Measure of the Director of the Central European Institute of Technology of Masaryk University No. 1/2019 Scholarship Programs of the University Institute CEITEC MU (as amended, effective as of 1^st February 2020) Pursuant to Art. 3.1 c) of the Masaryk University Scholarship and Bursary Regulations and pursuant to Art. 7.2 f) of the Rules of Organization of the Central European Institute of Technology of Masaryk University, I hereby issue the following measure: Article 1 Subject Matter (1) This Measure follows the Masaryk University Scholarship and Bursary Regulations and regulates the terms and procedures for granting scholarships within the university institute CEITEC MU (hereinafter “CEITEC MU”). (2) Scholarships within CEITEC MU are granted in line with the MU Scholarship and Bursary Regulations in two regimes: a) as a part of scholarship programs of CEITEC MU; b) as extraordinary scholarships pursuant to Part IV. of the MU Scholarship and Bursary Regulations. (3) Unless specified otherwise in relation to a particular scholarship program, all scholarship programs are announced, starting from the effectiveness date of this Measure, for an indefinite period of time. (4) Unless specified otherwise in relation to a particular scholarship program, scholarships are of discretionary nature. Article 2 Scholarship Programs The following scholarship programs are hereby established at CEITEC MU: a) Scholarship program to support study excellence at CEITEC PhD School; b) Scholarship program to support creative activities of students; c) Scholarship program to support interdisciplinarity. Article 3 Scholarship Program to Support Study Excellence at CEITEC PhD School (1) The purpose of the scholarship program is increasing the excellence of doctoral studies within CEITEC PhD School by means of regular monthly scholarship in addition to the scholarship to support doctoral study program studies pursuant to Section 91 (4) c) of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions (hereinafter the “Act”). (2) The program is intended for students of Life Sciences doctoral study program of the Faculty of Science (hereinafter “Life Sciences”) and for students of Biomedical Sciences doctoral study program of the Faculty of Medicine - Molecular Medicine specialization (hereinafter “Molecular Medicine”). (3) Scholarship may be paid out, provided that the student fulfils his/her study obligations pursuant to Art. 30 of the MU Study and Examination Regulations. (4) The scholarship is paid out from the central resources of CEITEC MU - Budget Program CEITEC PhD School. (5) The conditions for granting the scholarship and the amount of the scholarship are set out in the Rules of Funding for Students of the CEITEC PhD School, which are annexes to this measure. (6) The scholarship may only be paid out during the standard term of study at MU. The scholarship is paid out on a monthly basis. (7) The scholarship is always granted for a period of one semester, with the possibility of extension based on evaluation of the student’s hitherto study results performed by the supervisor and at least once a year by the relevant specialization board of the given program (i.e. Life Sciences or Molecular Medicine). Article 4 Scholarship Program to Support Creative Activities of Students (1) The purpose of the scholarship program is the support of research, development and other creative activities of students above the scope of their obligations within the given study program, as well as support of co-operation within research and development teams, support of significant results of research, development or other creative activities. (2) The scholarship may be granted to students of bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral study programs registered at MU. (3) The proposal for granting the scholarship is submitted by the supervisor. (4) The amount of the scholarship is determined by the supervisor, taking into consideration the scope of the student’s activities and the available possibilities of financing resources. The scholarship amount should not exceed CZK 30,000 per month. A higher amount may only be granted in special cases. (5) The scholarship is paid out from the supervisor’s resources. (6) The scholarship is paid out on a monthly basis or as a single non-recurring payment. (7) The scholarship is granted for no more than one semester. (8) The scholarship may be granted repeatedly. Article 5 Scholarship Program to Support Interdisciplinarity (1) The purpose of the scholarship program is increasing the motivation of students to co-operate within various research programs at CEITEC in the form of interdisciplinary project investigation. (2) The program is intended for students of doctoral study programs with supervisors of CEITEC MU. (3) An application for support of a project focused on interdisciplinary research divided between two research programs of CEITEC (one in the field of life sciences and the other in the field of material sciences) may be submitted by the student based on the currently announced call of an interdisciplinary program specifying in detail the form of the application and determining the deadline after which the submitted project proposals will be assessed. (4) The Interdisciplinary Board decides on granting the project support and its amount, based on the published rules of the given interdisciplinary program. (5) The financing resources are granted from the centrally allocated Interdisciplinary Budget Program. (6) The term of investigation of the supported programs may not exceed one year. Long-term projects may be supported repeatedly, provided that their goals are being adequately fulfilled. (7) The scholarship is paid out on a monthly basis or as a single non-recurring payment. Article 