8/15/2018 Disappearing Polymorphs Revisited WILEY Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English) Anaew Chem Int Ed Enal. 2015 Jun 8; 54(24): 6972-6993. Published online 2015 Jun 1. doi: 10.1002/anie.2Q1410356 PMCID: PMC4479028 PMID: 26031248 Disappearing Polymorphs Revisited Dr. Dejan-Kresimir Bucar. Dr. Robert W Lancaster, and Prof. Dr. Joel Bernstein Department of Chemistry, University College London, 20 Gordon Street, London WC1H 0AJ (United Kingdom) Faculty of Natural Sciences, New York University Abu Dhabi, P.O. Box 129188, Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) New York University Shanghai, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 200122 (China) Department of Chemistry, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, BeerSheva, 84120 (Israel) * E-mail: r.lancaster@ucl.ac.uk .d.bucar@ucl.ac.uk E-mail: voel@bau.ac.il .ioel.bernstein@nvu.edu Received 2014 Oct 22 Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. This article has been cited bv other articles in PMC. Nearly twenty years ago, Dunitz and Bernstein described a selection of intriguing cases of polymorphs that disappear. The inability to obtain a crystal form that has previously been prepared is indeed a frustrating and potentially serious problem for solid-state scientists. This Review discusses recent occurrences and examples of disappearing polymorphs (as well as the emergence of elusive crystal forms) to demonstrate the enduring relevance of this troublesome, but always captivating, phenomenon in solid-state research. A number of these instances have been central issues in patent litigations. This Review, therefore, also highlights the complex relationship between crystal chemistry and the law. Keywords: crystallization, drug formulation, nucleation, polymorphism, solid-state chemistry 1. Introduction_Goto: There is a continual and increasing demand for crystalline molecular materials with specific, fit-for- purpose physicochemical properties." Interest in polymorphism, crystallization, and (in industry) in 7 8 robust process development has surged over the last two decades,-, - as evidenced by the immense growth in knowledge concerning the design, preparation, and characterization of crystalline materials.-This expanding interest and demand for promising materials drives investigations of the solid form (i.e. o in polymorphs, solvates, hydrates, and amorphous materials) landscapes^, — of potentially relevant compounds, with the goal of identifying the optimally performing solid among them. A broad range of crystallization techniques is generally employed to search for the most stable crystal form in hundreds or (in some cases) thousands of experimental attempts.— New crystal forms can, however, emerge unexpectedly long after the carefully designed and executed screening experiments are completed. Such a sudden emergence of a new crystal form can be unsettling and problematic, especially in the late stages of a product development or even following launch, because the newly emerged form can exhibit different (possibly undesired) properties. Equally disruptive is the emergence Abstract Goto: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4479028/ 1/40 8/15/2018 Disappearing Polymorphs Revisited of a thermodynamically more-stable crystal form, in accord with Ostwald's Rule of Stages, concurrent with the disappearance of the less-stable known forms that signal a loss of control of the production process. While it may create roadblocks in the development process or even the marketed product of the solid form of a compound of interest, the consequences of the appearance of a new form are not necessarily negative. The serendipitous appearance of a new form may provide a substance with improved characteristics. Unfortunately, our current understanding of the mechanisms and processes involved in the nucleation and growth of crystals is still insufficient for precise control over the formation or disappearance of a polymorph (or any other crystal form).—, — Nearly twenty years ago, Dunitz and Bernstein presented an overview of the disappearing polymorph phenomenon— that has captivated and intrigued solid-state scientists since. In their review, Dunitz and Bernstein voiced their belief that crystal forms do not disappear permanently; on the contrary, once a solid form has been obtained, in principle it can always 15—18 be reproduced if the right experimental conditions are met.--In the same spirit as the earlier survey, this Review aims to discuss selected recent occurrences of disappearing polymorphs and of elusive crystal forms that have not only triggered the curiosity of researchers, but have also affected the business of pharmaceutical and health care companies. These examples illustrate how apparently stable polymorphs can suddenly disappear, and how elusive crystal forms can be prepared given the availability of conditions specifically designed to promote their formation. The uncontrolled loss of a crystal form can have serious consequences, and there is thus an urgent need to develop methods that provide absolute control over crystal nucleation and growth,—, — which is still an art, rather than a routine procedure.— In addition to citing examples of disappearing polymorphs from the literature and our own laboratories, the 1995 review dealt with a number of issues that are still the subjects of debate. There have also been a number of patent litigations in which the same issues have arisen and have been interpreted variously by the courts. We will deal initially with those aspects of the subject and follow with the descriptions of a number of recent cases of disappearing polymorphs (and other crystal forms), as well as further details on some of those previously cited. 