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Curriculum vitae

  • Markéta Kulhánková, born 25. 5. 1976 in Brno, Czech Republic
  • Department of Art History, Centre for Early Medieval Stdudies
Current position
  • Associate Professor
Education and academic qualifications
  • 2017: Assoc. Prof. in Classical Philology
  • 2008: Ph.D. in Greek Language and Literature (Ph.D. thesis: Byzantine Begging Poetry in its Literary-Historical Context)
  • 2005: Mgr. (= M.A.) in Modern Greek Language and Literature – Classical Greek Language and Literature
  • 2000: Mgr. (= M.A.) in Latin Language and Literature – Czech Language and Literature
Professional experience
  • 3/2022-: Czech Academy of Sciences: Institute of Slavonic Studies
  • 3/2022-: Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Art History, Centre for Early Medieval Stdudies
  • 2007-2/2022: Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Classics
  • Byzantine and Early Modern Greek Literature, Theory of Literature, Reception of Byzantium in the Modern Culture, Modern Greek Grammar
  • Poetry of the 12th century, Byzantine vernacular literature, early Byzantine narrative
Professional stays abroad
  • 2022 (June-August): Dumbarton Oaks Research Library, Washington, D.C., Summer fellowship
  • 2020 (July–August): Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies, Princeton University, Summer fellowship – cancelled due to the pandemic
  • 2019–2022: British School at Athens: membership and short-termed research stays
  • 2019, 2011: one-month research stays at the University of Vienna (Aktion programme)
  • 2017 (September–December): researcher in the Text and Narrative in Byzantium project, Uppsala University
  • 2016 (June-August): Dumbarton Oaks Research Library, Washington, D.C., Summer fellowship
  • 2009–: teaching stays - Erasmus+: Athens (2019), Cyprus (2017), Katowice (2016), Ioannina (2014), Cracow (2011), Bucharest (2010), Bratislava (2009)
  • 2007: Institut für Byzantinistik und Neogräzistik, Universität Wien, research stay, 5 months 2006: Department of Byzantine Studies and Folk Lore, National Unviversity of Athens, research stay, 5 months
Research projects, grants
  • 2023-2025: Cherchez la femme. Female Characters in Late Byzantine Literature (Czech Science Foundation, PI)
  • 2019-2022: A narratological Commentary on Digenis Akritis (Czech Science Foundation, PI)
  • 2018: Innovation of the course Greek Literature of the Middle Ages and Modern Period (Internal project of the Masaryk University: MU Development fund)
  • 2017: A course on the reception of Byzantium in the European culture from the 19th century onwards (Internal project of the Masaryk University: MU Development fund)
  • 2017: Internal project of the Masaryk University (MU Development fund): A translation of the Byzantine epos Digenis Akritis
  • 2012–2014: Early Byzantine Narratives in the Mirror of Modern Literary Theory (Czech Science Foundation, PI)
Other academic activities
  • 2018-2021: Guarantor of the study programmes Modern Greek Language and Literature (M.A.) and Greek Studies (Ph.D.)
  • Supervision of theses (36 BA, 12 MA, 1 PhD) + 3 PhD in preparation
  • 2015–2021: member of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Arts
  • 2021–2021: member of the Academic Senate of the Masaryk University
  • 2022-2025: member of the international advisory board of the research project “Spaces That Matter: Enclosed and Secluded Places in Early and Middle Byzantine Hagiography” (Austrian Academy of Sciences, FWF)
  • 2021–2023: member of the international advisory board of the 7th European Congress of Modern Greek Studies (Vienna 2023)
  • 2020–: member of the international advisory board of the Classica Cracoviensia journal
  • 2014–2021: editor of the Neograeca Bohemica journal
  • 2013–: member of the advisory board of the Byzantinoslavica journal
  • 2008–: member of the Czech Commitee for Byzantine Studies (2022- head)
  • 2002–2021: member (2013–2017 head) of the Czech Society for Modern Greek Studies
Selected recent presentations
  • Organization of workshops and conferences
  • 2021 (September): Motifs, Influences, and Narrative Strategies in the Epics of the Medieval East and West, Swedish Research Institute, Istanbul (with O. Cikán)
  • 2018 (September): Byzantium and the Modern Imagination, Brno (with P. Marciniak)
  • 2014 (November): Diegesis in Greek Literature of Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages, Brno
  • 2010 (September): Literary Crossroads, Brno (s I. Radovou)
  • *
  • Presentations (last 5 years - selection)
  • November 2023: Spaces Make Saints. Experiencing Confinement in Byzantine Hagiography, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna.
