MUNI Measure of the Director of the Central European Institute of Technology of Masaryk University No. 4/2024 Personal Protective Equipment at the Workplace, Cleaning Agents, Detergents and Disinfection Preparations (effective as of1st March 2024) Pursuant to Part Three, Art. 7 (4) g) of the Rules of Organisation of the Central European Institute of Technology of Masaryk University and pursuant to the provisions of Act No. 262/2006 Coll., the Labour Code, as amended (hereinafter the "Labour Code"); Government Order No. 361/2007 Coll., stipulating the conditions of health protection at work, as amended, Government Order No. 495/2001 Coll., stipulating the scope and detailed conditions of the provision of personal protective equipment at the workplace, cleaning agents, detergents and disinfection preparations, as amended; Government Order No. 21/2003 Coll., stipulating technical requirements pertaining to personal protective equipment, as amended; and pursuant to the Rector's Directive No. 10/2009 "Organization of occupational health and safety at MU", I hereby issue this Measure: Article 1 Subject Matter (1) This measure of the Director of CEITEC MU (hereinafter the "Measure") sets out the scope and type of the provided personal protective equipment (hereinafter also the "PPE") based on the assessment of work risks actually or potentially affecting the employee at all worksites within the Central European Institute of Technology of MU (hereinafter "CEITEC MU"). (2) This Measure sets out the scope of free provision of and management with the PPE to employees where required by: a) the protection of their life and health; b) the protection of employees for sanitary and anti-epidemic reasons; c) extraordinary wear and tear or contamination due to the impacts of the working environment. (3) This Measure further regulates the provision and amounts of cleaning agents, detergents and disinfection preparations and it applies to all employees of CEITEC MU (working either under an employment agreement or under an agreement on works performed outside the scope of an employment relationship), and also mainly to students and interns carrying out any activities at the worksites of CEITEC MU on any other grounds than employment. Article 2 Definitions and Terms (1) Personal protective equipment at the workplace must: a) be approved by the competent authorised certification authority and designated for being used in order to protect employees against risks that could endanger their life, safety or health at work; b) protect employees against risks, may not endanger their health, may not cause obstacles for the work performance and must comply with the requirements stipulated by applicable legal regulations. (2) Work clothing or shoes are classified as protective personal equipment in the environment where the clothing or shoes are subject to extraordinary wear and tear or contamination in the course of work or where they perform a protective function. (3) Disinfection preparations are: a) chemical substances or mixtures thereof that exterminate patogennous microorganisms and that are designated for prevention of the origination and dispersion of infectious diseases; b) protective creams with disinfection effects. (4) Work risks are: a) combinations of probability and scope of possible injuries or damage to the health of an employee exposed to one or more potential sources of work injuries or health hazards in the course of their work process; b) thermal, radiation, chemical and biological - these risks are determined on the basis of expert measurements. Article 3 Requirements for PPE (1) Personal protective equipment at the workplace must: a) provide efficient protection, during the time of their use, against the existing risks and their use may not present an additional risk; b) correspond to the conditions existing at the workplace; c) be effective against the hazards present during the period of use and their use shall not present an additional risk; d) be adjusted to the physical parameters of individual employees; e) respect the ergonomie requirements and health condition of employees; f) where the existence of more than one risk requires that employees use several items personal protective equipment concurrently, these PPE items must be mutually compatible; g) employees must be acquainted with the use of personal protective equipment. Shared use of PPE by several employees is only possible if adequate measures have been taken to prevent the risk of contagious diseases; h) the manner, conditions and time of using personal protective equipment shall be determined by the employer based on the frequency and seriousness of the existing risks, the nature and type of work and the worksite, taking into consideration the characteristics of the given PPE. 2 (2) The manner, conditions and duration of use of personal protective equipment shall be determined by the employer on the basis of the frequency and