FF FNPOpH Portuguese Language and Literature
Name in Czech: Portugalský jazyk a literatura
master's full-time major, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF N-PO_ Portuguese Language and Literature

Introductory information / Instructions

POZOR: tato šablona má pouze orientační charakter – pro registraci a zápis předmětů je nutno použít aktuální registrační šablonu. Průchod studiem kontrolujte výhradně dle kontrolní šablony určené pro váš imatrikulační ročník.

Semester 1

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FF:PO2A011Portuguese Linguistics I I. Svobodovázk 2/0/05 Z P
FF:PO2A015Brazilian Literature S. Špánkovázk 2/1/15 Z P
FF:PO2B103Literary Translation 1 I. Svobodovázk 1/1/05 - PV
15 credits

Semester 2

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FF:PO2A012Portuguese linguistics 2 I. Svobodovázk 2/0/05 Z P
FF:PO2A014Practical Language Seminar 2 S. Špánkovázk 0/2/05 P P
FF:PO2A016Portuguese Literature S. Špánkovázk 2/1/15 Z P
FF:PO2B104Literary Translation Seminar 2 I. Svobodovázk 0/2/05 - PV
20 credits

Semester 3

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FF:PO2A001Masters Thesis Seminar I I. Svobodováz 0/2/015 P P
FF:PO2B105Literary Translation 3 I. Svobodovázk 0/2/05 - PV
20 credits

Semester 4

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FF:PO2A002Masters Thesis Seminar II I. Svobodováz 0/2/015 P P
FF:PO2A003Masters Thesis I. Svobodováz 0/0/0- P P
FF:PO2A004State Exam I. SvobodováSZk 0/0/0- - P
FF:PO2A017Final Written Test I. Svobodováz 0/0/0- P P
15 credits

Any semester

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FF:LJ601Latin for the Non-Latinists I T. Weissark 1/1/03 - V
FF:LJ602Latin for the Non-Latinists II T. Weissarzk 1/1/03 - V
FF:LJ603Latin for the Non-Latinists III T. Weissark 1/1/03 - V
FF:LJ604Latin for the Non-Latinists IV T. Weissarzk 1/1/03 - V
FF:PO2B101Translation Seminar I M. Baptista Nery Plchzk 0/2/05 - PV
FF:PO2B102Translation Seminar II M. Baptista Nery Plchzk 0/2/05 - PV
FF:PO2B106Literary Translation 4 I. Svobodovázk 0/2/05 - PV
FF:PO2B200Luzoafrican authors S. Špánkovázk 2/0/05 - PV
FF:PO2B201Novels by A. Lobo Antunes S. Špánkovázk 2/0/05 - PV
FF:PO2B202City in Portuguese Literature S. Špánkovázk 1/1/05 - PV
FF:PO2B203Portuguese Poetry B S. Špánkovázk 1/1/05 - PV
FF:PO2B204Reflexion of the colonial past in the portuguese literature and cinema M. Baptista Nery Plchzk 1/1/05 - PV
FF:PO2B205Portuguese Novel S. Špánkovázk 2/0/05 - PV
FF:PO2B206Portuguese Poetry B S. Špánkovázk 1/1/05 - PV
FF:PO2B207Reading Portuguese Literature 2 S. Špánkovázk 1/1/05 - PV
FF:PO2B208Portuguese Woman Authors S. Špánkovázk 1/1/05 - PV
FF:PO2B209Portuguese Culture and Civilization B V M. Baptista Nery Plchzk 2/0/05 - PV
FF:PO2B210Literary Amazonia E. Batličkovázk 0/0/05 - PV
FF:PO2B302Themes of Portuguese Linguistics 2 I. Svobodovázk 1/1/05 - PV
FF:PO2B303Lectures of language I. Svobodovázk 0/0/05 - PV
FF:PO2B304Lectures of language 2 I. Svobodovázk 0/0/05 - PV
FF:PO2B305Academic practice I. Svobodovázk 0/0/05 - PV
FF:PO2B306Project-learning I. Svobodovázk 0/0/25 - PV
FF:PO2B307MOOC - Academic Portuguese-Mgr I. Svobodováz 0/0/2 6-týdenní kurz online s certifikovaným ukončením.5 - PV
FF:PO2C001BLENDED INTENSIVE PROGRAM I. Svobodováz 25/25/03 - V
FF:PRZA004Technical and practical aspects of translation A. Urválekk 0/2/03 - V
FF:PRZA006Correct writing for translators I. Buzekzk 0/2/03 - V
FF:PRZA008Technical and practical aspects of translation A. Urválekk 0/2/03 - V
FF:ROM0B127Practical training in a lexicography P. Dytrtk 0/0/18 18 hodin za týden.5 - PV
FF:ROM2B101Introduction to Vulgar Latin P. Diviziazk 1/1/03 - V
FF:ROMU2A001Language phenomena - culture and literature for teachers P. Dytrtz 2/2/0 Kombinovaná forma studia: 14 hodin za semestr.3 - V
FF:ROMU2A002IT in foreign language teaching P. Dytrtz 0/2/2 Kombinovaná forma studia: 14 hodin za semestr.3 - V
FF:ROMU2A003Language exams and proofing M. Maláz 0/2/2 Kombinovaná forma studia: 14 hodin za semestr.3 - V
141 credits