Measure of the Director of the Central European Institute of Technology of Masaryk University No. 9/2021 CEITEC MU Awards (effective as of 1 October 2021) Pursuant to Article 7.4 (g) of the Rules of Organisation of the Central European Institute of Technology of Masaryk University, I hereby issue the following Measure: Article 1 Subject Matter This Measure sets the process of award giving at the Central European Institute of Technology of Masaryk University (hereinafter the “CEITEC MU” or the “Institute”) with the aim to positively reward the employees of the CEITEC MU for their work and contribution to the Institute. Article 2 Categories of Awards (1) The Director of CEITEC MU may give the following awards: a) Award for Distinguished Scientific Contribution; b) Award of the Director of CEITEC MU; c) Commemorative Certificate. (2) The awards in the category of Award for Distinguished Scientific Contribution are presented by the Director of CEITEC MU to a research group or core facility which published or otherwise publicly released a scientific result with significant international benefits within the period specified in Article 4 hereof. (3) The awards in the category of Award of the Director of CEITEC MU are presented by the Director of CEITEC MU to employees who contributed, through their exceptional work, to spreading of the good reputation of CEITEC MU in the period specified in Article 4 hereof. (4) The awards in the category of Commemorative Certificate are presented by the Director of CEITEC MU to employees who contributed to significant development and good reputation of CEITEC MU and its representation in a long-term and targeted manner. Article 3 Nomination and Award Giving Procedures (1) The organisation of the announcement of the awards and the collection of nominations pursuant to this Measure is entrusted to the Research and Innovations Support Department of CEITEC MU. (2) Nominations for the Award for Distinguished Scientific Contribution are submitted online by the group leaders and the Heads of core facilities (hereinafter the “Heads”) in the form of a proposal sheet which includes quotation or description of the scientific result and a nomination justification. Only such results may be nominated the intellectual origin and realisation of which are related to members of the particular research group or core facility and which were created within the period specified in 2 Article 4 .1 hereof. The creation of a result means its publication in print or electronic form (including online or epub ahead of print). (3) The candidates for the Award of the Director of CEITEC MU and for the Commemorative Certificate are proposed by the Director of CEITEC MU. (4) The evaluation of the Award for Distinguished Scientific Contribution takes place in three rounds. The dates of each round and details of the evaluation process for each year are published by the Research and Innovations Support Department no later than on the day of the competition announcement. a) In the first round, the Heads rank the top five results based on their individual assessment of the quality of the nominated results, with the top-ranked result receiving 5 points, the second-best receiving 4 points, the third-best receiving 3 points, the fourth-best receiving 2 points and the fifth-best receiving 1 point. It is not possible for two results to be ranked in the same order. Individual points from all evaluations are added together to produce the overall ranking of the nominations. If any Head does not send his/her ranking of the results to the Research and Innovations Support Department by the determined deadline, he/she is considered to have abstained from voting. The possibility to vote is given only to the Heads and cannot be delegated further. A conflict of interest is not a reason for abstaining from voting. b) An evaluation committee chaired by the Deputy Director for Research and composed of the Heads of the research centres will further assess the rankings resulting from the evaluation of the Heads. The evaluation committee will determine which results it will recommend to the Director of CEITEC MU for awards, respecting the rankings determined by the evaluation of Heads in the first round. In the case of a conflict of interest or time incapacity, the Head of the research centre may nominate another member to the evaluation committee on his/her behalf. c) The Deputy Director for Research shall submit proposals of the evaluation committee to the Director of CEITEC MU, who makes the final decision on the awards in the given year. (5) The award in each category can be presented to one or more nominees. If there is no eligible candidate in any specific category, it is possible to withhold the award. (6) The awards are ceremoniously presented during the Institute’s important events. Every awarded person receives a diploma and in the case of the Award for Distinguished Scientific Contribution also a financial reward. The specific amount of reward will be stipulated by the Director of CEITEC MU. If there are more awards presented in one category, the stipulated reward is equally divided among all rewarded candidates of the specific category. Article 4 Terms (1) The period for which the awards pursuant to Article 2.1 a) and b) above are presented is set from 1 September of the previous year to 31 August of the calendar year in which the awards are presented. (2) Collection of nominations for awards for the given period takes place in autumn of the specific year and the exact period shall be specified every year by conditions of the competition. (3) The award ceremony usually takes place in December of the calendar year. 3 Article 5 Final Provisions (1) The CEITEC MU Scientific Secretary shall be responsible for the interpretation of this Measure. (2) The CEITEC MU Scientific Secretary shall be responsible for the continuous update of this Measure. (3) The Head of the Research and Innovations Support Department is appointed to supervise the implementation of this Measure. (4) In accordance with Measure of the Director No. 3/2016 - Organisational Structure of CEITEC MU, the Institute’s awards related agenda shall fall within the scope of activity of the Research and Innovations Support Department. (5) This Measure cancels the Measure of the Director No. 7/2018 - CEITEC MU Awards. (6) This Measure shall become valid as of the date of signature hereof. (7) This Measure shall become effective as of 1 October 2021. In Brno, on 22 September 2021 Jiří Nantl Director