6 Extraordinary Scholarship In addition to the scholarship programs specified in Art. 2 above, scholarships may also be granted pursuant to Part IV., Art. 11 of the MU Scholarship and Bursary Regulations, in the form of extraordinary scholarships. Article 7 Common Provisions (1) The procedure of granting scholarships pursuant to this Measure is governed by Section 68 of the Act. Unless otherwise stipulated by the Act, the MU Scholarship and Bursary Regulations or this Measure, the procedure shall be governed by the provisions of Act No. 500/2004 Coll., the Administrative Procedure Code, as amended (hereinafter the “Administrative Procedure Code”). (2) The authorization to grant a scholarship also includes authorization to decide on its withdrawal or reduction, as the case may be, if the student no longer meets the conditions for granting the scholarship or the conditions of its implementation specified in the decision on granting the scholarship, in the MU Scholarship and Bursary Regulations or in the terms and conditions of the given scholarship program. (3) The decision on granting the scholarship is delivered to the student in writing, in line with the MU Scholarship and Bursary Regulations. (4) The student may file an appeal against the decision within 30 days after the decision announcement (Section 68 (4) of the Act). The appeal is field with the body that issued the challenged decision. (5) The supporting materials for scholarship payments are prepared by an appointed employee of the Strategy and Science Department. (6) Scholarships may be paid out if the financial resources for scholarship payments are planned and approved in the budget of the given assignment for the current year. (7) The use of the financial resources is supervised by the budget administrator of the assignment from which the scholarship is to be paid out. (8) Granting of scholarships pursuant to this Measure is approved by the Director of CEITEC MU and the procedure is governed by the MU Scholarship and Bursary Regulations. Article 8 Final Provisions (1) The Head of the Strategy and Science Department shall be responsible for the interpretation of this Measure. (2) The Institute’s Deputy Director for Administration is appointed to supervise the observance of this Measure. (3) This Measure repeals the Director’s Measure No. 1/2013 “Scholarships for Students Provided by CEITEC MU”. (4) This Measure shall become valid as of the execution date hereof. (5) This Measure shall become effective as of 1^st April 2019. Annexes: No. 1 - Scholarship Proposal Form No. 2 Rules of Funding for Students of the CEITEC PhD School in the academic year 2019/2020 No. 3 Rules of Funding for Students of the CEITEC PhD School in the academic year 2020/2021 and beyond In Brno, on 14^th March 2019 Jiří Nantl Director of the Institute Annex No. 2 - Rules of Funding for Students of the CEITEC PhD School in the academic year 2019/2020 1. Students of the doctoral study program, Life Sciences – in the fields of Bio-omics and Structural Biology, and students of the doctoral study program, Biomedical Sciences – with the specialization of Molecular Medicine, have a guaranteed monthly net income of CZK 22,000. This applies during the standard study period (8 semesters), provided that the student fulfills his/her study requirements. 2. In the case of good study results, the monthly net income may be gradually increased up to the recommended amount during the later years of study, according to the length of study, which is CZK 23,000 for students in the 2^nd year, CZK 24,000 in the 3^rd year and CZK 25,000 in the 4^th year. 3. Included in the guaranteed amount (or recommended amount in higher grades of study, according to the length of study) is a Scholarship in support of studies in a doctoral degree program, or a Scholarship to support postgraduate study in the English language (hereafter referred to as the doctoral scholarship) of CZK 12,000. 4. Based on the knowledge and skills proven during the main admission process, the eight most successful applicants (scholars) are selected each year, and receive a scholarship from the central CEITEC MU resources (CEITEC MU scholarship). Each supervisor can have only one scholar assigned to his/her class of the academic year. This scholarship is paid monthly for the standard period of study. The CEITEC MU scholarship paid in the 1^st year amounts to CZK 5,000. 5. If the monthly amount is increased to the recommended amount, the difference between the recommended amount according to the length of study and the doctoral scholarship will continue to be funded equally from the central CEITEC MU resources and the supervisor’s resources. Therefore, the CEITEC MU scholarship may amount to CZK 5,500 for students in the 2^nd year, CZK 6,000 in the 3^rd year, and CZK 6,500 in the 4^th year. 6. Students who have been accepted for study but have not received a CEITEC MU scholarship (paid from the central CEITEC MU resources) will have the difference between the guaranteed amount (or recommended amount in higher grades of study, according to the length of study) and the doctoral scholarship fully covered by the supervisor’s resources. 7. Based on the results of the regular annual evaluation of study for each student, the Doctoral Committee and the supervisors decide on the distribution of the scholarship to be paid from the central CEITEC MU resources, and the supervisor's resources contribution, for the following academic year (September to August). 8. In the case of unsatisfactory results or nonfulfillment of study obligations, the contribution/scholarship may be reduced, or even withdrawn. 