nouns: common prefixes anti- (against, opposite to) arch- (supreme, most) auto- (self) bi- (two) bio- (of living things) co- (joint) counter- (against) dis- (the converse of) ex- (former) fore- (ahead, before) hyper- (extreme) in- (inside, the converse of) inter- (between, among) kilo- (thousand) mal- (bad) mega- (million, supreme) mini- (small) mis- (bad, wrong) mono- (one) neo- (new) non- (not) out- (outside, separate) poly- (many) pseudo- (false) re- (again) semi- (half) sub- (below) super- (more than, above) sur- (over and above) tele- (distant) tri- (three) ultra- (beyond) under- (below, too little) vice- (deputy)