severity of the hazards encountered, the nature and type of work and the workplace and taking into account the characteristics of the PPE. Article 4 Responsibilities of the Employer (1) Personal protective equipment shall be assigned to a worker on the basis of a risk assessment and subsequently if the original equipment has reached the end of its manufacturer's lifetime, has lost its functional characteristics or effectiveness against the risks involved, or if its use poses an additional risk. (2) The Employer is obliged: a) to determine suitable personal protective equipment based on the assessment of the risks that affect or may affect the employees; b) inform employees of the risks against which they are protected by the use of the personal protective equipment; the informing of employees is performed by the Occupational Safety and Health and Fire Prevention Manager. (3) The Employer is further obliged: a) to purchase personal protective equipment approved by the competent national certification authority for protection against the specific work risk to which the employee is exposed; b) to keep records on the release of personal protective equipment to individual employees (registration sheets), see Annex No. 2. Such records shall be kept by the head of the worksite (i.e. the head of the research centre, research group, core facility or another workplace); c) to optimise the stock of personal protective equipment and store it so that it does not get degraded and so that its protective function is not impaired; d) to determine an estimated service life and deadline for replacement of personal protective equipment (the personal protective equipment must be replaced immediately if its protective function is impaired due to wear and tear or due to damage); e) inspect the use of personal protective equipment by employees and request its use; f) provide cleaning agents and detergents. (4) The head of a research centre, research group, core facility or another workplace (hereinafter the "the head of the worksite") is obliged: a) to assign suitable personal protective equipment against a written confirmation of receipt and create personal cards of entitlement to personal protective equipment upon commencing employment or changing work activities, including the specification of all risks affecting the employee in the course of their work; b) to inform the employees with the manner of using the personal protective equipment and with the manufacturer's instructions; c) to inspect the stock and correct use of personal protective equipment solely for the purposes for which it is intended; 3 d) to equip employees with personal protective equipment in extraordinary cases, in the case of the assignment of employees to any works or tasks outside their usual scope of work and work position; e) to review the equipment of their subordinates with personal protective equipment in the case of any changes resulting from the introduction of new technologies or the establishment of new working conditions; f) to ensure or perform replacement of personal protective equipment if its protective function gets impaired; g) to inform the Occupational Safety and Health and Fire Prevention Manager regarding the provision of personal protective equipment. Article 5 Obligations of Employees (1) The employees are obliged: a) to use PPE in compliance with the orders and instructions of the employer and of the head of the worksite and in compliance with the manufacturer's instructions; b) to use PPE exclusively in the course of the activities for which the PPE was provided to them; c) to take due care of the received PPE, efficiently manage the PPE and ensure its minor maintenance in compliance with the manufacturer's instructions in order to prevent impairment of the functional properties of the PPE caused by the use of unsuitable cleaning or disinfection agents; d) to deposit personal protective equipment at places designated for this purpose; e) to notify their supervisor of any defects of the received PPE, including a request for replacement. (2) The employees may not: a) use non-functional protective equipment; b) remove PPE from the relevant centre, research group, core facility or another worksite (hereinafter the "worksite"). Article 6 Risks and Types of PPE (1) Mechanical risks are identifiable usually on the basis of the risk analysis. Thermal, radiation, chemical and biological risks result from the time frames of the day and are related to each profession individually. (2) The assessment of risks associated with the work performance of individual professions is set out in Annex No. 1 "Personal Protective Equipment Based on Professions and Risk Tables" that forms an integral part of this Measure. (3) The assessment of the work risks or, if applicable extraordinary wear and tear and contamination of equipment is performed by the head of the worksite in cooperation with the Occupational Safety and Health and