  • September 2023: 7th European Congress of Modern Gree Studies, Vienna.
  • April 2023: Liminal Spaces in Byzantium and Beyond. Perceptions, performativity, placemaking. Swedish Institute in Athens.
  • September 2022: 6th International Conference on the Ancient Novel, Ghent
  • August 2022: 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Benátky a Padova
  • February 2022: Poetry in Late Byzantium, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
  • September 2021: Motifs, Influences, and Narrative Strategies in the Epics of the Medieval East and West, Swedish Research Institute, Istanbul (organizer)
  • December 2020: International Workshop Storyworlds in Collections, University of Cyprus (online)
  • July 2019: International Medieval Congress Leeds
  • July 2019: 15th Congress of the Fédération internationale des associations d'études classiques and the Classical Association annual conference 2019, London
  • February 2019: Holiness on the Move. Travelling Saints in Byzantium. An International Workshop, Newcastle University
  • October 2018: 6th European Congress of Modern Greek Studies, Lund
  • September 2018: From Homer to Hatzi-Yavrouda – Aspects of oral narration in the Greek tradition, Danish School at Athens
  • September 2018: Byzantium and the Modern Imagination, Brno (co-organizer)
  • June 2018: Byzantine poetry in the Long Twelfth Century, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
  • November 2017: God, the Saint and the text: Hagiographical studies as an interdisciplinary field. Hagiography workshop, Oslo
Major publications
  • KULHÁNKOVÁ, Markéta. “I went aboard a ship and reached Byzantium”: The Motif of Travel in Edifying Stories. In Mihail Mitrea. Holiness on the Move: Mobility and Space in Byzantine Hagiography. New York: Routledge, 2023, p. 90-102. ISBN 978-1-032-29079-9. Available from: URL info
  • KULHÁNKOVÁ, Markéta. Character Types and Characterization in Byzantine Edifying Stories. In De Temmerman, Koen; Van Pelt, Julie; Staat, Klazina. Constructing Saints in Greek and Latin Hagiography : Heroes and Heroines in Late Antique and Medieval Narrative. Turnhout: Brepols, 2023, p. 123-139. Fabulae 2. ISBN 978-2-503-60282-0. Available from: URL info
  • KULHÁNKOVÁ, Markéta and Przemysław MARCINIAK. Byzantium in the Popular Imagination. The Modern Reception of the Byzantine Empire. London: I.B. Tauris, Bloombsbury Publishing, 2023. ISBN 978-0-7556-0728-0. URL info
  • KULHÁNKOVÁ, Markéta. 'Beware of Greeks Bearing Gifts': Byzantium in Czech Historical Fiction. In M. Kulhánková - P. Marciniak. Byzantium in the Popular Imagination. The Modern Reception of the Byzantine Empire. London: I.B. Tauris, Bloombsbury Publishing, 2023, p. 193-206, 19 pp. ISBN 978-0-7556-0728-0. URL info
  • DZURILLOVÁ, Zuzana and Markéta KULHÁNKOVÁ. The Historical Present in the Grottaferrata and Escorial Versions of Digenis Akritis : A Narratological Insight. Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies. 2022, vol. 62, No 3, p. 365-384. ISSN 0017-3916. URL info
  • KULHÁNKOVÁ, Markéta. "For Old Men Too Can Play, Albeit More Wisely So" : The Game of Discourses in the Ptochoprodromika. In Marciniak, Przemyslaw; Nilsson, Ingela. Satire in the Middle Byzantine Period. The Golden Age of Laughter? Leiden: Brill, 2021, p. 304-323. Explorations in Medieval Culture, vol. 12. ISBN 978-90-04-43438-7. Available from: URL info
  • KULHÁNKOVÁ, Markéta. Narrative coherence in Digenes Akrites (G). Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021, vol. 45, No 2, p. 184-198. ISSN 0307-0131. Available from: URL info
