SumSci Summer Internships in laboratories of Faculty of Science

Přírodovědecká fakulta
jaro 2019
0/0/40. 20 kr. Doporučované ukončení: zk. Jiná možná ukončení: z.
doc. RNDr. Vít Gloser, Ph.D. (cvičící)
doc. Ivan Kushkevych, Ph.D. (cvičící)
prof. RNDr. Luděk Bláha, Ph.D.
Přírodovědecká fakulta
Kontaktní osoba: Mgr. Eva Beránková
Dodavatelské pracoviště: Přírodovědecká fakulta
Omezení zápisu do předmětu
Předmět je otevřen studentům libovolného oboru.
  • doc. RNDr. Vít Gloser, Ph.D. - Department of Experimental Biology
    Topic: Is plant response to drought affected by nitrogen supply?
    Drought is one of the most limiting factors of food production worldwide. Knowledge of processes behind plant response to decline of water availability and consequent regulation of plant water use is critically needed but still poor. Student will perform a cultivation experiment focused on interaction between water availability and nitrogen availability in soil and response of plants in selected traits. Student will learn how to conduct and evaluate experiments with plants in regulated conditions. Work experience will also include use of instruments for monitoring of plant and soil water status, destructive sampling of plant material and simple chemical analyses. The results of project will serve namely for identification of possible mechanism behind sensing of soil water availability by plants. Also some practical recommendations for fertilization of plants under limited water availability will also be prepared.

    1. Basic knowledge of plant cultivation

    2. Basic knowledge of data handling (e.g. calculations in spreadsheet, creation of simple graphs

    3. Some technical experience/skills may be advantage

    doc. Mgr. Ivan Kushkevych, Ph.D. - Department of Experimental Biology
    Topic: Intestinal Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria and Production of Hydrogen Sulfide
    Hydrogen sulfide is the final product of the process of dissimilatory sulfate reduction. The intensity of this process depends on the number of sulfate-reducing bacteria and the concentration of free sulfate in the intestine of humans and animals. At high concentrations, hydrogen sulfide is toxic for the intestinal mucosa of organism and for the intestinal flora. The aim of this work is the isolation and identification of novel strains of intestinal sulfate-reducing bacteria, determination and comparison of their ability to metabolize of sulfate and produce of hydrogen sulfide. It will also be investigated the metabolic-ability of sulfate-reducing bacteria to use different electron acceptors occurring in the intestine. It will be tested mechanisms for reducing the production of hydrogen sulfide in the sulfate-reducing bacteria by inhibiting the sulfate reduction process.

    Requirements: some experience work with microorganisms, experience in microbiological or molecular biological methods
Vyučovací jazyk
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Předmět je dovoleno ukončit i mimo zkouškové období.
Předmět je vyučován jednorázově.
Poznámka k periodicitě výuky: 28.5. - 20. 7. 2019.
Výuka probíhá blokově.
Poznámka k četnosti výuky: 28.5. - 20. 7. 2019.
Předmět je zařazen také v obdobích jaro 2018, jaro 2021, jaro 2023.