Week 7 Graphs and Diagrams Key 27.1 shows / indicates / plots …….y / vertical …….x / horizontal…….key / legend ………..reached a peak ………decline / fall / drop …….. explained by the fact ……….. graphic 27.2. 2 a cross-section 3 columns run vertically, rows horizontally 4 a flowchart 5 four 6 next to each other 7 a key 8 a random sample 9 a) they cross each other; b) they run alongside each other with an equal interval between them 27.3 1 segments 2 plotting 3 peak 4 stages 5 intersect 6 Draw a line connecting the adjacent points. 7 decline 8 row 27.4 1 plummeted, incidence, risen 2 fell below 3 depreciates, mare tan halved 4 appreciate, soared 5 multiplied, fallen / decreased 6 exceeded 7 grew / rose, doubled 8 declining / falling Complete the verbs by adding vowels: 1. increase 2. rise 3. decrease 4. fall 5. shoot up 6. take off 7. plunge 8. slump 9. fluctuate 10. recover 11. pick up 12. stabilize 13. level off 14. remain steady 15. peak 16. hit a low 17. bottom out 18. grow 19.expand 20. shrink 21. decline Task 3 1. y axis 2. x axis 3. dropped 4. low point 5. continued to rise 6. fluctuated 7. levelled off 8. value 9. rising 10. value 11. decreased/dropped/fell Task 10 1 constitute 20%; 2 Science or Engineering; 3 percentages; 4 relatively; 5 Compared with; 6 majority…minority; 7 Medicine