  • TICHÁ, Pavla and Markéta KULHÁNKOVÁ. Vatican Hill in the Time of Conversion : The Phrygianum Neighboring Old Saint Peter’s. CONVIVIUM-EXCHANGES AND INTERACTIONS IN THE ARTS OF MEDIEVAL EUROPE BYZANTIUM AND THE MEDITERRANEAN. 2021, vol. 8, Supplementum 3, p. 42-61. ISSN 2336-3452. Available from: URL info
  • CIKÁN, Ondřej and Markéta KULHÁNKOVÁ. Die Welt des Digenes Akrites : Zu den Eigennamen in der Grottaferrata-Version unter Berücksichtigung historischer Schichten und literarischer Assoziationsmöglichkeiten (The world of Digenes Akrites: On the proper nouns in the Grottaferrata version, considering historical layers and literary possibilities of association). BYZANTINOSLAVICA-REVUE INTERNATIONALE DES ETUDES BYZANTINES. Euroslavica, 2020, vol. 78, 1-2, p. 240-261. ISSN 0007-7712. URL info
  • KULHÁNKOVÁ, Markéta and Uffe HOLMSGAARD ERIKSEN. Byzantinistik / Byzantine Studies. In Eva von Contzen - Stephan Tilg. Handbuch Historische Narratologie. Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, 2019, p. 307-309. ISBN 978-3-476-04713-7. Available from: URL info
  • KULHÁNKOVÁ, Markéta. "Oi eikones sta ktiria kai oi mnimes stis kardies" : treis opseis tis eikonomachikis epochis sti neoelliniki afigimatiki logotechnia ("Images in buildings and memories in hearts" : three methods for depicting Byzantine iconoclasm in Modern Greek narrative fiction). Neograeca Bohemica. Brno: Česká společnost novořeckých studií, z. s., 2019, vol. 19, No 1, p. 9-23. ISSN 1803-6414. Digitální knihovna FF MU info
  • KULHÁNKOVÁ, Markéta and Ondřej CIKÁN. Digenis Akritis : Byzantský epos o Dvojrodém Hraničáři. (Digenis Akritis : A Byzantine epic poem about the Two-Blood Border Lord). 1st ed. Červený Kostelec: Mervart, Pavel, 2018, 214 pp. Byzantská knihovna, sv. 5. ISBN 978-80-7465-342-1. URL info
  • KULHÁNKOVÁ, Markéta. Scenic narration in the Daniel Sketiotes Dossier of spiritually beneficial tales. Scandinavian Journal for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies. 2017, vol. 3, No 1, p. 61-79. ISSN 2002-0007. URL info
  • KULHÁNKOVÁ, Markéta and Ondřej CIKÁN. K novému českému překladu byzantské epické básně Digenis Akritis (Towards a New Czech Translation of the Byzantine Poem Digenis Akritis). Neograeca Bohemica. Česká společnost novořeckých studií o.s., 2017, vol. 17, No 2017, p. 63-85. ISSN 1803-6414. URL info
  • KULHÁNKOVÁ, Markéta and Simone SUMELIDU. Úvod do studia novořečtiny (Introduction to the Modern Greek Studies). 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015, 138 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-7840-6. URL info
  • KULHÁNKOVÁ, Markéta. Das gottgefällige Abenteuer. Eine narratologische Analyse der byzantinischen erbaulichen Erzählungen (The Godly Adventure. A Narratological Analysis of Byzantine Spiritually Beneficial Tales). Červený Kostelec: Pavel Mervart, 2015, 170 pp. Pro Oriente : dědictví křesťanského Východu ; band 31. ISBN 978-80-7465-175-5. info
  • KULHÁNKOVÁ, Markéta. Zwischen Wüste und Welt: die Konstruktion des Raumes in den byzantinischen erbaulichen Erzählungen (Between the Desert and the Secular World: Contruction of Space in Byzantine Edifying Stories). Byzantinische Zeitschrift. München: De Gruyter, 2015, vol. 108, No 2, p. 715-733. ISSN 0007-7704. Available from: info
  • KULHÁNKOVÁ, Markéta. Obrácení nevěstky Marie a jiné příběhy : byzantská vyprávění prospěšná pro duši (Conversion of Mary the Harlot and Other Stories : Byzantine Spiritually Beneficial Tales). 1st ed. Červený Kostelec: Pavel Mervart, 2014, 181 pp. Byzantská knihovna ; sv. 3. ISBN 978-80-7465-094-9. info
  • KULHÁNKOVÁ, Markéta. To amyalo jiras sti vyzantini kai proimi neoelliniki logotechnia (The Folly of Old Age in Byzantine and Early Modern Greek literature). Neograeca Bohemica. Brno: Česká společnost novořeckých studií, 2014, vol. 14, No 1, p. 41-49. ISSN 1803-6414. URL info