Fire Prevention Manager. (4) At CEITEC MU, personal protective equipment means in particular the following: 4 a) Hearing protection: earplugs and similar items; ear muffs and ear defenders. b) Eye and face protection: protective goggles; protective goggles against X-ray, laser, ultraviolet, infrared or visible (dazzling) radiation; protective face shields. c) Hand and arm protection - gloves protecting against: mechanical damage (stabbing, cutting, vibrations, etc.); ■ chemical substances and biological agents; ■ electricity, glow and low temperatures; ionising radiation. d) Foot protection: Oxford shoes, ankle boots, mid-calf boots, knee-high boots, and over the knee boots, in particular for moist environment; ■ anti-slip shoes, boots, slippers; ■ antistatic shoes, boots, slippers; ■ thermally insulating shoes, boots, slippers. e) Whole body protection: ■ clothing protecting against chemical substances and biological agents; clothing protecting against ionising radiation; protective blankets. (5) Personal protective equipment for laboratory work includes the following: a) white coat; b) latex (vinyl, nitrile) gloves; c) goggles / face shield for work with chemical substances. (6) Personal protective equipment for work with cryogens includes the following: a) cryogenic gloves; b) face shield; c) white crepe coat; d) apron. Article 7 Determination of Personal Protective Equipment at the Workplace (1) Each worksite, depending on the nature of the given work, consultations with the Occupational Safety and Health and Fire Prevention Manager and in compliance with this Measure, determines and purchases personal protective equipment from the employer's resources, i.e. from the budget of the relevant worksite. (2) Employees are provided with PPE for the performance of their work according to Annex No. 1 hereof. (3) The decisive aspect for the allocation of PPE is always the presence of the risk by which the employee is affected in the course of the given work activity, against which the personal 5 protective equipment must be provided, irrespective of whether or not the particular PPE is listed in Annex No. 1, based on the expected main work activities according to the employee's position. (4) Employees who perform works for which the use of personal protective equipment is only prescribed on an occasional or irregular basis, receive these PPE items only for the time of the performance of the work for which such PPE is intended. The PPE is determined by the head of the worksite and the Occupational Safety and Health and Fire Prevention Manager based on the assessment of the existing risks relating to the work performance. (5) If an employee executes several professions and according to the list of the provided PPE is entitled to receive the same PPE for several professions, such PPE shall be provided to the employee only once. The personal PPE entitlement and release card must list all the activities and professions performed by the employee, as well as the provided PPE. (6) Where the presence of more than one hazard requires an employee to use more than one PPE at the same time, the PPE must be compatible with each other. (7) The head of the worksite is responsible for proper keeping of records on the allocation of PPE. Article 8 Classification of Works in Terms of Contamination In terms of contamination, works are classified as follows: Examples of professions and work activities Very unclean works asphalt workers, varnishers, pest control workers, galvanisers, underground miners, solid fuel boiler plants attendance staff, attendance and maintenance staff of earth working machinery, attendance and maintenance staff of machinery equipment, metallurgy workers Unclean works adjustment workers, binding workers, drivers of trucks, tractors and agricultural machinery, bricklayers, assembly workers, construction workers, attendance staff of construction machinery, forestry and agricultural workers, smiths, operations chemists, foodstuffs production workers, butchers and pork butchers, welders, animal breeders, attendance staff of metal-working machinery, woks in health care causing skin irritation Less clean works foremen, technical supervision workers, crane operators, warehouse workers, passenger vehicle drivers, servicing technicians, shoemakers, carpenters, wood processing, assembly of electrical products, procurement, cleaning Clean works administrative works, attendance of steam boiler plants, supervision, measurement, trade, services, education, science, research 6 Article 9 Cleaning agents and detergents (1) The employer provides employees who get in contact with substances capable of causing skin irritation or contamination of employees cleaning agents, detergents and disinfection preparations (and, if applicable, regeneration lotions and creams) depending on the scope of the skin and clothing contamination. (2) The amount of the provided cleaning agents and detergents (including