R E C O R D on the performed training of the employee on occupational safety and health protection and fire prevention The below-stated employee have undergone the following e-learning training sessions: • OSHP training for employees – according to the Curricula OSHP training for employees No. 99_19_01_E • FP training for employees – according to the Curricula for FP training for emplyoees No. 99_19_04_E • First aid training – according to the Curricula for first aid training No. 99_19_06_E Content of the OSHP training - summary: Act No. 262/2006 Coll., Act No. 309/2006 Coll., Government Directive No. 101/2005 Coll., Government Directive No. 361/2007 Coll., Government Directive No. 201/2010 Coll., Government Directive No. 495/2001 Coll., Government Directive No. 378/2001 Coll., Government Directive No. 168/2002 Coll., Government Directive No. 375/2017 Coll., Government Directive No. 362/2005 Coll., Government Directive No. 591/2006 Coll., Act No. 258/2000 Coll., Decree No. 432/2003 Coll., Government Directive No. 272/2011 Coll., Decree No. 180/2015 Coll., Act No. 251/2005 Coll., Decree of ČÚBP (Czech Office for OSHP) No. 48/1982 Coll., Act No. 373/2011 Coll., Decree No. 79/2013 Coll., Decree No. 50/1978 Coll., Act No. 65/2017 Coll., ČSN EN 50110-1 ed.3, ČSN 33 1600 ed.2., Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008, Decree No. 48/1982 Coll. Content of the FP training: Topic of the training Training duration 1. Getting acquainted with the organisation and provision of fire protection with respect to fire risks of activities performed within the organisation, and further with basic responsibilities pursuant to Act No. 133/85 Coll., on Fire Prevention, as amended, and by Decree No. 246/2001 Coll., on establishing conditions of fire safety and state fire supervision. 5 minutes 2. Getting acquainted with fire risks resulting from activities performed at the employee’s workplace. 10 minutes 3. Getting acquainted with documentation stipulating conditions of fire prevention during activities performed at the workplace. 10 minutes 4. Getting acquainted with special requirements on operation and service of installed technical devices if fire or other emergency situation occur. 10 minutes 5. Getting acquainted with the organisation and provision of fire prevention during reduced operation and in the period of non-working hours at the relevant workplace. 5 minutes 6. Getting acquainted with location and way of use of fire prevention assets at the workplace. 10 minutes 7. Getting acquainted with function and way of operation fire prevention devices at the workplace. 10 minutes In total: 60 minutes Within the scope of the training, the employee was further acquainted with:  The job category, to which the work performed by employee was included in,  Risks of the performed work and preventive measures in order to minimize them,  General principles on provision of first aid – according to the Curriculum No. 99_19_06_E,  Location of the first aid kit,  Process of reporting of injuries at work and injuries at the workplace,  Occurrence of work injures and illnesses as a result of job at the workplace,  Basic principles of provision transport security – Act. No. 361/2000, Coll., basic requirements for driving a motor vehicle on a business trip,  Work conditions for women – forbidden works,  Principles of evidence, use, storage and maintenance of personal protective equipment at the workplace,  Risks and most frequent risks prevention, and measures against their occurrence,  Conditions of work with dangerous chemical substances, principles of their handling and storage,  Work with cryogens,  Work with biological agents, pressure vessels, labelling, risks, and measurements against them,  Main closures and switches,  Worksite and working environment (prohibited and required procedures, instructions on safe movement),  Principles of storage, correct and safe manipulation with loads, weight limits, risks,  Principles of safe work at stairs and ladders,  Meaning of preserving order at the workplace, waste sorting,  The following internal regulations (organisational guideline, measure, operation regulation, etc.): o Chancellor’s Regulation No. 10/2009 “Determination of measures to ensure occupational safety and health protection at MU”, Chancellor’s Guideline No. 4/2005 “Organisation of Fire Prevention Measures at MU”, information on the rules of operation of the premises of the university campus Bohunice, Kamenice 5, Brno, getting acquainted with the Director’s Measure No. 7/2016 “, Work with chemical substances and mixtures and operation of laboratories”, Director’s Measure No. 8/2016 “Works forbidden to pregnant and breastfeeding female employees and to female employees who have recently given birth until the 9th month after delivery”, Director’s Measure No. 9/2016 “Risk Prevention and Management in the Field of OSHP” Director’s Measure No. 10/2016 “Personal Protective Equipment at the Workplace, Cleaning Agents, Detergents and Disinfection Preparations, Safe work with liquid nitrogen”, Director’s Measure No. 6/2017 “Operation, manipulation and storage of pressure gas vessels”, Director’s Measure No. 7/2017 “Education of Employees in the Field of OSHP and FP”, Director’s Measure No. 3/2018 “Fire Safety Code of CEITEC MU Buildings” I hereby confirm with my signature that I have been properly informed of regulations and policies aimed at ensuring occupational safety, health protection and fire prevention within the aforementioned scope. I have understood such information. I hereby undertake to follow the covered principles during my work, and I am aware of potential consequences in terms of employment law and criminal law arising from a failure to observe these principles and obligations. My knowledge of these regulations has been tested by means of a test with a result “passed”. Date of training: Name and surname of employee Employee ID No. Signature Ing. Barbora Loučková 234665 OHS Manager Employee ID No Signature Hand over the signed record to the OHS Manager to the mailbox at the 1S066 office of pavilion E35 • Note: Part of this training is an on-site training at the workplace, which shall be realised and signed by the managing employee, see form “Training at the workplace”. Hand over the signed document to the signed to the mailbox at the 1S066 office of pavilion E35 to the OHS manager.