The Eighteenth-Century Studies Links There are many useful and interesting eighteenth century studies links to be taken advantage of on the www. Here are some of them: – the official site of the British Society for Eighteenth–Century Studies. This society is devoted to all aspects of eighteenth-century cultural history, including history, art history, architecture, literature and culture. It has a section with other eighteenth century sites of its own. – the official site of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS), – access to all issues of the Eighteenth-Century Studies, the official journal of the ASECS, published by Johns Hopkins University since 1967. – site of the Center of Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Studies at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). – fairly extensive archive of eighteenth century literary works as well as pieces of modern criticism. Systematically listed in alphabetical order. – another remarkable archive with plenty of texts, both primary as well as secondary. – site of Norton Anthologies Students Resources On-line with audio readings, quiz tests as well as brief outlines of the relevant period’s social background. Great site to browse through! – site of Norton on-line archive