protection creams) is determined on the basis of the contamination level as follows: Table of the amount of the provided cleaning agents and detergents Group Level of contamination Soap, cleaning agent (g/month) Cleaning paste (g/month) A Very unclean works 200 900 B Unclean works 100 600 C Less clean works 100 300 D Clean works 100 (3) For the purpose of ensuring basic hygiene, soaps and towels available at the places designated for basic disinfection are provided by an external supplier. Article 10 Method of Washing PPE (1) Regular cleaning of PPE, in particular clothing, is ensured in buildings E35 and C04 by the Occupational Safety and Health and Fire Prevention Manager on a regular basis in the laundry of Brno Faculty Hospital, once every month, on the first Tuesday of each month. Each employee is entitled to take advantage of these services. In the other buildings, laundering is arranged based on a separate schedule. (2) All laundry shall be visibly marked with name, surname and number in indelible marking pencil: a) Centre for Structural Biology: 163/1000 b) Ceitec - Pavilion E26: 163/2000 c) Centre for Molecular Medicine: 163/3000 d) Ceitec - Pavilion C04: 163/5000 e) Ceitec - Pavilion C02: 163/4080 f) Ceitec Administration: 163/7000 g) Plant science CF: 163/8000 (3) The marking of the laundry is described in the following places: a) laboratory coatt - inside of collar b) trousers - front waistband c) blouse, shirt - inside back of collar 7 Article 11 Rules for the Provision of Protective Beverages (1) The employer is obliged to provide the employees at worksites with substandard microclimate conditions with protective beverages free of charge based on a special list prepared on the basis of the risk assessment and the specific working conditions. Protective beverages serve for the protection of the employees' health against the effects of heat or cold stress. The provision of protective beverages cannot be substituted with any financial compensation. (2) Worksites with substandard microclimate conditions are determined by the decision of the competent public health protection authority on the basis of measurements taken by an authorised officer. The type and amounts of the protective beverages provided to employees at these worksites are determined on the basis of the results of the measurements taken in cooperation with the contracted physician providing occupational health care. (3) Protective drinks reducing the risk of heat stress shall be provided in an amount equivalent to at least 70% of the loss of fluids and minerals through sweat and respiration over an eight-hour shift. (4) In order to protect health against the effects of heat or cold stress, employees shall be provided with protective drinks. Protective drinks must be safe for health and must not contain more than 6.5 percent sugar by weight, but may contain substances that increase the body's resistance. The amount of alcohol may not exceed 1% by weight. However, protective drinks for underage employees may not contain any alcohol at all. (5) Appropriate drinks: a) natural mineral water, slightly mineralised, spring water or water meeting similar microbiological, physical and chemical characteristics to those of the above-mentioned waters; b) natural mineral water of medium mineralization or water of similar total mineralization. (6) Inappropriate drinks: a) coffee, cocoa, strong tea and alcoholic beverages are completely inappropriate due to their strong dehydrating effect, sweet and cola sodas are also not suitable (the reason for this is the high sugar content), C02 carbonated waters are not very suitable either; b) the consumption of ionic and energy drinks should be well considered in relation to the activity performed (they are more suitable for sports activities). (7) The worksites of CEITEC MU fall into work class I and the following protective drinks are provided: a) natural mineral water, slightly mineralised; b) spring water; or c) water meeting similar microbiological, physical and chemical characteristics to those of the above-mentioned waters. 8 (8) Work class I includes the following types of work - sedentary work with minimal whole-body physical activity, clerical office work, supervisory work in guardrooms and control rooms, typing, PC work, laboratory work, assembling or sorting of small and lightweight objects. (9) The hygienic limit for fluid loss under heat stress is 1.25 litres per eight-hour shift. Compensation for loss of fluids and minerals applies if there is a loss of fluids at work exceeding the hygienic limit of 1.25 litres. The compensation for fluid loss is provided in the adjusted range of 0.9 to 2.7 litres at temperatures between 31 °C and 36 °C. (10) The head of the relevant worksite is responsible for ordering and providing the drinks and deciding whether the climatic conditions for the provision of protective drinks are met. (11) Running drinking water is permanently available