2. Disappearing Polymorphs—The Concept and Misconceptions_Goto: One of us (J.B.) recently recounted the genesis of the 1995 review,— which was based on earlier cases in the laboratories of both Bernstein and Dunitz as well as additional examples we had encountered in the course of our involvement in the ranitidine hydrochloride litigations. In the twenty-year interim we have experienced numerous additional examples in which the phenomena described therein were either misinterpreted or misunderstood. Hence, we review some of those here. 2.1. The Concept As we described in the section of the 1995 review headed "Vanishing Polymorphs", a disappearing polymorph refers to a crystal form that has been prepared at least once and whose existence has been established experimentally by some observation or measurement. Subsequent attempts to prepare the same crystal form by the same procedure lead to a different crystal form, alone or together with the old one. If a mixture appears in the first instance, then very often in subsequent preparations the new form dominates and the old form is no longer obtained. The phase rule limits to one the number of stable crystal forms that may exist under a specific set of conditions. The old—"disappeared"—form is generally less stable than the new one under those specific conditions. In thermodynamic terms, it is metastable, although that does not necessarily imply that it would spontaneously convert into a more stable form; it only means that it is at a higher energy https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4479028/ 2/40 8/15/2018 Disappearing Polymorphs Revisited minimum than the most stable state. To invoke a familiar example: diamond is metastable with respect to graphite; nevertheless, as is widely advertised, "diamonds are forever". The fact that a crystal form once existed, but is now difficult to prepare by the same method that was previously used, does not mean that it is impossible to prepare again. It has not been relegated to the 21 "crystal form cemetery".— Every crystallization is a competition between kinetic and thermodynamic factors. As noted in the last sentence of the 1995 review, "it is always possible to obtain [the old form] again; it is only a matter of finding the right experimental conditions"—thermodynamic and kinetic. Recovering a crystal form that has disappeared may require considerable time and effort and invoke some inventive and creative chemistry. The examples given below will demonstrate the kinds of strategies that have been employed to recover crystal forms that have disappeared. 2.2. Seeds and Seeding The 1995 review also contains a section headed "Seeding". Intentional seeding is a well-known technique for inducing crystallization and is widely used, especially in the pharmaceutical industry. Unintentional seeding arises from the presence of small amounts—indeed, in principle one particle is sufficient—of the solid material that is present even as a contaminant. As we noted earlier, "Unintentional seeding is often invoked as an explanation of phenomena which are otherwise difficult to interpret. We shall argue in favor of this explanation, although there is no consensus about the size and range of activity ofsuch seeds, which have never actually been directly observed."— The situation this statement describes has led to considerable controversy, particularly in the framework of patent litigations involving crystal forms. That controversy very much represents the clash between the cultures of science and the law, and in light of that controversy it seems appropriate, indeed compelling, to put the phenomenon of unintentional seeding into a proper scientific perspective in this Review. Virtually every chemist has at some time attempted to crystallize a compound. Crystallization is perhaps the classic method of purification, and the technique is one of the first mentioned in purification methods in any undergraduate organic chemistry laboratory textbook. Practicing chemists soon learn, often simply by experience, that it is frequently very difficult to crystallize a newly synthesized substance, while subsequent crystallizations are considerably more facile. The situation was documented over half a century ago by Wiberg in his classic text "Laboratory Technique in Organic Chemistry" in the section entitled "Inducing Crystallization": "When a compound is prepared for the first time in a laboratory, it is often observed that it is relatively difficult to effect crystallization. However, once the compound has been obtained in the crystalline state, it is usually easy to effect crystallization, and it has been suggested that after initial crystallization crystal nuclei are present in 11 the laboratory and induce crystallization".— In the current context those nuclei are unintentional seeds. Many laymen are initially skeptical about a phenomenon caused by particles that cannot be seen, although very few would accept an invitation for a casual—and unprotected—visit to the pneumonia ward at their local hospital. The approximate limit of visual detection for the naked eye is a crystal that weighs approximately 10-6 g. We pointed out earlier that a speck of that size contains approximately 1016 molecules and while there are various estimates of the size of a critical nucleus that could act as a seed even the largest—a few million molecules——would mean that an invisible particle could contain up to 1010 of such unintentional seeds. Where do these microscopic particles come from? As noted elsewhere, depending on our location, the air contains a vast number of submicroscopic particles. For a normal urban environment there are approximately 106 airborne particles of 0.5 micrometer diameter or larger per cubic foot, the number being reduced by an order of magnitude in an uninhabited rural environment. A sitting individual https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4479028/ 3/40 8/15/2018 Disappearing Polymorphs Revisited generates roughly one million dust particles (>0.3 micrometer diameter) per minute (a visible particle is 24 usually >10 micrometers).