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Curriculum Vitae

Person-Related Identification Information
  • Caputo Francesco,
    Date of birth: July 20, 1987,
    Skype contact: caputofrancesco.fc 
  • Department of Computer Systems and Communications
    Masaryk University
Employment - Position
  • Research fellow,Masaryk University - Department of Computer Systems and Communications; Brno - Czech Republic
  • Adjunct Professor of Knowledge Management - Department of Informatics; University of Bari “Aldo Moro”; Via E. Orabona, 4 – Bari (BA) - Italy
Education and Academic Qualifications
  • From January 2013 to December 2015
    University of Salerno; Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132 – Fisciano (SA) - Italy
    Ph.D. course in Marketing & Communication – Scuola Dottorale “Antonio Genovesi”.
  • From September 2011 to March 2012
    Cambridge ESOL Authorized Centre
    University of Salerno; Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132 - Fisciano (SA) - Italy
    Level of English: FIRST
  • From November 2009 to October 2011
    University of Salerno; Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132 - Fisciano (SA) - Italy
    Degree in Consulting and Business Management - curriculum marketing management. Evaluation: 110/110 cum laude
    Title: “Le reti di Franchising in un’ottica sistemica di servizio. Nuove prospettive d’Indagine e modelli di Governance” (Franchising networks in a systems perspective of service. New perspectives of investigation and models of governance).
  • From September 2010 a March 2011
    Cambridge ESOL Authorized Centre
    University of Salerno; Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132 - Fisciano (SA) - Italy
    Level of English: PET
  • From October 2006 to September 2009
    University of Salerno; Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132 - Fisciano (SA) - Italy
    Degree in Business Administration: Evaluation: 110/110 cum laude
    Title: “Creazione, condivisione e diffusione della conoscenza nelle reti di Franchising” (Creating, sharing and dissemination of knowledge in Franchising networks).
  • From September 2001 to July 2006
    Istituto Tecnico Commerciale “Giustino Fortunato”; Via Cuparella, Angri (SA) - Italy.
Teaching Activities
  • Collaboration to mentoring and supplementary activities of teaching (ex L. 170/2003):
    • Economia e Gestione delle Imprese, Degree in Economia e Management - Prof.ssa Marialuisa Saviano – A.A. 2014-2015.
    Department of Management & Information Technology, University of Salerno.
    • Economia e Gestione delle Imprese, Degree in Economia Aziendale - Prof.ssa Marialuisa Saviano – A.A. A.A. 2010-2011; 2011-2012; 2012-2013
    Faculty of Economy, University of Salerno.
  • Collaboration with the course of:
    • Service & Retail Marketing, Degree in Consulenza e Management Aziendale - Prof.ssa Marialuisa Saviano – A.A. 2015-2016.
    Department of Management & Innovations Systems, University of Salerno.
    • Marketing dei Servizi e della Distribuzione, Degree in Consulenza e Management Aziendale - Prof.ssa Marialuisa Saviano – A.A. 2015-2016.
    Department of Management & Innovations Systems, University of Salerno.
    • Management della Farmacia, Degree in Farmacia - Prof.ssa Marialuisa Saviano – A.A. 2015-2016.
    Department of Farmacy, University of Salerno.
    • Economia e Gestione delle Imprese, Degree in Economia e Management - Prof.ssa Marialuisa Saviano – A.A. 2014-2015.
    Faculty of Economy, University of Salerno.
    • Economia e Gestione delle Imprese, Degree in Economia Aziendale - Prof.ssa Marialuisa Saviano – A.A. 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014.
    Faculty of Economy, University of Salerno.
    • Marketing dei Servizi e della Distribuzione, Degree in Consulenza e Management Aziendale - Prof.ssa Marialuisa Saviano – A.A. 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2013-2013.
    Faculty of Economy, University of Salerno.
    • Marketing in store, Degree in Economia e Amministrazione delle Imprese - Prof.ssa Marialuisa Saviano – A.A. 2009-2010
    Faculty of Economy, University of Salerno.
    • Economia e gestione delle imprese commerciali, Degree in Economia e Amministrazione delle Imprese - Prof.ssa Marialuisa Saviano – A.A. 2009-2010
    Faculty of Economy, University of Salerno.
Scientific and Research Activities
  • Undicesima Scuola Estiva Sul Metodo e La Ricerca Sociale, Paidea – alta formazione nelle scienze umane, 1-5 September 2014, Giffoni Valle Piana (SA) - Italy.
  • Scuola di Metodologia della Ricerca, AIDEA (Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale), 26-29 June 2013, University of Palermo - Italy.
  • From August 2014
    Editorial Assistant of International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing
  • From November 2011
    Secretary of ASVSA – Associazione per la ricerca sui Sistemi vitali; Via Cesinali, Atripalda (AV).
  • Reviewer for:
    - Business Process Management Journal
    - International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing
    - Journal of International Consumer Marketing
    - Journal of Knowledge Economy
    - Journal of Technology Transfer
    - Strategic Management Society – Conference 2016
  • Member of the Research Project FARB (ex 60%)
    - Inclusività e sostenibilità: la vitalità sistemica nella prospettiva della value co-creation - Prof.ssa Marialuisa Saviano - A.A. 2014-2015.
