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Europe from the Visegrad Perspectives

Graduate Study Program



Information about study


Joint Master Programme in International Relations: Europe from the Visegrád Perspective is a graduate study program taught in cooperation of 4 universities. The Faculty of Social Studies of the Masaryk University, Brno cooperates here with the Faculty of International and Political Studies of the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Pécs and with the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Relations of Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica. The 2-year (4-semester) program is designed to provide students with the opportunity to experience the environment of all four schools. The first semester is organized in Krakow, the second semester in Brno, the third semester in Pécs and the fourth semester in Banská Bystrica; moreover, during the program, the lecturers from all of the four  universities have the possibility to hold guest lectures at the partner universities.

All the four semesters are devoted to coursework, but during the third semester the students already start writing of the thesis and in the last semester the Master thesis is finished and submitted. Coursework includes reading assignments, written assignments, class presentations and exams. All courses are taught in English. The language of assigned readings, exams and individual consultations is also English.

Courses are divided into two categories: compulsory and optional courses. Compulsory courses constitute the core of the program. All of them must be completed in the course of study. In addition, the programme offers optional courses. The number of optional courses taken must be such that the ECTS credit requirements for optional courses are fulfilled. Credits are awarded for successful completion of the courses.

The first semester of the programme (in Krakow) is focused on modern history and contemporary development of the international relations, the theory of international relations, present development in the area of international law and the working of international financial markets. At the same time detailed attention is devoted to cultural and social aspects of the current development in Europe and especially Central Europe. The optional courses also include the course which is devoted to Polish history and culture. Similar courses dealing with Czech, Hungarian and Slovak history, culture and language are also included among the optional courses in following semesters.

The second semester of the programme (in Brně) is focused on the deepening of knowledge of the history of formation of the state system in Europe with the emphasis on the process of political transformation in the Central and Eastern Europe. It includes the introduction to the theoretical concepts of governance with the emphasis on the perspective of multilevel governance in contemporary Europe. The selection and content of the compulsory courses should serve as a basis for acquiring good and sound knowledge, especially about the political systems of the states in Central and Eastern Europe, which corresponds with the overall thematic orientation of the programme. The faculty includes lecturers who combine political science approach with law, history, and economy which helps the student to connect comprehensive orientation in international relations with interdisciplinary perspective. Interdisciplinary approach is further developed in the set of optional courses that allow the student to shape his or her qualification according to own preference and interests

The third semester of the programme (in Pécs) is focused to even more detailed deepening of the knowledge about political culture and transition of political regimes in the region of Central and Eastern Europe, with the emphasis on V-4 countries. The emphasis is also on international political economy and economic transformation of V-4 countries. The problems of sustainable development are also included. In this semester the students begin to work on their Master theses.

The fourth semester (in Banská Bystrica) concludes the whole study programme. The curriculum is focused here on political systems of Visegrád countries with the emphasis on security aspects, geopolitics and the problems of internal security. Students submit the Master thesis in this semester.

The number of students in the program shall fit between 15 and 20. The smaller size of the class enables interactive mode of teaching and critical discussions of the assigned problems and literature. Active close interaction both within the class and with lecturers from all four universities and also among lecturers bolsters the further cooperation not only on the level of V-4 countries. The program is intended not only for the students coming from Visegrad countries. It aims to serve broader international community of students. This will increase the complexity of views presented during the courses, provide encounter of different students with different pre-graduate national background, and allows them enjoy the opportunity of multinational settings. It prepares the students for work in heterogeneous collective with different cultural and education background.

Spring Semester

Compulsory Courses

kód název garant vyučující ukon. rozsah kred. semestr prerekvizity poznámka
EUP413 Europe in Global Economy P. SuchýV. Hodulák, O. Krpec zk 1/1/08
VISn4001 European Governance and Multilevel Politics
nevypisuje se v daném semestru: podzim 2015 ]
P. KaniokP. Kaniok, V. Velička Zapletalová zk 1/1/08
VISn4002 Transformation of Central and Eastern Europe V. HloušekV. Hloušek zk 1/1/08