— Clean rooms for various purposes (e.g. surgery, biological or pharmaceutical preparations, semiconductor fabrication) employ very sophisticated technology to remove these particles and to prevent subsequent contamination. Therefore, the possible presence of seeds of a newly formed polymorph in a laboratory, a manufacturing facility, or any location having been exposed to that form cannot be casually dismissed; indeed its presence would be hard to avoid. In his comprehensive monograph on crystallization, Mullin notes that, "Atmospheric dust frequently contains particles of the crystalline product itself, especially in industrial plants or in laboratories where quantities of the material have been handled......Once a certain crystalline form has been prepared in a laboratory or plant, the working atmosphere inevitably becomes contaminated with seeds of the particular material"— So much for the atmosphere. What about the crystallizing medium, usually a solution? The normal determination that dissolution has been completed is made by visual inspection. If the solution is clear to the human eye all the solute is assumed to be in solution. Mullin has also pointed out that "aqueous solutions as normally prepared in the laboratory may contain >10 solid particles per cm ......".— These can be impurities or particles of the solute that have not undergone complete dissolution, and can serve as seeds for the subsequent crystallization. The presence and influence of microscopic seeds and their influence on crystallization is thus well established. Nevertheless, it is difficult for many who lack practical laboratory experience to accept their existence. In the history of chemistry there have been many instances of inductive reasoning in understanding chemical phenomena. The existence of atoms was proposed and accepted for nearly two hundred years before an atom was actually "seen". Yet no chemist doubts the existence of atoms or the ability to make and break bonds between them. The presence and influence of seeds may be invoked to explain the disappearance of one crystal form at the expense of a new form. In such a case, the unintentional seeding by the new form may be quite aggressive, preventing the crystallization of the old form. However, there is no intrinsic reason why every system is influenced by such aggressive unintentional seeding. There are many known examples of multicrystalline materials in which the various forms can be prepared and maintained in the known presence of other forms. As for polymorphism in general, every system is unique and must be individually studied and characterized to understand how to prepare and characterize each form. 2.3. "Universal Seeding" The publicity surrounding some cases of aggressive unintentional seeding led to discussions, particularly in legal circles, of the alleged phenomenon of universal seeding—that is, in some cases of disappearing polymorphs, when the old form could not be made by the old process somehow, there was an implication that the entire universe must be seeded. To put the matter to rest it is important to quote a footnote from the 1995 review: "The claim for 'universal seeding', taken literally, is obviously absurd. After all, the universe is estimated to contain about a millimole ofstars, so one seed per star (per solar system)—not much—would need about 100 kg of the compound in question (M^WO)". A number of cases of aggressive seeding have attained considerable notoriety, and these will be described below. In instances where various locations at considerable distance have become "infected" with a new form within a relatively short time, it has been possible to trace the source of the seeding in successively affected locations. 3. Recent Instances of Disappearing Polymorphs and Elusive Crystal Forms Go to: This section describes several of the most (in)famous recent cases of disappearing polymorphs and other crystal forms. In addition, in relation to the sudden and unexpected disappearance of a well-https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4479028/ 4/40 8/15/2018 Disappearing Polymorphs Revisited known crystal form, we consider it particularly relevant to describe cases where elusive crystal forms, believed to be non-existent, were prepared. 3.1. Ranitidine Hydrochloride In the early 1970s, James Black at (then) Smith, Kline & French identified the histamine type 2 (H2) receptor and from the preparation of a series of H2-receptor antagonists developed the first antiulcer drug, cimetidine (Tagamet®), for which he won the 1988 Nobel Prize in Medicine. H2-receptor antagonists are among the miracle drugs of the 20th century. Prior to their introduction (and the subsequent entry of proton pumps) there were millions of sufferers of peptic ulcers worldwide with a significant number of fatalities; since their introduction, the surgical procedure for removing peptic ulcers has essentially been eliminated from the modern medical school curriculum. The dramatic success of cimetidine led to industry-wide efforts to develop additional H2-receptor antagonists. In 1977, Allen & Hanbury (then a part of Glaxo Group Research, now GSK) developed ranitidine and its hydrochloride (Figure la), for which a US patent was issued in 1978.— The preparation of the hydrochloride following the multistep synthesis of ranitidine base is given in "Example 32" of the patent (Figure 1 b). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4479028/ 5/40 8/15/2018 Disappearing Polymorphs Revisited a) ranitidine hydrochloride N N H H EXAMPLE 32 N-[2-[[[5-(Dimethylaniino)methyI-2-furaiiyi]methyl]thi-o3ethyl]-N'-methyl-2-nitro-l, 1-ethenediamine hydrochloride N-[2-[[£5- CK t caffe me benzoic acid b) (caf) (2FBA) seed (caf) (25diFBA) seed (caf)-(BA) predicted (caf)-(BA) observed vs. predicted Open in a separate window Figure 10 a) Molecular structure of caffeine (caf) and benzoic acid (BA). b) Cocrystals as heteronuclear seeds: cocrystals composed of caffeine (caf), 2-fluorobenzoic acid (2 FBA), and 2,5-difluorobenzoic acid (25 diFBA). c) Predicted lowest-energy crystal structure of (caf)-(BA). d) Overlay of the isomorphous lowest-energy predicted and obtained (caf)-(BA) cocrystal (red: predicted, blue: observed). The quest for the (caffeine)-(benzoic acid) cocrystal demonstrates the utility of CSP calculations in assessing the likelihood of cocrystal formation. At the same time, the study stresses that current cocrystal screening methods need to be improved to eliminate the occurrence of false negative results that could impede the development of functional multicomponent crystalline materials. This study highlights the gaps in our current understanding of the nucleation process of cocrystals and of how laboratory contaminants may affect the outcomes of crystallization experiments. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4479028/ 8/15/2018 Disappearing Polymorphs Revisited A related study recently demonstrated that seeding is indeed a practical method of crystallizing anticipated solids that are inaccessible at ambient conditions. Specifically, a monohydrate of the neurotransmitter y-aminobutyric acid was obtained at high pressure and subsequently recovered at ambient conditions at which its crystallization was unsuccessfully attempted in numerous trials. The high-pressure polymorph could then be consistently used to produce the elusive hydrate at ambient 10R conditions .-^ 4. Recovering Disappeared Polymorphs_Goto: As noted above, at any particular temperature and pressure, the Gibbs Phase Rule permits the existence of only one thermodynamically stable polymorph of a substance. However, kinetic stability allows the coexistence of more than one form. It is, therefore, possible in principle to prepare and maintain a number of crystal forms at ambient conditions without limitation. In many of the cases of disappearing polymorphs described above, the form that disappeared was the only one known until a new form appeared—often as a result of the same procedure that previously led to the now absent form. In most cases this means that among the known forms, the new form is the thermodynamically preferred, but not necessarily the most stable form under those conditions. Since the disappeared form had been prepared and characterized (often many times and over long periods of time), it must occupy its own definite region in phase space, even if it becomes very difficult to prepare it again. The almost inescapable conclusion from this situation is that the most practical strategy for recovering a disappearing polymorph is to employ kinetic crystallization methods rather than thermodynamic crystallization methods. The dominance of a new form is often also a result of aggressive seeding by that form, thus indicating that those seeds must be assiduously avoided to prepare the disappeared form. The following examples will demonstrate these principles. One of the first detailed studies of conformational polymorphism involved the study of dimorphic p,p'-dichlorobenzylideneaniline.—, — Both forms were grown from ethanol solutions. The metastable triclinic form initially crystallized as transparent needles with a 4 A long axis parallel to the needle axis. Cleaving the crystals perpendicular to the needle axis would induce a transformation to the orthorhombic form that could be detected by an increasing cloudiness of the crystal and a concomitant loss of single crystallinity. Over a relatively short period of time (i.e. a few weeks), as the amount of the orthorhombic form increased in the laboratory, it became increasingly difficult to obtain the triclinic form. The method that finally produced the triclinic form quite consistently (but not always!) was to prepare a maximally saturated solution in boiling ethanol (a beaker seemed to work better than an Erlenmeyer flask) and to immediately place the solution in a closed desiccator freshly charged with CaCl2 and minimizing the contact of the solution with the laboratory atmosphere that no doubt contained seeds of the orthorhombic form. This provided a kinetically biased crystallization, combining the high degree of supersaturation with the fairly rapid cooling and the desiccating power of the CaC^. While the triclinic form could be made quite consistently by this method, the eventual solid-to-solid transformation could not be prevented. We noted above the notion that a laboratory can become seeded with a stable form and render it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to prepare the metastable form in that same laboratory environment. Essentially two solutions are possible—but, again, not always successful—to this situation: 1) move to another laboratory (another distant geographical location may be required) or 2) thoroughly clean the laboratory. We describe an example of each of these solutions. In 1972, one of us (J.B.) prepared the dimethyl analogue of the dichlorobenzylideneaniline described above, and found the cell constants to be identical to those reported by Burgi et al. about four years previously.— When we were ready to carry out the crystal structure analysis a few months later the crystals had deteriorated, so the compound was recrystallized using the same ethanol solvent as the https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4479028/ 26/40 8/15/2018 Disappearing Polymorphs Revisited previous batch. This resulted in a new polymorph. Over the next two years, numerous syntheses and recrystallizations that followed failed to yield the original crystal form, although a third polymorph did appear. At that time we were moving into a new laboratory a few kilometers distant from the old one where the original experiments had been done. We hired a new student (by telephone) and instructed her to use newly purchased reagents and virgin glassware in the new lab. The original polymorph was prepared on her first attempt. The other option to attempt to recover a disappeared polymorph is to cleanse the laboratory of the culpable crystal form. Such a strategy was employed by Nielsen and Borka with benzocaine:picric 112 acid.— The material was used as a pharmacopeial standard in the 1960s. There is a higher melting (162-163 °C) form that was obtained from the lower melting (132 °C) form by drying the latter at 105 °C for at least one hour or by vacuum drying/sublimation. Once the higher melting form was obtained, the lower melting form could no longer be prepared. In the authors' words: "As a matter of curiosity, it ought to mentioned that once the stable modification was obtained, the metastable modification could no longer be isolated......It was found that after discarding all samples, washing the equipment and laboratory benches and waiting for 8-12 days, the low-melting modification could be isolated again. 112 This has now been repeated several times in our laboratories."— In 1999, we initiated a thorough reinvestigation of this system based very much on hot-stage microscopy,— and in addition to the two 1:1 complexes we confirmed an earlier reported 2:1 complex and a hydrate of a 1:1 complex.