f B * Leading Innovative measures to reach gender Balance in Research Activities Gender Equality Plan design tool Part 1 - GEP as a whole ASDO, CRG Jun 2016 Introduction The aim of this document is supporting the design process of the tailored Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) in the ten research institutions involved in the LIBRA project. The format and contents suggested for GEP design are intended to lead to some homogeneity in the different GEPs' structure, mirroring the common structure deriving from the LIBRA approach and proposal, and creating the conditions for smooth monitoring and evaluation under the relevant WP (WP7). However, this does not imply that the tools provided here cannot be modified to make them more suitable to the needs and views of the institutions implementing the GEPs. After the technical design of the GEP, it might be disseminated at the institutes to inform and involve stakeholders and researchers. Additional contents might in this case be added, such as, among others, the specific stakes involved for the organization, main results from the initial assessment, the forms of leadership support, the organizational arrangements for GEP implementation, the integration with already existing equality plans and measures, etc. It is important to remark that many actions are mentioned in the LIBRA proposal as cooperative actions to be developed with the support of the partners leading the work packages devoted to the four main areas of intervention (recruitment/WP3, career development/WP4, work-life balance/WP5 and gender/sex dimensions of research/WP6). A group of actions will therefore have to be planned and implemented in a coordinated way, both at consortium level and bilaterally with the relevant work-package leaders. Actions of this kind have been highlighted, as far as possible, in this document. The GEP will consist of two inter-connected parts: 1. GEP as a whole: All implementing organisations (IOs) will identify a list of actions to be included in their GEP and indicate the overall timeframe for implementation. This plan needs to be internally approved by the direction and will be submitted to the EC on August 1st. 2016. => Design tool "Part 1 - GEP as a whole" (see below). 2. GEP Individual Actions: To ensure a successful implementation of selected actions, specific measures will have to be designed for each selected action. This will NOT be due for the submission on 1st of August, but will have to be delivered before October 3rd, 2016. ■=> Design tool "Part 2 - GEP individual actions" (different document). 2 Part 1 - Design tool for the GEP as a whole To effectively respond to the many challenges for gender equality within each institute, the GEP as a whole will have to at least consider: Areas of intervention Lines of action within each area Actions within each line Level of coordination with the other LIBRA consortium members and with other internal stakeholders Timeframe of action implementation 1.1. Areas of Intervention Actions should be devised that - even if in varied ways according to the emergent priorities of each institute -address the main general areas of intervention singled out in the LIBRA proposal: Recruitment (REC) Career development (CDV) - Work-life balance (WLB) Sex/gender in research (SGR). A fifth area was added to the GEP template (MGT/Management), based on the structure of the initial assessment, which identifies all those actions having a mostly cross-cutting scope, generally in charge of human resources (HR)/personnel departments (such as, for instance, the establishment of systematic gender-disaggregated data collection). 1.2. Lines of Action Under each area, very diversified strands of activities can be pursued, to be developed in a tailored way by the individual institutions. Some of them, among the many which could be envisaged, are reported in table 1. They are drawn from the LIBRA Description of Work or from the initial assessments conducted under WP1, while some are taken from external sources. Additional lines of actions can be included. It is important to stress, even at the risk of redundancy, that NOT all these lines of action are necessarily desirable for all institutions. In fact, both the choice to adopt them and the tailoring process to fit them in the fabric of the organization represent the bulk of the design task of each LIBRA GEP team. Decisions will be based on the results of internal assessments and consultative/participative internal procedures, as well as on the coordination arrangements with LIBRA partners. 