LC_ASESS Academic Skills in English Summer School

Celouniverzitní studia
jaro 2020
30 vyučovacích hodin. 0 kr. Ukončení: -.
Belinda Rachael Allan, M.Ed. (cvičící)
Daniel Gerrard, M.A. (cvičící)
Ailsa Marion Randall, M.A. (cvičící)
PhDr. Mgr. Libor Štěpánek, Ph.D. (cvičící)
PaedDr. Marta Holasová, Ph.D. (pomocník)
Mgr. Hana Kuzdasová (pomocník)
PhDr. Mgr. Libor Štěpánek, Ph.D.
Centrum jazykového vzdělávání
Kontaktní osoba: PaedDr. Marta Holasová, Ph.D.
Designed for: Teachers, lecturers and academics delivering their degree programmes to multi-cultural groups through the medium of English
who are in search of ways of improving their English proficiency
who want to gain more insight into English as a medium of instruction
who want to keep up to date with developments in academic skills in English
who want to think about developing materials for their courses in English
who want to reflect on and develop their teaching practice
Omezení zápisu do předmětu
Předmět je určen pouze studentům mateřských oborů.

Předmět si smí zapsat nejvýše 20 stud.
Momentální stav registrace a zápisu: zapsáno: 0/20, pouze zareg.: 0/20
Mateřské obory/plány
Cíle předmětu
The Academic Skills in English Summer School is designed for teachers, lecturers and academics delivering their degree programmes to multi-cultural groups through the medium of English. This Summer School offers training to professionals who are in search of ways of improving their English proficiency, who would like to gain more insight into English as a medium of instruction, develop materials for their courses in English and reflect on their teaching practice. The Summer School workshops include topics such as teaching in university programmes delivered through the medium of English, English for academic purposes, oral academic communication, academic writing, assessment skills, materials development and intercultural communication.
  • Teaching in university programmes delivered through the medium of English
  • English for academic purposes skills
  • Oral academic communication
  • Academic writing
  • Assessment skills
  • Materials development;
  • Intercultural communication
Vyučovací jazyk
Informace učitele
Interaktivní osnova:
Další komentáře
Studijní materiály
Předmět je vyučován každý semestr.
Poznámka k periodicitě výuky: Letní škola je určena pro akademiky a probíhá v rámci projektu MUNI 4.0.
Výuka probíhá blokově.
Předmět je zařazen také v obdobích jaro 2016, jaro 2017, jaro 2018, jaro 2019, jaro 2022.