—, — In a set of carefully designed experiments we first prepared the low-melting 1:1 form from a saturated aqueous solution at 80 °C, since the hot-stage experiments indicated that the low-melting form is the stable one above this temperature. Thus, we avoided the presence of seeds of the high-melting form, which was subsequently prepared by a non-aqueous gel-diffusion crystallization with both components dissolved in a 3:1 CHC^CF^OH solvent mixture. The 2:1 complex was obtained over a period of four weeks from a 1:1 mixture in isopropyl alcohol. The 1:1 hydrate was obtained after 48 h from a saturated aqueous solution in a sealed virgin flask at 20 °C. The 1995 review described the joint experience (in Zurich and Beer Sheva) with /?'-methylchalcone. In the 1920s, the compound was investigated by Weygand for nearly ten years using thermomicroscopy and summarized in a 1929 review.— For many years it competed for the title of "world record holder" for the number of reported polymorphs (albeit lacking structure determinations) of a molecular compound with 13 forms. Weygand distinguished seven modifications (called "main forms") as monotropically related with a high probability. In our hands, in accord with the finding of Weygand, once the seeds of the most-stable highest melting form (m.p. 75 °C) are present in the laboratory it is virtually impossible to obtain any of the other forms by standard solution crystallization techniques. It is well known that the polymorphic form may be influenced by the reaction mixture, since the material is crystallizing from a different solution environment.—, — /?'-Methylchalcone^ is prepared by a simple condensation reaction, so that some synthetic conditions—at least the solvent and the temperature—may be readily varied. We carried out the base-catalyzed condensation reaction using the appropriate ketone and aldehyde under nine conditions (three solvents: methanol, ethanol, and 2-propanol; three temperatures: 20 °C, 4 °C, and -13 °C) and obtained five thermodynamically unstable forms directly from the reaction mixture.— As a consequence of their instability, they were not easy to handle or characterize, but we did obtain sufficient evidence to positively identify and distinguish them. In many of these cases of disappeared polymorphs, if the old form can be obtained, it often transforms to the new, and presumably thermodynamically more stable, form. That situation is by no means universal. For instance, in the case of ranitidine hydrochloride, in spite of the difficulty of preparing https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4479028/ 27/40 8/15/2018 Disappearing Polymorphs Revisited Form 1 in the presence of Form 2 seeds, the two forms can exist side by side essentially indefinitely, since there is no simple mechanism for the transformation between them. Recent studies have demonstrated the utility of engineered surfaces—, — and heteronuclear seeds—, 120 — in crystallizing specific polymorphs and discovering new ones. It is possible that such approaches could be utilized to recover polymorphs that had apparently "disappeared". The variety of circumstances and conditions for these examples demonstrates that each molecule and each multicrystal form is unique. Recognizing the phenomenon of disappearing polymorphs and learning to overcome and control it requires a combination of considerable skill on the part of the chemist with the acquisition of an intimate familiarity with and understanding of the crystal chemistry of the compound in question. 5. Outlook_Goto: It should be apparent from the content of this Review that the mere existence of polymorphs and polymorphic transformations is virtually impossible to predict, and that uncontrolled polymorphic conversions can have a severe impact on the development of molecular materials for potential APIs and speciality chemicals. Bearing in mind the advances made in understanding some of the vagaries associated with the solid state, it is sometimes difficult to comprehend why and how new polymorphs still emerge (while others disappear) long after crystal-form screens presumably have been completed. The point is that it can never be stated with certainty that the most stable form has been found; at best it can be determined which of the known forms is the most stable. As the evidence above clearly shows, a new (and most often more-stable) form can appear at any stage in the history of a compound (or life-cycle of a drug). Today we have access to highly sensitive analytical instruments and automated polymorph screening platforms. High-throughput salt and polymorph screens were "not on the radar" 30-40 years ago, and the whole ethos surrounding drug development was entirely different. In the experiences of one of the authors of this review (R.W.L.) polymorph screens were actually carried out in the past by default, but were not designated as such. During the course of research and development of an API, a large team of highly skilled chemists would fine-tune a process from an initial milligram scale synthesis through scale-up, on to the pilot plant, and ultimately into production. Within reason, time and resources were not the issue. In terms of the pharmaceutical industry, many drugs currently on the market and still highly profitable were developed and produced in this "classic" way. What has changed? The key differences affecting product development these days are the compressed time scales for drug development (surely at odds with the notion of kinetics and crystallization?) and far fewer skilled process chemists available to develop APIs in the manner described above. The onus today is on efficiency and taking advantage of technical developments that have appeared in the last decade or so. Advances have been made based on the chemistry of the particular compound in question, not least in the development of automated polymorph screening platforms themselves, but also in the increasing sensitivity and precision of automated analytical instrumentation, and in situ analysis and algorithms for pattern recognition (e.g. comparisons of diffraction patterns or Raman spectra). There is no standard strategy or foolproof recipe for the search for crystal forms. A combination of carefully