ESF NFINA01 Finance
Name in Czech: Finance
master's full-time single-subject, language of instruction: English English
Included in the programme: ESF N-FINA Finance

Semester 1

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
ESF:BPE_INECIntroduction to Econometrics D. Němeczk 1/2/06 - V
ESF:BPH_MAACManagerial accounting E. Švandovázk 2/2/06 - P
ESF:MPE_ACMISeminar in microeconomics O. Krčálz 0/2/05 P P
ESF:MPE_AMI2Microeconomics 2 O. Krčálzk 2/0/04 Z P
ESF:MPF_AACCInternational Accounting E. Horvátovázk 2/1/05 Z P
ESF:MPF_AFIIFinancial investments A. Araneda Barahonazk 2/2/06 P P
ESF:MPJ_PJPSFSPresentation Skills for Foreign Students E. Punčochářovázk 0/2/04 - P
36 credits

Semester 2

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
ESF:MPE_ACMASeminar in macroeconomics J. Čapekz 0/2/05 P P
ESF:MPE_AMA2Macroeconomics 2 J. Čapekzk 2/0/04 Z P
ESF:MPE_ECNMEconometrics D. Němeczk 2/2/08 - V
ESF:MPF_ADTHDiploma thesis assignment E. Vávrováz 0/0/03 P P
ESF:MPF_AFAPCorporate Finance T. Výrostzk 2/2/06 Z P
ESF:MPF_APOTPortfolio Theory A. Rigamontizk 2/2/06 P P
ESF:MPF_ATAXTaxation P. Valouchzk 2/2/06 P P
ESF:MPF_STPAFinancial Derivatives T. Plíhalzk 2/2/06 P P
ESF:MPV_ACADAcademic writing M. Guziz 0/2/04 - P
48 credits

Semester 3

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
ESF:MPF_AAUDAuditing P. Valouchzk 1/1/04 P P
ESF:MPF_ADS1Diploma seminar 1 E. Vávrováz 0/2/012 P P
ESF:MPF_AIFIInternational Finance M. Moravcovázk 2/1/05 P P
ESF:MPF_AIIFAI in Finance Š. Lyócsazk 2/2/06 - V
ESF:MPF_APFEApplied Financial Econometrics A. Araneda Barahonazk 2/2/06 - V
ESF:MPF_ASANSecurity Analysis Š. Lyócsazk 2/2/06 Z P
39 credits

Semester 4

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
ESF:MPF_ADS2Diploma seminar 2 E. Vávrováz 0/2/012 P P
12 credits