MVV146K Europeanization of Administrative Procedures and Justice

Právnická fakulta
jaro 2014
0/1. 3 kr. Ukončení: k.
Dr. Polonca Kovač (cvičící), doc. JUDr. Soňa Skulová, Ph.D. (zástupce)
Mgr. Michal Matouš, Ph.D. (pomocník)
doc. JUDr. Jiří Valdhans, Ph.D.
Katedra mezinárodního a evropského práva – Právnická fakulta
Kontaktní osoba: Mgr. Věra Redrupová, B.A.
Dodavatelské pracoviště: Katedra mezinárodního a evropského práva – Právnická fakulta
Rozvrh seminárních/paralelních skupin
MVV146K/01: St 2. 4. 16:40–18:10 133, 18:15–19:45 133, Čt 3. 4. 16:40–18:10 215, 18:15–19:45 215, Pá 4. 4. 8:00–9:30 025, 9:35–11:05 025
Omezení zápisu do předmětu
Předmět je určen pouze studentům mateřských oborů.

Předmět si smí zapsat nejvýše 30 stud.
Momentální stav registrace a zápisu: zapsáno: 0/30, pouze zareg.: 0/30
Mateřské obory/plány
předmět má 31 mateřských oborů, zobrazit
Cíle předmětu
Objectives of the course are threefold; primarily to introduce students with basic concepts, fundamental principles and rules of good administration within administrative-legal relations between the authorities and public services users (citizens, business, etc.) as understood in the EU. Secondly, we aim to categorize Eastern European development of GAPA and supra- and national judicial review proceedings over legality of individual administrative acts within European trends in this area. Finally, there is a room to discuss selected concrete case studies from national and cross borders practice in order to assess their compliance with key field legislation and theory.

Students attending the course are supposed to express pre-knowledge of domestic legal and societal development and state of the art on the field, since the course is an advancing post-graduate knowledge and understanding. The learning outcomes expected are the following:
• understanding the importance of good administration doctrine in contemporary society and public administration, especially acknowledging post-socialist circumstances;
• critically evaluating current national, regional and European good and malpractices in line with EU ombudsman code of good administrative behavior and principles developed by Council of Europe, European Court of Human Rights and stipulated by the European Convention of Human Rights and the EU Charter;
• applying European principles of good administration in his/her own work.

Finally, the students will be able to actively contribute to Europeanization and its progress in own country and the region, and furthermore to continue studies in other EU states.
  • The course is divided into three thematic (sub) parts, to be delivered in 6 meetings:
  • 1. The notion of modern administrative procedures in the EU and its MS (generations of administrative procedures, General Administrative Procedures Act (GAPA) as a good governance tool, impact of internal market to MSs GAPAs, European acts applying principles for national public administrations, comparative insights into Europeanization of selected EE states, etc.);
  • 2. Principles of good administration in the EU (lawfulness, legitimate expectations and proportionality, impartiality and equality, participation and the right to be heard, right to information and transparency, reasoning of decisions and effective legal protection, decision-making within a reasonable time, res iudicata, etc.);
  • 3. Europeanization of Administrative Justice (Administrative Procedures and Administrative Justice Interplay, types and courts/tribunals of judicial review, tiers, length of proceedings, due process, etc.).
  • See the Reading list in the Teacher's Information.
Výukové metody
lectures, case studies, interactive discussion
Metody hodnocení
The completion of the course requires full attendance, active participation and passing of a written exam dedicated to the critical analysis of a selected case-study.
Vyučovací jazyk
Informace učitele
Literature and background reading (selected chapters):

1. Hofmann, H. C. H., Mihaescu, B. C.: The Relation between the Charter's Fundamental Rights and the Unwritten General Principles of EU Law: Good Administration as the Test Case, European Constitutional Law Review, No. 9/2013, 73–101
2. Kovač, P.: Ethics of officials in the context of (Slovene) good administration, NISPAcee j. public adm. policy, summer 2012, no. 1, 23-53
3. Nehl, H. P.: Principles of Administrative Procedure in EC Law, Oxford: Hart, 1999
4. Rose-Ackerman, S., Lindseth, P.L. (eds.): Comparative Administrative Law, Cheltenham, Northampton: Elgar, 2011
5. Rusch, W.: Citizens First, Modernization of the System of Administrative procedures in South-Eastern Europe, in: IPSA Conference,, Dubrovnik, 2013
6. Schwarze, J.: Judicial Review of European Administrative Procedure, Law and Contemporary Problems, 68/2004, 84–105
7. Statskontoret Principles of Good Administration in the MS of the European Union, 2005,
8. The European Code of Good Behaviour,
9. Wakefield, J.: The right to good administration, Alphen: Kluwer Law International, 2007
10. Woehrling, J.-M.: Judicial Control of Administrative Authorities in Europe: Toward a Common Model, in: Regional Workshop on Public Administration Reform and EU Integration, Budva, 2005
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