designed manually performed crystallization experiments combined with automated high-throughput screens can reduce, but not totally eliminate the likelihood of unexpected polymorphic transformations if both highly pure and impure materials are used. All readily accessible "significant" byproducts obtained in the synthesis of a target compound should be considered for use as seeds and additives. There is a need to screen for possible polymorphic transformations under stressed conditions (e.g. extreme humidity, temperature, and pressure) to nurture confidence in the robustness of a product https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4479028/ 28/40 8/15/2018 Disappearing Polymorphs Revisited once it leaves the realm of a controlled laboratory space. Furthermore, the screens and solid-state studies should be considered throughout the lifetime of a drug or speciality chemical to allow for the potential materialization of solid phases that take considerable amounts of time to nucleate. CSP—, —, — methods are now becoming progressively more capable of guiding the search for new /r/r 191_197 crystal forms,—,--and should be considered in solid-form screening processes, along with knowledge-based hydrogen-bond propensity calculations,—- -3- whenever possible. Since CSP was recently also successfully utilized to determine the crystal structure of a sub-micrometer-sized 112 crystallite (present in picogram amounts) in a bulk consisting of a different polymorph,— it is viable that CSP could aid the structural characterizations of small molecular impurities that potentially act as crystal seeds for the formation of unanticipated crystal forms. Processes associated with drug and speciality chemical development have changed radically in the last decade or two. Skills associated with particle engineering, drug design, and even relatively "unfashionable" skills such as those concerned with filtration and drying have advanced dramatically. All of these process modifications involve perturbations that can potentially lead to new solid phases. Whilst advances in technologies associated with form screening, analytical instrumentation, and in silico approaches have come a long way, we are often forced to return to the question of the level of better understanding of the fundamentals associated with crystal nucleation and growth. Will some (or many) of us still "get surprised" by the vagaries of polymorphism and crystallization in 20 years' time —or will it be all sorted out by then? There are still many challenges and surprises in store. Addendum_Goto: In the final section of this Review, we will present excerpts from legal proceedings associated with the paroxetine hydrochloride case, with the aim of highlighting the complex relationship between science and the law. Although no scientific aspects of polymorphism are formally discussed, we describe some additional important aspects of the disappearing polymorph phenomenon. As previously described, the Paxil® (paroxetine hydrochloride) litigation (SmithKline Beecham versus Apotex) continued for nearly eight years before the US Supreme Court refused to hear the case. The issues of seeding and inherency, both intimately connected with disappearing polymorphs were central to the case. In a number of instances, the positions of the witnesses (as on record from trial testimony) or of the judge (from his opinion in the first instance) were not always precisely quoted or correctly interpreted in secondary publications. In the interest of informing the reader of how these issues can be interpreted and misinterpreted as well as of setting the record straight, we present some of that testimony and the way it was subsequently interpreted. Please note: one of us (J.B.) was a witness at trial on behalf of SmithKline Beecham. It will be recalled that Judge Posner found valid the patent for which the independent Claim 1 is simply "Crystalline paroxetine hydrochloride hemihydrate". However, he also found that Apotex would not be infringing that patent because they would not be marketing an anhydrate API with "high double-digit" percentages of the hemihydrate and would be gaining nothing from the quantities of the hemihydrate that he found would be in the Apotex product. In what follows we relate the events subsequent to Judge Posner's ruling and how that ruling and the decisions from the Federal Circuit (the venue for patent appeals) were interpreted by the trade press and perhaps some of the community not familiar with the details. With regard to seeding, there was undisputed evidence that Branford Chemicals (the Apotex subsidiary that actually manufactured the API) started their research on the compound with the hemihydrate, so that their facility was seeded with Form 1. Judge Posner found that there would be conversion of anhydrate into hemihydrate: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4479028/ 29/40 8/15/2018 Disappearing Polymorphs Revisited "Some conversion from anhydrate to hemihydrate is likely to occur in a seeded facility in which the anhydrate is exposed to air; BCI's plant is seeded; and the anhydrate manufactured there is exposed to non-dehumidified air before it leaves the plant. The evidence is sufficient to support an inference that BCIwill be making at least tiny amounts of the hemihydrate if it is permitted to manufacture the anhydrate." And Judge Posner then related to the amount of hemihydrate and the ability to detect it: "In sum, I am not persuaded that Apotex will produce an anhydrate that has sufficient hemihydrate to be detectable by the methods in use in 1985." 