to CEITEC MU employees; carbonated water is available in Building E35, on the 2nd above-ground floor. In addition, there are refrigerators, kettles and microwaves in the kitchenettes for preparing and storing drinks. Article 12 Final Provisions (1) The secretary of the Institute shall be responsible for the interpretation of this Measure. (2) The Occupational Health and Safety and Fire Prevention manager shall be responsible for keeping this Measure updated. (3) The Heads of worksites are appointed to supervise the observance of this Measure. (4) This Measure cancels the General Rules of the Provision of Personal Protective Equipment, Cleaning Agents and Detergents effective since 18 November 2014 and the Director's Measure No. 7/2021 - Personal Protective Equipment at the Workplace, Cleaning Agents, Detergents and Disinfection Preparations. (5) This Measure shall become valid as of the date of signature hereof. (6) This Measure shall become effective as of 1 March 2024. Annexes: No. 1 - Personal protective equipment based on the professions and the risks table No. 2 - Registration Sheet of Personal Protective Equipment Pavel Plevka Acting Director 9 ANNEX NO. 1: PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT BASED ON THE PROFESSIONS AND THE RISKS TABLE Organisation: CEITEC MU, Kamenice 753/5, 625 00 Brno Workplace: CEITEC MU, Kamenice 753/5, 625 00 Brno and other worksites of CEITEC MU Profession: Specialist (work with chemicals, biological agents of class 1 and 2) Description of activities: Work with common chemical substances used in laboratories (methanol, ethanol, acetic acid, sodium chloride, etc.) classified at most as risk category 2 pursuant to Decree No. 432/2003 Coll., stipulating the conditions for dividing work into individual categories, the limit values for biological exposure test indicators, the conditions for collecting biological material for biological exposure tests, and the particulars for notifying work with asbestos and biological agents, as amended, and work with biological agents of category 2 pursuant to Government Order No. 361/2007 Coll., stipulating the conditions of health protection at work, as amended. Used machines and devices: centrifuges, shakers, western blots, steam sterilisers, microscopes, flow-boxes, sonicators, homogenisers, electrophoreses, etc. Type of Personal Protective Equipment and Estimated Time of its Use Name of the personal protective equipment Details Note Mont hs Latex (vinyl, nitrile) gloves Disposable, available at the worksite expiration term 6 White coat 12 RISK ASSESSMENT TABLE FOR THE SELECTION AND USE OF PERSONAL PROTECTIVE _EQUIPMENT_ RISKS PROFESSION Physical Chemical Biological Mechanical Therm al Electricity Radiati on Noise Aerosols Solids Liquids Gases, vapours Falls from height, falls Hit, shock, crush Stabs, cuts, scratches Slipping, falls Vibrations Heat, fire Cold Not ionising Ionising Dust, fibres Fumes, mists Immersion Splashing Bacteria, viruses Parasites Moulds Non-bacterial l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 it 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Head Scull A Hearing B Vision C X Respiratory system D Face E Whole head F Upper limbs Hands G X X X X X Arms (parts) H Lower limbs Feet I Legs (parts) J Skin K Torso / abdomen L X X X X X Parenteral routes M Whole body N 10 Organisation: CEITEC MU, Kamenice 753/5, 625 00 Brno Workplace: CEITEC MU, Kamenice 753/5, 625 00 Brno and other worksites of CEITEC MU Profession: Specialist (work with cryogens) Description of activities: Handling with liquid nitrogen and other cryogens. Work with Dewar containers and other tools for handling cryogens. Type of Personal Protective Equipment and Estimated Time o * its Use Name of the personal protective equipment Details Note Mont hs Latex (vinyl, nitrile) gloves Disposable 6 White coat 12 Cryogenic gloves Goggles / face shield Protective apron for the work with liquid nitrogen As needed Protective shoes As needed RISK ASSESSMENT TABLE FOR THE SELECTION AND USE OF PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT RISKS PROFESSION Physical Chemical Biological Mechanical Therm al Electricity Radiati on Noise Aerosols Solids Liquids Gases, vapours Falls from height, falls Hit, shock, crush Stabs, cuts, scratches Slipping, falls Vibrations Heat, fire Cold Not ionising Ionising Dust, fibres Fumes, mists Immersion Splashing Bacteria, viruses Parasites Moulds Non-bacterial l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 it 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Head Scull A Hearing B Vision C X Respiratory system D Face E X X Whole head F Upper limbs Hands G X X X X X X Arms (parts) H Lower limbs Feet I Legs (parts) J Skin K Torso / abdomen L X X X X X Parenteral routes M Whole body N X 11 Organisation: CEITEC MU, Kamenice 753/5, 625 00 Brno Workplace: Kamenice 753/5, 625 00 Brno and other worksites of CEITEC MU Profession: Specialist (work with genetically modified