aVLFY0422s Fyziologie II - seminář

Lékařská fakulta
jaro 2020
0/1.5/0. 22.5. 1 kr. Ukončení: z.
prof. PharmDr. Petr Babula, Ph.D. (cvičící)
doc. MUDr. Markéta Bébarová, Ph.D. (cvičící)
Xenie Budínská, Ph.D. (cvičící)
MUDr. Jan Novák, Ph.D. (cvičící)
prof. MUDr. Marie Nováková, Ph.D. (cvičící)
MUDr. Zuzana Nováková, Ph.D. (cvičící)
MUDr. Amir Samadian (cvičící)
MUDr. Tibor Stračina, Ph.D. (cvičící)
MUDr. Ivan Szadvári, Ph.D. (cvičící)
Peter Matejovič (pomocník)
Ing. Gabriela Řezníčková (pomocník)
MUDr. Vojtěch Svízela (pomocník)
Šárka Šmardová (pomocník)
prof. MUDr. Marie Nováková, Ph.D.
Fyziologický ústav – Teoretická pracoviště – Lékařská fakulta
Kontaktní osoba: MUDr. Zuzana Nováková, Ph.D.
Dodavatelské pracoviště: Fyziologický ústav – Teoretická pracoviště – Lékařská fakulta
Pá 17. 4. 11:00–12:40 B22/116 aula, Pá 24. 4. 11:00–12:40 B22/116 aula, Pá 15. 5. 11:00–12:40 B22/116 aula, Pá 22. 5. 11:00–12:40 B22/116 aula, Pá 29. 5. 11:00–12:40 B22/116 aula
  • Rozvrh seminárních/paralelních skupin:
aVLFY0422s/30: St 4. 3. 15:00–17:00 A20/208, St 18. 3. 15:00–17:00 A20/208, St 1. 4. 15:00–17:00 A20/208, St 15. 4. 15:00–17:00 A20/208, St 29. 4. 15:00–17:00 A20/208, St 13. 5. 15:00–17:00 A20/208
aVLFY0422s/31: St 4. 3. 13:00–15:00 A20/208, St 18. 3. 13:00–15:00 A20/208, St 1. 4. 13:00–15:00 A20/208, St 15. 4. 13:00–15:00 A20/208, St 29. 4. 13:00–15:00 A20/208, St 13. 5. 13:00–15:00 A20/208
aVLFY0422s/32: St 11. 3. 13:00–15:00 A20/207, St 25. 3. 13:00–15:00 A20/207, St 8. 4. 13:00–15:00 A20/207, St 22. 4. 13:00–15:00 A20/207, St 6. 5. 13:00–15:00 A20/207, St 20. 5. 13:00–15:00 A20/207
aVLFY0422s/33: Út 10. 3. 17:00–19:00 A20/208, Út 24. 3. 17:00–19:00 A20/208, Út 7. 4. 17:00–19:00 A20/208, Út 21. 4. 17:00–19:00 A20/208, Út 5. 5. 17:00–19:00 A20/208, Út 19. 5. 17:00–19:00 A20/208
aVLFY0422s/34: St 4. 3. 15:00–17:00 A20/207, St 18. 3. 15:00–17:00 A20/207, St 1. 4. 15:00–17:00 A20/207, St 15. 4. 15:00–17:00 A20/207, St 29. 4. 15:00–17:00 A20/207, St 13. 5. 15:00–17:00 A20/207
aVLFY0422s/35: Út 3. 3. 17:00–19:00 A20/208, Út 17. 3. 17:00–19:00 A20/208, Út 31. 3. 17:00–19:00 A20/208, Út 14. 4. 17:00–19:00 A20/208, Út 28. 4. 17:00–19:00 A20/208, Út 12. 5. 17:00–19:00 A20/208
aVLFY0422s/36: Po 9. 3. 16:00–18:00 A20/208, Po 23. 3. 16:00–18:00 A20/208, Po 6. 4. 16:00–18:00 A20/208, Po 20. 4. 16:00–18:00 A20/208, Po 4. 5. 16:00–18:00 A20/208, Po 18. 5. 16:00–18:00 A20/208
aVLFY0422s/37: Po 2. 3. 16:00–18:00 A20/208, Po 16. 3. 16:00–18:00 A20/208, Po 30. 3. 16:00–18:00 A20/208, Po 27. 4. 16:00–18:00 A20/208, Po 11. 5. 16:00–18:00 A20/208
aVLFY0422s/38: St 11. 3. 15:00–17:00 A20/207, St 25. 3. 15:00–17:00 A20/207, St 8. 4. 15:00–17:00 A20/207, St 22. 4. 15:00–17:00 A20/207, St 6. 5. 15:00–17:00 A20/207, St 20. 5. 15:00–17:00 A20/207
aVLFY0422s/39: St 11. 3. 13:00–15:00 A20/208, St 25. 3. 13:00–15:00 A20/208, St 8. 4. 13:00–15:00 A20/208, St 22. 4. 13:00–15:00 A20/208, St 6. 5. 13:00–15:00 A20/208, St 20. 5. 13:00–15:00 A20/208
aVLFY0321c Fyziologie I - cv. && aVLFY0321s Fyziologie I - sem.