1985 was the date of the application for the patent on the hemihydrate, but it is unclear why he limited his analysis to 1985, as patent law does not limit the method of detection for infringement purposes to those available at the time of the invention, especially in this case where the claim simply recites "Crystalline paroxetine hydrochloride hemihydrate". As discussed above, the Federal Circuit ultimately reversed Judge Posner on his non-infringement determination, but ultimately held the claim invalid as inherently anticipated. In the course of the trial, Judge Posner asked counsel for SmithKline Beecham whether a single crystal of the hemihydrate in anhydrate API would infringe the patent. The response was that in principle yes (in accord with the formal reading of the patent law), but that the SmithKline Beecham case was built on a considerable body of evidence that many of Apotex's batches had converted and that, therefore, it was highly likely that subsequent batches would exhibit conversion—to an extent much greater than a single crystal and proven as detectable by methods available in 2003. On appeal, the Federal Circuit agreed with SmithKline Beecham's claim construction: "fNJothing in the '723 patent limits that structural compound to its commercial embodiments," and thus overturned Judge Posner on that issue. Moreover, the Federal Circuit found that Apotex would be infringing the Form 1 patent: "Thus, reading Claim 1 in the context of the intrinsic evidence, the conclusion is inescapable that the claim encompasses, without limitation, PHC [Paroxetine Hydrochloride] hemihydrate—a crystal form ofparoxetine hydrochloride that contains one molecule of bound water for every two molecules of paroxetine hydrochloride in the crystal structure." In other words, in principle, even a single crystal would infringe the patent. Thus, the Federal Circuit agreed with SmithKline Beecham that Apotex would infringe the patent. Upon appeal to the Federal Circuit, two of Apotex's arguments are relevant in the current context. First Apotex attacked the decision acknowledging conversion as clearly erroneous, and, second regarding seeding, they argued: "In sum, the district court's apparent fascination with the seeding theory led it to a finding that smacks of alchemy, not chemistry." At the time of the trial there was still a major misconception about the meaning of a "disappearing polymorph", as evidenced by the courtroom exchange: Question: "Okay. And, Dr. Bernstein, under your theory that once hemihydrate was made, seeds of the hemihydrate would contaminate any further paroxetine hydrochloride that was made, then anyone practicing the '196 Ferrosan patent in the United States would produce the hemihydrate after the HP23 and 24 batches [SmithKline Beecham's first batches of Form 1] were sent to the United States, correct?" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4479028/ 30/40 8/15/2018 Disappearing Polymorphs Revisited Answer: 'Wo that's not correct. That doesn't represent my point of view. As you pointed out earlier, the last sentence in my paper says once you have prepared it, you ought to be able to prepare it again. So, I am not saying that the anhydrate can't be prepared again. What I have said is that after the anhydrate is prepared, if there are—if there are seeds around and water, then it is highly likely that that will convert, and I think you have to make a clear distinction between the preparation and the conversion process. Those are two different processes. I never said it couldn't be prepared." In April 2004, the Federal Circuit reversed Judge Posner's ruling and found that "any amount of crystalline paroxetine hydrochloride hemihydrate without further limitation......will infringe Claim 1. " However, it found Claim 1 was invalid under a legal argument that the clinical trials that SmithKline Beecham had carried out constituted a "public use." The concurring appellate judge in that decision also expressed the view that Claim 1 was invalid because one crystal form converted into a more stable crystal form without human intervention, and was therefore a "naturally occurring process". However, the two other judges dismissed this view because the crystal compound was a synthetic, man-made compound, and thus is a "composition of matter" that is eligible for patent protection. This decision was appealed to the full court en banc (fifteen judges) in June 2004. The full Court reversed the "public use" issue and remanded the case back to the original panel. In April 2005, the panel again found the claim invalid, but this time on the grounds of inherent anticipation. "Because the record contains clear and convincing evidence that the production of PHC anhydrate in accordance with the '196 [original Ferrosan anhydrate] patent inherently results in at least trace amounts of PHC hemihydrate, this court holds that the '196 patent inherently anticipates Claim 1 of the '723 patent......" It will be recalled that in US legal terms inherency means invariably or inevitably. Hence, to reach such a conclusion the Federal Circuit would have to be convinced that Form 1 existed before the SmithKline Beecham inventors said they first detected it late in 1984. To examine the evidence for "at least trace amounts of PHC hemihydrate''' it is necessary to return to the trial transcript and Judge Posner's examination of experts from both sides on this question. The following is the related transcript excerpt of the dialogue between Judge Posner and SmithKline Beecham's expert: Question: "I have a few questions, Dr. Bernstein. You said on Friday that there was no hemihydrate before December, 1984. In fact, you said today that you are absolutely convinced there was none. I don't understand that. I take it you mean there was no detectable hemihydrate, don 'tyou? " Answer: "Well, your Honor, from the history subsequent to December '84, when there were locations in which there was definitely hemihydrate and there was water available, there was almost, there was a high, very high probability of conversion. So the fact that there was never any evidence of the hemihydrate prior to 1984 and no evidence of conversion prior to December of1984 indicates to me that it didn't exist, and it's a situation similar to what I described in the case in my own laboratory fin the 1995 review] r In fact, unchallenged data on accelerated stability tests of the anhydrate at 40 °C and 75 % relative humidity over a period of several months in 1982 had exhibited no evidence of any conversion into hemihydrate. Even Judge Posner summarized in his decision: "First, a batch of anhydrate manufactured by Ferrosan in 1980, though stored in a hot and humid place (the greater the heat—short of the melting point, of course—and the humidity, the likelier is conversion from the anhydrous to the hemihydrous form), had three years later