1.3. Actions Once lines of actions have been selected, more specific measures for implementation will have to be designed and tailored to organizational priorities. For instance, under the action line 3 "1.2. Increasing the percentage of female applicants and the offer acceptance rate", the specific action "1.2.5 Proactively identifying and contacting potential female candidates...", and/or other measures underthe same line, could be devised to be included in the GEP. Needless to say, the decision on the actual format and features of each action will have to be the result of internal discussion within the institutional GEP team, considering the results of the initial assessment, of the LIBRA staff-survey, and other surveys/data available at the institute, as well as the consultation of relevant stakeholders, LIBRA partners and potential beneficiaries. Also, the integration with existing plans and initiatives will have to be designed for measures already in place (see Part 2 - Design tool for GEP Individual Actions). 1.4. Coordination Mechanisms In designing the GEPs, it is important to take into account the different coordination mechanisms which are needed from at least two perspectives: the coordination with existing gender equality offices, plans, or initiatives within each institute; and the coordination with the transversal actions built into the LIBRA project. Actions will therefore be categorised into 4 different level of coordination: LIBRA Project Active action (LPA): Actions launched by the LIBRA team locally at the individual institute the transversal actions promoted by WPs 3, 4, 5 and 6. LIBRA Projects Passive action (LPP): Participation of staff of the individual institute in transversal actions launched by the LIBRA WPs 3, 4, 5 and 6 (LPA). Internal institutional action (IT): Actions directly launched by the LIBRA GEP teams at the individual institute. This will be the minority; as mostly internal coordination will be necessary (see CA). Coordinated internal Action (CA): Actions launched jointly with existing internal offices, initiatives or plans (coordination within the institute). 1.5. The GEP as a whole template Actions which are assigned to the responsibility of a specific institution or to "All IOs" are those which, as anticipated, are mentioned in the LIBRA Description of Work under the work packages 3, 4, 5 and 6. All IOs should comply with their commitment to the LIBRA project. However, in case this is not possible the issue should be discussed with the coordinator. Additional actions have been identified by WPs 3, 4, 5 and 6, through literature research as well as collecting policies and best practices from partner institutes. They are included in the template without assigning them to the responsibility of any institute and are to be devised by each institute to respond to their specific needs. Each action is unequivocally identified by a number making reference to the area of intervention, the action line, and the action. You are kindly asked not to change the numbering of the identifiers in your tailored GEP. 4 The requested timeframe in the columns "start" and "end" represent the timeframe of action implementation. As an example: "1.2.5. Proactively identify and contact potential female candidates for leading positions (e.g. faculty and senior leadership positions)." For this task you might need a preparatory (or design) phase where you interview your faculty and new hires about their experiences and develop together a general procedure on e.g.: Who should contact the candidates, and how. As the last step of the design phase you should identify success measures (e.g. number of female applicants for future vacancies). After having everything set your institute will be able to implement the planned action and proactively contact female candidates (start of action). The end of the action should be set when you plan to assess the success of the action. It does not mean, that you will stop contacting proactively candidates. The pre-assigned end dates of some listed actions represent the due dates of related deliverables; and pre-assigned start dates are the consequence of the timeframe of prior related actions. 