Knowledge of medical biology and biophysics in the extent of subjects taught at Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University.
Omezení zápisu do předmětu
Předmět je určen pouze studentům mateřských oborů.
Mateřské obory/plány
Cíle předmětu
After finishing the course, students will be able to understand the terms used in general and systemic physiology of man. Students will acquire knowledge necessary for analysis and subsequent interpretation of phenomena taking place on cell, tissue and organ levels as well as on the level of whole human organism.
Výstupy z učení
Student will be able:
- to understand and interprete various functions of human body.
  • I. Ventilation of the lungs. Gas transport. Regulation of respiration. Assessment of respiratory functions. II. Body fluids. Renal blood flow. Renal functions. Glomerular filtration. Tubular processes. Countercurrent system. pH and its regulation by kidneys. III. Mechanical functions of GIT. GIT secretions. Co-ordination of GIT segments. IV. Cardiac conduction system and myocardial cellular electrophysiology. Action potential spreading through myocardium and its registration. ECG leads. ECG curve. ECG curve interpretation, arrhythmias. V. Heart as a muscle. Cardiac cycle. Polygraphy. Autoregulation of the heart. Coronary circulation. VI. Regulation and adaptation. Regulation and adaptation to exercise. Thermoregulation - the principles. Adaptation to heat or cold. Reactions to body posture changes. Reactions to bleeding.
    povinná literatura
  • BORON, Walter F. a Emile L. BOULPAEP. Medical physiology : a cellular and molecular approach. 1st ed. Philadelphia: Saunders, 2003, xiii, 1319. ISBN 0721632564. info
    doporučená literatura
  • HALL, John E. a Arthur C. GUYTON. Guyton and Hall textbook of medical physiology. 12th ed. Philadelphia, Pa.: Saunders/Elsevier, 2011, xix, 1091. ISBN 9781416045748. info
  • BARRETT, Kim E. Ganong's review of medical physiology. 23rd ed. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill, 2010, ix, 714. ISBN 9780071270663. info
  • SILBERNAGL, Stefan a Agamemnon DESPOPOULOS. Color atlas of physiology. 6th ed., completely rev. and. New York: Thieme, 2009, xiii, 441. ISBN 9783135450063. info
Výukové metody
Tuition is done in the form of seminar. Students should read the literature of particular area of physiology and eventually prepare their own presentation of the topic. During the seminars, students present the topics and intensify their knowledge in discussion with the teacher.
Metody hodnocení
The course-unit credit is conditioned by full attendance and 60% control of preparedness in the seminars (control test at the beginning of seminar - 6 and more points).
Vyučovací jazyk
Informace učitele
A list of all seminary topics is placed on notice board of Department of Physiology and in IS MUNI. Consultations are possible after personal arrangement with the teacher.
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