still not converted to the hemihydrate form, suggesting that it had not been seeded and hence that there were no seeds as late https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4479028/ 31/40 8/15/2018 Disappearing Polymorphs Revisited as 1980. And [pilot plant batch] HP22, manufactured just weeks before HP23, contained no detectable hemihydrate, whereas HP23 was entirely hemihydrate." Judge Posner summarized the testimony of Terry Threlfall, Apotex's witness on this issue: "Dr. Terence Threlfall, Apotex's expert on polymorphism, testified to the contrary of Bernstein that anhydrous and hemihydrous forms ofparoxetine can coexist happily. There is support for this conjecture in SmithKline Beecham's own evidence, of which more later, that some ofApotex's anhydrous product contains small amounts of hemihydrate without conversion of the rest. In other words, as Threlfall testified, a mixture of anhydrate and hemihydrate can be an equilibrium, in which event the earliest batches of paroxetine manufactured by Ferrosan may have contained undetectable quantities of the hemihydrate. In light of this evidence, Dr. Bernstein's absolute certainty that hemihydrate did not exist before December 1984 is not tenable. No one knows when the hemihydrate form of paroxetine came into existence, although it is a reasonable inference that it did not exist in a detectable amount until then." The opinion that the hemihydrate did not exist before December 1984 may be untenable in Judge Posner's view, but there were absolutely no data or scientific evidence that it ever existed before. Moreover, in light of the later observations about the tendency for conversion and the total lack thereof in the 1980 batch strengthened that conviction. With regard to the existence or non-existence of crystal forms, it seems incontrovertible and contrary to the norms of scientific reasoning that one can not claim to have a crystal form for which there is—and up to a certain date has never been—absolutely no physical or chemical evidence for its existence. Especially in light of the results of the accelerated stability tests, the fact that after the date of its appearance some batches did not convert cannot serve as evidence that it existed prior to its actual positive discovery late in 1984. Furthermore, Judge Posner was discussing the situation after December 1984 in which it was likely that there were seeds of hemihydrate in locations where it have been prepared. The lack of conversion, even in the presence of seeds does not prove his point for the period prior to December 1984. Conversion depended on the amount of water (or humidity), temperature, and pressure. If the combination of those factors was not sufficient, conversion would not take place. In the 1980 accelerated stability tests on a number of samples, they almost certainly would have been sufficient. This Addendum and some of the legal examples cited in the text provide evidence for the complex relationship—"uneasy bedfellows" in one view—between science and the law, more specifically between the scientific method and scientific reasoning on the one hand and legal reasoning on the other hand. This dynamic relationship has been addressed in a number of monographs—-— and will no doubt continue to generate debate from practitioners and scholars of jurisprudence and scientists. For the scientific community, the standards have been well stated by Peter Huber in the closing paragraph of one of his treatises on the subject: "The best test we have of certainty is good science—the science ofpublication, replication, and verification, the science of consensus and peer review; the science of Newton, Galileo, and Gauss, Einstein, Feynman, Pasteur and Sabin; the science that has eradicated smallpox, polio, and tuberculosis; the science that has created antibiotics and vaccines. Or it is at least, the best test of certainly so far devised by the mind of man.,,±2A Acknowledgments_Goto: D.K.B. gratefully acknowledges University College London for funding and support. J.B. is grateful to Howard Levine for providing legal consultation and documents over many years. R.W.L. gratefully acknowledges his MSc and PhD supervisor, Prof. Norman Sheppard, FRS (who recently passed away) for many inspirational discussions and support. We are grateful to Dr. Doris Braun and Dr. Christoph https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4479028/ 32/40 8/15/2018 Disappearing Polymorphs Revisited G. Salzmann for their help with the German translation of this Review, and we thank Dr. Terry L. Threlfall for bringing the DMP 543 case to our attention. Biographical Information_Goto: Kreso Bucar obtained a BSc in chemistry with Dr. Ernest Mestrovic at the University of Zagreb, and a PhD in chemistry from the University ofIowa with Prof. Leonard R. MacGillivray. He then started his independent research career as a Royal Society Newton International Fellow at the University of Cambridge with Prof. William Jones. While in Cambridge, he was also a Bye-Fellow at Sidney Sussex College. He recently joined the Department of Chemistry at University College London as UCL Excellence Fellow. His research interests mainly concern molecular cocrystals and their applications. Biographical Information_Goto: Robert Lancaster joined Glaxo in 1969, studied part-time to obtain a Grad RIC degree. He gained exposure to the phenomenon ofpolymorphism in the mid-70s and completed his PhD at the University ofEastAnglia in 1986. He worked closely with process and pharmaceutical development scientists, specifically looking at issues surrounding all aspects of crystallization and polymorphism. He had some exposure to legal aspects of two high profile Glaxo (GSK) drugs. After retiring from GSK, he joined Prof. Sally Price's group at University College London on a part-time basis. Biographical Information_Goto: Joel Bernstein studied chemistry at Cornell University (BA 1962) and Yale University (PhD 1967). He was then a postdoctoral fellow with Ken Trueblood at UCLA and then with Gerhardt Schmidt at the https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4479028/ 33/40 8/15/2018 Disappearing Polymorphs Revisited Weizmann Institute. 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