9. In the case of a change in external conditions and the possibilities of other appropriate sources of funding, the Rules of Funding for Students of the CEITEC PhD School may be re-evaluated. Annex No. 3 - Rules of Funding for Students of the CEITEC PhD School in the academic year 2020/2021 and beyond 1) General conditions of funding a) Students of the doctoral study program, Life Sciences – in the fields of Bio-omics and Structural Biology, and students of the doctoral study program, Biomedical Sciences – with the specialization of Molecular Medicine, have a guaranteed monthly net income of CZK 22,000. This applies during the standard study period (8 semesters), provided that the student fulfils his/her study requirements. b) In the case of good study results, the monthly net income may be gradually increased up to the recommended amount during the later years of study, according to the length of study, which is CZK 23,000 for students in the 2^nd year, CZK 24,000 in the 3^rd year and CZK 25,000 in the 4^th year. c) Included in the guaranteed amount (or recommended amount in higher grades of study, according to the length of study) is a Scholarship in support of studies in a doctoral degree program, or a Scholarship to support postgraduate study in the English language (hereafter referred to as the doctoral scholarship) of CZK 12,000. d) In the case of unsatisfactory results or nonfulfillment of study obligations, the contribution/scholarship may be reduced or even withdrawn. 2) Conditions for admitting students to the CEITEC PhD School starting in the academic year 2020/2021 a) Only CEITEC MU employees can announce a topic for admission in the doctoral study program within the CEITEC PhD School. b) The topics are thoroughly assessed by the Doctoral Board in terms of the past and present results of the supervisor, the quality of the proposed topic, and the project funding capacity. The approved topics are announced and offered to PhD candidates. The positions are filled according to the quality of the candidates assessed during the admission process. c) It is possible to announce topics under joint supervision (i.e. with a partner from another research institution, or collaborative, i.e., with industry,). These topics are always guaranteed by a supervisor who is employed at MU (main supervisor), and the course of study is specified in a contract between all involved parties. The contract specifies, in particular, the method of dealing with joint results, the method of using the infrastructure at the individual workplaces involved, the length of stay at the individual workplaces involved, and the method of financing the student and the project. d) A maximum of 18 candidates are admitted in one academic year, during the main admission process (with the commencement of study starting in the autumn semester). Each specialization shall receive 6 candidates, namely 4 + 2 (5^th and 6^th positions are filled based on the additional comparison of candidates and flexible negotiation). All of these candidates (scholars) receive a scholarship from central CEITEC MU resources (CEITEC MU scholarship). e) Beyond the stated limit of scholarship positions, i.e., without entitlement to the CEITEC MU scholarship, the candidate can be admitted only in extraordinary cases (e.g., extremely high-quality student, project resources need to be used, the student position is financed from prestigious projects, etc.). The same rule applies to the admission of students during the supplementary round of the admission process (with the commencement of study in the spring semester). These cases will be consulted in advance with the chairs of the Doctoral Committee and Doctoral Board. 3) Funding conditions for students admitted in the academic year 2020/2021 and beyond a) All scholars receive a CEITEC MU scholarship in the same amount, which is set for one academic year. b) The amount of this scholarship, in the range between CZK 2,500 and CZK 3,000, is based on the balance of resources allocated to scholarships in the budget programme for the CEITEC PhD School for the particular year, after deducting the costs of scholarships paid to students admitted before the academic year 2020/2021 (see paragraph 4). c) The difference between the guaranteed amount (or recommended amount in higher grades of study, according to the length of study) and the amount of the doctoral scholarship plus the CEITEC MU scholarship, is covered by the supervisor’s resources. 4) Funding conditions for students admitted before the academic year 2020/2021 Students who commenced their study in the academic year 2019/2020 or earlier, will be funded throughout the whole standard study period under the Rules of Funding for Students of the CEITEC PhD School in the Academic Year 2019/2020. a) Students who have received the CEITEC MU scholarship paid from the central CEITEC MU resources (scholars) will have the difference between the recommended amount (or recommended amount in higher grades of study, according to the length of study) and the doctoral scholarship funded equally from the central CEITEC MU resources and the supervisor’s resources. Therefore, the CEITEC MU scholarship may amount to CZK 5,000 for students in the 1^st year, CZK 5,500 for students in the 2^nd year, CZK 6,000 in the 3^rd year, and CZK 6,500 in the 4^th year. b) Students who have not received the CEITEC MU scholarship will have the difference between the guaranteed amount (or recommended amount in higher grades of study, according to the length of study) and the doctoral scholarship fully covered by the supervisor’s resources. 5) The validity of conditions The Rules of Funding for Students of the CEITEC PhD School will be re-evaluated in the case that there is an availability of further appropriate sources of funding, and in the context of the re-accreditation of the Life Sciences study program.