AJ52093 PRONUNCIATION VARIETIES OF AmE Fall 2019 This course has been created as part of the ‘Center for North American Studies’ project. Also on the elf: https://elf.phil.muni.cz/elf2/course/view.php?id=1110 Sessions: Fridays 0900-1030, L42 Facilitator: Kateřina Tomková, 2060@mail.muni.cz, office hours Mon 11-1130, Tue & Wed 0830-0930, Thu 1400-1500, Fri 08-0830. Compulsory listening: J.C.Wells – Accents of English F - in IS Study Materials Collins and Mees – Practical Phonetics and Phonology Ga - in IS Study Materials, with Gb - tapescripts YouTube: ‘The English Language in 24 Accents’ and sequel ‘The English Language In 30 Accents (Animated)’ ‘35 Accents in the English Language’ ‘21 Accents by Amy Walker’ ‘English Accents’ (Standard American, … ´Fun Tour of American Accents´ / Amy Walker ´How to Pronounce Can vs. Can´t – American English Accent´ (on Rachel´s English) recommended by Zuzana Alcnauerová: - American raising https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3OkXi5osfU - Struggling with str- on X-Factor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7a9ZdYY5WEA&feature=youtu.be - American voice coach doing British https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBXUXqf8FXk Pronunciation training videos on uložto recommended by D. Krásná - American accent training, password GA: http://uloz.to/xxytE2pE/american-accent-training-rar - Pronunciation workshop, Paul Gruber, pwGA: http://uloz.to/xA2gZEbB/pronunciation-workshop-rar Online sources - Speech Accents Archive: www.accent.gmu.browse-language - www.americanaccent.com - www.pronunciationworkshop.com - www.accurateenglish.com - www.world-english.org/listen-english-accents.htm - www.wisegeek.com/what-are-the-different-accents-and-dialects-in-american-english.htm - www.accentinstitute.com Recommended by Hana V.: - www.aschmann.net/AmEng - www.ling.upenn.edu - Lisa Mojsin´s accent reduction channel on youtube - www.englishcentral.com Literature: - Phonetics and sociolinguistic terminology - ‘Accents of English’ by J.C.Wells, chapters presented in class - ‘The Social Stratification of /r/ in New York City Department Stores’ and ‘Rules for Ritual Insults’, both by William Labov - ‘International English’ by Trudgill / Hannah, chapters presented in class - ‘Accent and Dialects for Stage and Screen’ by Paul Meier Requirements: - Progress tests, max. 10x4pts - Final test max. 50pts - Contributions up to 10pts (observations/recordings, presentations bringing a guest) Syllabus Sep. 27 Introduction. Literature. Terminology. Web sources. Trudgill’s chart. Sources of recordings and tapescripts. Creating one’s own accent. Two collections of errors. (North American project.) Revision: History of English and its spread, geography of the AmE area. TEST 1. Oct. 4 Phonetic terminology from Meier – game. Sociolinguistics of accents from J.C.Wells with American specifics.. H. Vrtalová´s project and resources Meier’s method and the IDEA site introduced Ewa Waniek-Klimczak’s presentation about World Englishes Accents in American Films General American and MidWest. TEST 2. Oct.. 11 Revision and exercises in General American. Irish impact. New York watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwC-gJy68gE Scarlett Johansson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdZ50qdbAjw If these knishes could talk Labov’s research see youtube: American English is Changing Fast (with William Labov) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aL0--f89Qds TEST 3. Oct. 18 Yiddish hear monologue http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=new+york+yiddish+accent Jew at a Restorant: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5V4zYe23QLg African American Vernacular English. TEST 4. Oct. 25 Canada see Jim Carey doing Canadian stereotypes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ic3xNfEP_o Downeast New England and South Boston. TEST 5. Nov. 1 – no class, Reading Week. Nov. 8 Southern U.S states and Deep South. TEST 6. Nov. 15 The Caribbean (West Indies): Jamaica, Trinidad, Guyana, Barbados, the Leewards, Bahamas. TEST 7. Nov. 22 Overseas varieties based on American English: (Singapore,) the Philippines, Hawaii. Second-language varieties influenced by AmE. TEST 8. Nov. 23 Revision activities, further presentations, visitors. TEST 9. Dec. 6 MOCK TEST in theory, accent classification and recognition. TEST 10. Dec. 13 Feedback of MOCK TEST. CREDIT TEST. Results available by Dec. 20, revisions of credit tests possible in January. Jan. 31, 2020, 1000: Exam colloquium.