5 Table 1 - GEP template including the Inventory of actions to be chosen from. Start and End indicate the timeframe for action implementation. GEP for CEITEC (Masaryk University) AREA LINES OF ACTION ACTIONS COMMENTS by IO* 10 COORD. LEVEL** Start End Select (X)*** 1. REC 1.1. Improving job announcements equally attractive for women and men 1.1.1. Organization of a workshop on best practice for gender inclusive job announcements and recruitment measures addressing HR staff (including gender experts) CeMM LPA Jan 2017 1.1.2. Participation of HR representatives in a workshop on best practice for gender inclusive job announcements and recruitment measures All 10s LPP April 2016 Jan 2017 X 1.1.3. Compiling job announcement guidelines CeMM, MDC LPA Feb 2017 1.1.4. Applying job announcement guidelines (see 1.1.3) to prepare gender-inclusive requirement profile templates which will be used for all subsequent job announcements. All 10s CA March 2017 Oct 2017 X 1.2. Increasing the percentage of female applicants and the offer acceptance rate 1.2.1. Institutional website revision (in collaboration with PR department) to demonstrate diversity-inclusive work environment (e.g. including pictures of both male and female role models in non-traditional roles) All 10s CA Sep 2016 Dec 2016 X 1.2.2. Creating a section on institutional website describing social benefits and measurements improving work-life balance (e.g. family friendly workplace) CA 1.2.3. Developing and presenting at least one "family case" on institutional website, introducing a family of which one parent is working at the institute. (E.g. interview with the parents describing how they handle their family and business life.) In collaboration with the Career Centre of MU CA Jun 2017 Dec 2017 X 1.2.4. Developing gender inclusive PR material (e.g. posters, brochures (see 1.3.6)) to present a more diversity-inclusive environment. Make sure that contracted companies (graphics & design) understand the purpose. CA Sep 2017 Dec 2017 X 1.2.5. Proactively identify and contact potential female candidates for leading positions (faculty and senior leadership positions). E.g. by searching female expert profile databases (e.g. EM BO, AcademiaNet), browsing the EULIFE website, and via personal contacts. In cooperation with ISAB members CA June 2018 Oct 2018 X 6 GEP for CEITEC (Masaryk University) AREA LINES OF ACTION ACTIONS COMMENTS by 10* 10 COORD. LEVEL** Start End Select (X)*** 1.2.6. Review internal and external vacancy advertisement tools (e.g. advertisement platforms concerning reach and accessibility, language use, etc.) and improve them to reach more women. All 10s CA Oct 2017 Jan 2018 X 1.2.7. Promote transparency of recruitment practices internally and externally All 10s CA Jan 2017 Dec 2017 X 1.2.8. Supporting dual-career options and using local networks to identify suitable jobs for the partner of new hires CA 1.3. Introducing rules/standards/guidelines for candidate selection/appointment 1.3.1. Assembling LIBRA recruitment guidelines recommending an unbiased and fair recruitment processes. CeMM, M DC LPA April 2017 1.3.2. Creating institutional policies for recruitment processes by implementing recommendations of the LIBRA recruitment guidelines (see 1.3.1) All IOs CA May 2017 May 2018 X 1.3.3. Applying a standard ratio of male to female candidates invited to the final interview for a vacancy (depending on the ratio in applications). Recommendations will be provided by the LIBRA recruitment guidelines (see 1.3.1) All IOs CA Not applicable 1.3.4. Agreeing on a list of interview questions to be asked to each candidate among members of the recruitment committee (specified for each vacancy). All IOs CA May 2017 May 2018 X 1.3.5. Creating interview report forms to be completed by each recruiter for faculty and senior leadership positions. All IOs CA May 2017 May 2018 X 1.3.6. Creating a communication policy for communication with candidates and communication among hiring committee members All IOs CA May 2017 May 2018 X 1.3.7. Prepare an information sheet/brochure about work-life balance aspects of the work, childcare facilities, social benefits, dual career opportunities etc. (see also 1.2.4) to be included when sending out offers or handed to candidates during on-: site interviews Current materials should be updated CA Oct 2016 Dec 2016 X 1.4. Data collection and monitoring : 1.4.1. Monitoring gender balance at each stage of the recruitment process and for each advertised scientific vacancy. We are already doing but not at each stage All IOs CA Jan 2017 June 2017 X GEP for CEITEC (Masaryk University) AREA LINES OF ACTION ACTIONS COMMENTS by 10* lO COORD. LEVEL** Start End Select (X)*** of the recruitment process 1.4.2 Providing ASDO (gender expert organization) with gender balance data collected throughout the recruitment procedures (see 1.4.1) for evaluating the effectiveness of recruitment strategies All IOs CA May 2018 Nov 2018 X 1.4.3. Present statistics about gender relevant recruitment data to the Faculty of the institution IT 1.5. Training hiring committees' members 1.5.1. Training recruitment committees' members in responsible and fair selection process (including gender-aware evaluation), e.g. by seminars, web-based-training, video) CA 1.5.2. Organizing Gender Bias (and other biases) awareness-raising initiatives (e.g. LIBRA Gender Bias test) The Gender Bias test been already announced IT X 1.6. Ensuring gender balance in recruitment committees 1.6.1. Negotiating guidelines about the proportionate presence of women in committees deciding on faculty and senior leadership appointments CA 1.6.2. Providing support for administrative tasks to senior women sitting in many committees (to fulfil gender balance requirements of committees) to compensate for overload CA 2. CDV 2.1. Training supervisors 2.1.1. Conceptualising a workshop on gender bias for staff supervising junior researchers BRIC LPA Oct 2016 Feb 2017 2.1.2. Organising locally 2 workshops on gender bias for staff supervising junior researchers All IOs CA May 2017 May 2018 X 2.2. Postdoc career development scheme 2.2.1. Establishing a pilot career development program for postdoctoral researchers across all IOs IC LPA Dec 2016 2.2.2. Participating in the pilot career development program for postdoctoral researchers (see 2.2.1) All IOs CA Jan 2017 Nov 2018 X 2.2.3. Conceptualise career development workshops for post-docs IC LPA Oct 2016 Feb 2017 8 GEP for CEITEC (Masaryk University) AREA LINES OF ACTION ACTIONS COMMENTS by 10* 10 COORD. LEVEL** Start End Select (X)*** 2.2.4. Organise two career development workshops (see 2.2.3.) at two selected IOs IC CA April 2017 Oct 2018 2.3. Providing mentoring schemes 2.3.1. Conceptualise a peer mentoring program for young Pis CRG LPA Oct 2016 2.3.2. Adopt the CRG peer mentoring program for young Pis and tailor it for the specific needs/circumstances of the institute Jan 2017 Dec 2017 X 2.3.3. Conceptualise a mentoring program across EU-LIFE institutes for young female Pis CRG LPA Oct 2016 2.3.4. Participate in the mentoring program for young female Pis CA 2.4. Providing career development and networking opportunities 2.4.1. Develop platform for career network on the LIBRA website IC LPA Aug 2016 2.4.2. Organise two Career Network meetings as satellite events of the career workshops IC CA April 2017 Oct 2018 2.4.3. Organise seminars for PhD students and postdocs about available opportunities in non-academic scientific sectors Already launched series "Meeting with.." CA June 2017 Dec 2017 X 2.5. Unbiased Evaluation of faculty members 2.5.1. Writing the "LIBRA Gender Handbook" to give recommendations on how to evaluate faculty members IC LPA Oct 2018 2.5.2. Consider recommendations of the "LIBRA Gender Handbook" (see 2.7.1) and adjust the internal evaluation policies accordingly All IOs CA Nov 2018 Feb 2019 X 3. WLB 3.1. Training in work-life balance awareness related to the work of HR 3.1.1. Providing training on work-life balance awareness for leaders of HR departments and senior scientific staff. Organization in progress CEITEC LPA Aug 2016 Dec 2016 X 3.1.2. Participating in the work-life balance awareness training program for leaders of HR departments and senior scientific staff All IOs LPP Dec 2016 X 3.1.3. Conceptualising the web-based induction module on work-life balance for all new staff CEITEC LPA Sep 2016 April 2017 X 9 GEP for CEITEC (Masaryk University) AREA LINES OF ACTION ACTIONS COMMENTS by 10* IO COORD. LEVEL** Start End Select (X)*** 3.1.4. Tailoring the web-based induction module on work-life balance and train all new hires. All IOs CA May 2017 Aug 2018 X 3.2. Increasing work-life balance awareness for scientists 3.2.1. Conceptualising the poster campaign promoting the benefits of WLB Bl LPA Oct 2017 3.2.2. Participating in the poster campaign promoting the benefits of WLB All IOs CA Nov 2017 Nov 2018 X 3.2.3. Hosting lectures of seminar series "My life in science" highlighting challenges and benefits of maintaining a good WLB CA Sep 2016 Nov 2018 X 3.2.4. Publishing on the institute's website a clear policy on work-life balance All IOs CA Nov 2017 Nov 2018 X 3.3. Promoting employees with family responsibilities 3.3.1. Creating/extending on-site childcare services CA 3.3.2. Providing facilitated access/vouchers to external childcare services CA 3.3.3. Providing (or providing access to external) childcare during school holidays CA 3.3.4. Offering leave days in the case the child is sick CA Sep 2016 Dec 2016 X 3.3.5. Providing (or providing access to external) after-school services CA 3.3.6. Providing rooms for breastfeeding/milk pumping/nappy changing CA Jan 2018 Nov 2018 X 3.3.7. Improving pregnancy safeguard measures CA 3.3.8. Promoting institute family networks CA 3.3.9. Providing access to services for elder and disabled relatives CA 3.3.10. Promoting shared leave policies between men and women CA 3.3.11. Making funds available to cover research projects during parental leave CA 3.3.12. Providing emergency leaves for family responsibilities