Optional Courses

kód název garant vyučující ukon. rozsah kred. semestr prerekvizity poznámka
EGO429 Politics of Euroscepticism V. HloušekP. Kaniok zk 1/16
ESSn4008 Academic Skills Review V. HavlíkV. Havlík, M. Jirušek, L. Lehotský zk 0/2/04 !ESS412 && !NOW(ESS412)
EUP406 Czech Politics P. SuchýM. Čejka, M. Mareš, J. Navrátil zk 1/1/06
EVSn5064 The Schengen Roadmap: adapting EU’s justice and home affairs to new challenges P. KaniokS. Lo Bianco zk 1/1/05 !EVS464 && !NOW(EVS464)
EVSn5065 Brexit: Politics, Policies and Processes
nevypisuje se v daném semestru: podzim 2015 ]
M. Brusenbauch MeislováM. Brusenbauch Meislová zk 1/1/05 !EVS465 && !NOW(EVS465)
MVZn5005 Managing Projects in an International Context
nevypisuje se v daném semestru: podzim 2015 ]
M. ChovančíkJ. Honková, T. MacRae zk 1/2/07 !MVZ505 && !NOW(MVZ505)
VISn5011 Comparative Politics of EU countries
nevypisuje se v daném semestru: podzim 2015 ]
V. HloušekV. Hloušek zk 1/1/08
VISn5013 Europe and Global Politics
nevypisuje se v daném semestru: podzim 2015 ]
O. KrpecP. Kuchyňková, P. Suchý, J. Urbanovská zk 1/1/06
EGO424 Europe and Global Politics V. HloušekH. Smekal, P. Suchý, J. Urbanovská zk 1/16
IREn5016 Comparative Politics of EU countries V. HloušekV. Hloušek zk 1/1/06 !EUP405 && !EGOn4005 && !EGO405 && !VISn5011 && !NOWANY(EUP405, EGOn4005, EGO405, VISn5011) && !EVSb1007 && !EVS102
MVZn5098 Negotiating in a globalized arena P. SuchýE. Adres z 2/0/05 !MVZ498 && !NOW(MVZ498)

Recommended Study Plan

The following study plan is meant to help students enrolled in the Joint Master Programme in International Relations: Europe from the Visegrád Perspective make effective choices of courses with a view of earning the required number of credits. It specifies the sequence of compulsory courses that is deemed to be the most effective study plan for students enrolled in the program. The sequence of optional courses is not specified.

The strategy is specified so as to ensure that students would have earned 120 credits at the end of the program (84 credits will be earned in compulsory courses and 36 credits in optional courses). In first semester (Krakow) students are expected to take eight compulsory courses (specified in the table below) and four optional courses are recommended. In the second semester (Brno) students take three compulsory courses (specified in the table below) and one or two optional courses are recommended. In the third semester (Pécs) students take four compulsory courses and one optional course is recommended. In the fourth semester (Banská Bystrica) students take four compulsory courses and two optional courses are recommended. At the end of the fourth semester, the public thesis defence and a state exam is held.

The number of optional courses for each semester is only a recommendation, students may choose another strategy how to distribute the number of optional courses during the academic year, with respect to the overall required number of credits for optional courses and the mininum required number of credits per academic year.

Should you have any questions, please, contact Petra Kuchyňková (kuchynko@fss.muni.cz).




Compulsory Courses

Optional Courses

1. (Kraków)

(30 ECTS)







International Relations since 1945

Current Developments in International Public Law

International Financial Markets

Theory of International Relations

Culture and Society in Contemporary Europe. Dilemmas of Identity and Pluralism

Some Central European Ideas that Have Mattered

Intellectual property. Legal standards and protection

Safety in workplace (BHP)


(12 ECTS)

2. (Brno)

(30 ECTS)




VISn4001 Introduction to Governance and Multilevel Politics

VISn4002 Transformation of Central and Eastern Europe

EUP413 Europe in Global Economy

1 - 2

(6 ECTS)

3. (Pécs)

(30 ECTS)





Political Culture in CEECs – with a special focus on Hungary

V4 in transition - focusing on the question of Hungarian democracy

International Political Economy – the V4 States and the Economic Transformation

Ecopolicy and sustainable development


(6 ECTS)

4. (Banská Bystrica)

(30 ECTS)





Political system of Visegrad countries

Geopolitics of V4 Countries

Economic integration of Europe

Europe and internal/external borders


(10 ECTS)