    - T-Shaped Management tra capacità e competenze - Prof.ssa Marialuisa Saviano - A.A. 2012-2013. - Dal tangibile all'intangibile. Dai beni al servizio. Rivoluzione paradigmatica o cambiamento di prospettiva? - Prof.ssa Marialuisa Saviano - A.A. 2010-2011.
Major Pubblications
  • 2015 – Saviano M., Caputo F., Napoli B., Addressing the social and economic challenges of Orphan Drugs: a managerial perspective. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Business Management, Vol. 3, No. 12, pp. 1–26.
  • 2015 – Gambarov V., Hysa X., Caputo F., The Impact of Loyalty Programs on Albanian Healthcare Service Quality and Public Health Awareness. 2nd International Conference on Public Health Strategies and Priorities at Vlora Faculty of Public Health (ICPHSP), University of Vlora, November 6-7.
  • 2015 – Barile S., Saviano M., Iandolo F., Caputo F., La dinamica della sostenibilità tra vortici e correnti. XXXVII Convegno Nazionale AIDEA Sviluppo, sostenibilità e competitività delle aziende: il contributo degli economisti aziendali, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Piacenza, September 10-12.
  • 2015 – Barile S., Saviano M., Polese F., Caputo F., T-Shaped People for addressing the Global Challenge of Sustainability. In Gummesson, E., Mele, C., Polese, F. (Eds.) (2015), Service Dominant Logic, Network and Systems Theory and Service Science: Integrating three Perspectives for a New Service Agenda, Giannini, Napoli.
  • 2015 – Barile S., Saviano M., Caputo F., How Are Markets Changing? The Emergence of Consumers Market Systems. In 3rd International Symposium Advances in Business Management. “Towards Systemic Approach”, University of Perugia, 21-23 January.
  • 2014 – Simone C., Polese F., Iandolo F., Caputo F., Alla ricerca di un possibile principio evolutivo della teoria e della pratica d’impresa. Il percorso degli studi dell’economia d’impresa. In Atti del XXVI Convegno annuale di Sinergie “Manifattura: quale futuro?”, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, 13-14 November 2014.
  • 2014 – Barile S., Saviano M., Caputo F., A systems view of customer satisfaction. National Conference “Excellence in quality, statistical quality control and customer satisfaction”, University Campus “Luigi Einaudi”, University of Turin, September 18-19.
  • 2014 – Saviano M., Parida R., Caputo F., Datta S.K., Health care as a worldwide concern. Insights on the Italian and Indian health care systems and PPPs from a VSA perspective. EuroMed Journal of Business, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 198-220.
  • 2013 – Barile S., Carrubbo L., Iandolo F., Caputo F., From ‘EGO’ to ‘ECO’ in B2B relationships. Journal of Business Market Management, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 228–253.
  • 2013 – Saviano M., Parida R., Caputo F., Datta S.K., Insights on Italian and Indian healthcare systems from Vsa perspective. In Vrontis D., Weber Y., Tsoukatos E. (eds.), Proceedings of 6th Annual EuroMed Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business “Confronting Contemporary Business Challenges through Management Innovation”, EuroMed Press, pp. 1586-1603.
  • 2013 – Ambrosino G., Caputo F., Una rilettura sistemico vitale delle relazioni socio-saniatarie in Campania. Il caso del Centro Penitenziario Secondigliano. In XVIII Convegno Nazionale Associazione Italiana di Economia Sanitaria. Oltre la crisi economica, sociale e politica: il ruolo dei sistemi socio-sanitari, 21-23 November, Trento, Italy.
  • 2013 – Saviano M., Caputo F., Managerial choices between Systems, Knowledge and Viability. In Barile S. (Ed.), Contributions to theoretical and practical advances in management. A Viable Systems Approach (VSA), ARACNE Editrice S.r.l., Roma, pp. 219-242.
  • 2013 – Calabrese M., Iandolo F., Antonucci E., Caputo F., Towards a value co-creation based Healthcare System. In Gummesson E., Mele C., Polese F. (eds.), Service Dominant logic, Network & Systems Theory and Service Science: integrating three perspectives for a new service agenda, Giannini Editore, Napoli, pp. 1-22.
  • 2012 – Saviano M., Caputo F., Ricorsività e dinamiche emergenti nel Project Management”. PMKT 2012 “Complessità nel project e knowledge management”, University of Salerno, 19 December.
  • 2012 – Saviano M., Caputo F., Le scelte manageriali tra sistemi, conoscenza e vitalità. Management senza confini. Gli studi di management: tradizione e paradigmi emergenti, XXXV Convegno annuale AIDEA, University of Salerno, 4-5 October, pp. 1-21.
  • 2012 – Caputo F., Il settore delle piante officinali: inquadramento generale. In Saviano M., Il sistema di filiera delle piante officinali, ARACNE Editrice S.r.l., Roma, pp. 53–62.
Awards Related to Science and Research
  • Finalist at 2012/2013 Emerald/EMRBI Business Research Award For Emerging Researchers
  • Award for the best graduate A.A. 2008/2009
  • Marketing Award 2010 – XXII Edition – Case: FAI - 1st Place at University of Salerno
  • Marketing Award 2009 – XXI Edition - Case: WWF - 1st Place at University of Salerno


Curriculum Vitae: Francesco Caputo (učo 239347), version: English(1), last update: 2016/03/07 20:54, F. Caputo