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1.9 Použitá literatura

ANTONELLI, Cristiano. The digital divide: understanding the economics of new information and communication technology in the global economy. Information Economics and Policy. 2003, vol. 15, issue 2, s. 173-199. DOI: 10.1016/S0167-6245(02)00093-8. Dostupné z: http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0167624502000938

E-Citizen. Sunderland: CiA Training, 2004. ISBN 978-186-0052-385.

CHOO, C.W. The knowing organization: How organizations use information to construct meaning, create knowledge and make decisions. International Journal of Information Management. 1996, vol. 16, issue 5, s. 329-340. DOI: 10.1016/0268-4012(96)00020-5. Dostupné z: http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/0268401296000205

MCLUHAN, Marshall a Quentin FIORE. The medium is the massage: an inventory of effects. New York, 1967.

OBI, Toshio. E-governance: a global perspective on a new paradigm. Washington, DC: IOS Press, c2007, x, 179 p. ISBN 978-158-6037-765.

REICH, Robert B. The work of nations preparing ourselves for 21st century capitalism. Unabridged. New York: Vintage Books, 2010. ISBN 978-030-7772-992.

STEWART, Thomas A. Intellectual capital: the new wealth of organizations. 1. currency pbk. ed. New York [u.a.]: Currency Doubleday, 1998. ISBN 03-854-8381-3.

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