CA Sep 2016 Dec 2016 X 10 GEP for CEITEC (Masaryk University) AREA LINES OF ACTION ACTIONS COMMENTS by 10* 10 COORD. LEVEL** Start End Select (X)*** 3.3.13. Promoting personal return plans to be arranged before leave CA Jan 2017 June 2017 X 3.3.14. Promoting re-entry support after leave periods CA 3.3.15. Relieving staff returning after leave from administrative duties CA 4.1. Increase awareness of the importance of sex and gender aspects of research 4.1.1. Developing case studies / deepening existing case studies in life sciences and biomedicine to demonstrate the importance of gender/sex analysis and understand its related challenges and values. IEO LPA Oct 2018 4.1.2. Disseminating developed case studies at the institute and beyond (see 4.1.1.). This will be a long term action, as several case studies will be prepared one after the other, the first one will be finished Oct 2017. All 10s CA Oct 2017 Oct 2018 X 4.1.3. Encourage the formulation of specific research questions that address sex-specific differences for which external (or internal if available) additional funding can be sought. CA 4. 4.2.1. Developing lecture material on gender, ethical and societal implications of the HPV vaccine IEO LPA SGR 4.2.2. Developing an online teaching modules on gendered aspects of research in the life sciences IEO LPA 4.2. Training on the 4.2.3. Incorporating the teaching modules on gendered aspects of research in the life sciences (see 4.2.1. and 4.2.2.) in the institute's PhD programme and more advanced courses All 10s CA Nov 2018 March 2019 X sex/gender dimension of research 4.2.4. Identify national/international groups with experience on gendered research, in the field of the institute's research topic. Organizing visits and working seminars for researchers (in particular young scientists and junior group leaders) to learn how to integrate sex/gender dimension into their project planning. CA Sep 2016 Sep 2017 X 4.2.5. Develop an internal best practices on how to consider sex and gender dimension in experimental setup and data All 10s CA Nov 2017 Nov 2018 X 11 GEP for CEITEC (Masaryk University) AREA LINES OF ACTION ACTIONS COMMENTS by 10* 10 COORD. LEVEL** Start End Select (X)*** analysis (tailored for the institute's research). Seeking help from WP6 leader (IEO) and consulting deliverable D6.2 4.2.6. Integration of a sex/gender dimension assessment in internal pre-publication reviews of manuscripts (if the institutional policy was followed) CA 4.3. Engaging with funding bodies and industry 4.3.1. Organising workshop on the Gender Dimension of Research with representatives from the industrial sector and national funding organizations Bl LPA Oct 2018 4.3.2. Participating in the workshop on the Gender Dimension of Research with representatives from the industrial sector and national funding organizations (taking place latest Oct 2018) All IOs LPP June 2018 Oct 2018 X 4.3.3. Keep a dialogue with national and local funding bodies and industry about the gendered aspects of research in the life sciences and try to influence national research council policy in this direction. Invite them for the workshop (see 4.3.1.). All IOs CA Jul 2018 X 4.4. Promoting exchange with experienced groups in gendered research 4.4.1. Identify national/international groups with experience on gendered research, in the field of the institute's research topic. Organizing visits and working seminars for researchers to learn the practical implementation of the gendered aspect in their research. CA 5. MGT 5.1. Regularly collecting gender-disaggregated data 5.1.1. Modifying data analysis tools to have gender-disaggregated data on all the indicators currently in use for reporting All IOs CA X 5.1.2. Introducing new gender-sensitive indicators to be regularly collected All IOs CA 5.2. Identifying the reasons of employees for leaving the institute 5.2.1. Introducing the administration of exit interviews as standard procedure CA Sep 2018 Dec 2018 X 5.3. Adopting gender-sensitive language 5.3.1. Screening internal documents and communication for gender-unfairness and change them accordingly All IOs CA Sep 2018 Dec 2018 X * 10 = Implementing Organisation (organisation in charge of the activity) ** LIBRA Project Active action (LPA), LIBRA Projects Passive action (LPP), Internal institutional action (IT), Coordinated internal Action (CA) 12 * Each 10 has to choose the activities they are planning to implement in their organisation; choose additional actions by labelling them with "X" 13 The above GEP is approved by Mgr. Jiří Nantl, LLM, Director of CEITEC MU. To ensure a successful implementation of selected actions, more specific measures will be designed for each selected action. 14