. See you tomorrow.... Oh yes, we have a test tomorrow. Don`t forget to review.