  • KULHÁNKOVÁ, Markéta. Der bestrafte Mönch. Ein erster Einblick in die Analyse der Erzähltechnik in den byzantinischen erbaulichen Diegeseis (The Punished Monk: First Insight into the Narratological Analysis of Byzantine Edifying Stories). Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik. Wien: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2014, vol. 64, No 1, p. 139-153. ISSN 0378-8660. info
  • KULHÁNKOVÁ, Markéta. Karagiozis mezi osmanskou mahallou a řeckým předměstím (Karagiozis between Ottoman Mahalla and the Greek suburb). Divadelní revue. Praha: Institut umění - Divadelní ústav, 2012, roč. 23, č. 1, p. 46-59. ISSN 0862-5409. info
  • KULHÁNKOVÁ, Markéta. Das Eindringen der Volkssprache in die byzantinische Literatur als eines der Elemente der asteiotes (Spreading of vernacular language into Byzantine literature as one of elements of asteiotes). Frühmittelalterliche Studien : Jahrbuch des Instituts für Frühmittelalterforschung der Universität Münster. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co., 2012, roč. 45, č. 1, p. 233-243. ISSN 0071-9706. info
  • KULHÁNKOVÁ, Markéta. K čertu ať táhne studium. Výbor z byzantské žebravé poezie (To Hell with Studying. Anthology of Byzantine Begging poetry). 1st ed. Červený Kostelec: Nakladatelství Pavel Mervart, 2011, 144 pp. Byzantská knihovna, sv. 1. ISBN 978-80-87378-69-4. info
  • KULHÁNKOVÁ, Markéta. Figuren und Wortspiele in den byzantinischen Bettelgedichten und die Frage der Autorschaft (Poetical Figures and Puns in the Byzantine Begging Poetry and the Question of the Authorship). Graeco-Latina Brunensia. Brno: Masarykova Univerzita, 2011, vol. 16, No 1, p. 29-39. ISSN 1803-7402. URL info
  • KULHÁNKOVÁ, Markéta. Byzantinische Betteldichtung. Verbindung des Klassischen mit dem Volkstümlichen (Byzantine Begging Poetry. The Combination of the Classical and the Popular). In A. Rhoby - E. Schiffer. Imitatio - aemulatio - variatio. Akten des internationalen wissenschaftlichen Symposions zur byzantinischen Sprache und Literatur. 1st ed. Wien: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2010, p. 175-180. ISBN 978-3-7001-6825-6. info
  • KULHÁNKOVÁ, Markéta. Vaganten in Byzanz, Prodromoi im Westen. Parallelektüre von byzantinischer und lateinischer Betteldichtung des 12. Jahrhunderts (Goliards in Byzantium, Prodromoi in the West. Parallel Reading of the Byzantine and the Latin Begging Poetry of the 12th century). Byzantinoslavica. Praha: Euroslavica, 2010, vol. 68, 1-2, p. 241-256. ISSN 0007-7712. info
  • KULHÁNKOVÁ, Markéta and Kateřina LOUDOVÁ. Epea pteroenta. Růženě Dostálové k narozeninám. (Epea pteroenta. Festschrift in Honour of Růžena Dostálová.). Brno: Host, 2009, 341 pp. ISBN 978-80-7294-320-3. info
  • KULHÁNKOVÁ, Markéta. Ich bin auch eines schicken Mantels wert. Zum Manteltopos in der griechischen Dichtung, in: Markéta Kulhánková - Kateřina Loudová, Epea pteroenta. Růženě Dostálové k narozeninám. (Even I deserve an Elegant Coat. On the Topos of Coat in Greek Literature, in: Epea pteroenta. Festschrift in Honour of Růžena Dostálová.). Brno: Host, 2009, p. 191–200. ISBN 978-80-7294-320-3. info
  • KULHÁNKOVÁ, Markéta. Parallelen zur antiken Literatur in der byzantinischen Betteldichtung (Parallels with Ancient Literature in Byzantine Begging Poetry). Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity, řada klasická N, Graeco-Latina Brunensia. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2008, vol. 13, No 1, p. 81-95. ISSN 1211-6335. info


Curriculum vitae: doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Markéta Kulhánková, Ph.D. (učo 23278), version: English(1), last update: 2024/09/23 14:11, M. Kulhánková

Another Variant: Czech(3)