organisms) Description of activities: Research in the field of genetically modified organisms. Coats must be labelled as GMO, relocation of coats to other places is forbidden. Used machines and devices: centrifuges, shakers, western blots, steam sterilisers, microscopes, flow-boxes, sonicators, homogenisers, electrophoreses, etc. Type of Personal Protective Equipment and Estimated Time o * its Use Name of the personal protective equipment Details Note Mont hs Latex (vinyl, nitrile) gloves Disposable 6 White coat Coats may not be taken out of the laboratories 12 RISK ASSESSMENT TABLE FOR THE SELECTION AND USE OF PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT RISKS PROFESSION Physical Chemical Biological Mechanical Therm al Electricity Radiati on Noise Aerosols Solids Liquids Gases, vapours Falls from height, falls Hit, shock, crush Stabs, cuts, scratches Slipping, falls Vibrations Heat, fire Cold Not ionising Ionising Dust, fibres Fumes, mists Immersion Splashing Bacteria, viruses Parasites Moulds Non-bacterial l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 it 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Head Scull A Hearing B Vision C Respiratory system D Face E X Whole head F Upper limbs Hands G Arms (parts) H X X X X X Lower limbs Feet I Legs (parts) J Skin K Torso / abdomen L X X X X X Parenteral routes M Whole body N 12 Organisation: CEITEC MU, Kamenice 753/5, 625 00 Brno Workplace: Kamenice 753/5, 625 00 Brno, building E35, and other worksites of CEITEC MU Profession: Health care professional Description of activities: Work in the regime of a health care facility. Note: Furthermore, it is governed by Decree No. 306/2012 Coll., on the Conditions of Preventing the Occurrence and Spreading of Infectious Diseases and on Public Health Requirements Pertaining to the Operation of Health Care Facilities and Social Care Institutions, as amended. Type of Personal Protective Equipment and Estimated Time o * its Use Name of the personal protective equipment Details Note Mont hs Latex (nitrile) gloves Disposable 6 White coat 12 Medical white pants 12 RISK ASSESSMENT TABLE FOR THE SELECTION AND USE OF PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT RISKS PROFESSION Physical Chemical Biological Mechanical Therm al Electricity Radiati on Noise Aerosols Solids Liquids Gases, vapours Falls from height, falls Hit, shock, crush Stabs, cuts, scratches Slipping, falls Vibrations Heat, fire Cold Not ionising Ionising Dust, fibres Fumes, mists Immersion Splashing Bacteria, viruses Parasites Moulds Non-bacterial l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 it 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Head Scull A Hearing B Vision C X Respiratory system D Face E X Whole head F Upper limbs Hands G X X X X X Arms (parts) H Lower limbs Feet I Legs (parts) J Skin K Torso / abdomen L X X X X X Parenteral routes M Whole body N 13 Organisation: CEITEC MU, Kamenice 753/5, 625 00 Brno Workplace: Kamenice 753/5, 625 00 Brno, building E35, and other worksites of CEITEC MU Profession: Specialist (work with chemicals, biological agents of class 3) Description of activities: Work with common chemical substances used in laboratories (methanol, ethanol, acetic acid, sodium chloride, etc.) classified at most as risk category 3 pursuant to Decree No. 432/2003 Coll., stipulating the conditions for dividing work into individual categories, the limit values for biological exposure test indicators, the conditions for collecting biological material for biological exposure tests, and the particulars for notifying work with asbestos and biological agents, as amended, and work with biological agents of category 3 pursuant to Government Order No. 361/2007 Coll., stipulating the conditions of health protection at work, as amended. Used machines and devices: centrifuges, shakers, western blots, steam sterilisers, microscopes, flow-boxes, sonicators, homogenisers, electrophoreses, etc. Type of Personal Protective Equipment and Estimated Time of its Use Name of the personal protective equipment Details Note Mont hs Filter half mask (or full face mask) with FFP3 type filters in the case of an extraordinary entry, an FFP3 respirator can be used Protective goggles compatible with a filter half mask unless a full face mask is used Disposable coverall (suit) for biological protection pursuant to EN 141126 Cotton or functional T-shirt and pants under the disposable coverall Leather shoes with firm heel and toe disposable Disposable nitrile gloves double gloves to be used in laboratories RISK ASSESSMENT TABLE FOR THE SELECTION AND USE OF PERSONAL _PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT_ PROFESSION RISKS Physical Chemical Biological Mechanical Therm al Electricity Radiati on Noise Aerosols Solids Liquids Gases, vapours ■SP í Q -tí T a i l/l 13 Hit, shock, crush Stabs, cuts, scratches Slipping, falls Vibrations Heat, fire Cold Not ionising Ionising Dust, fibres Fumes, mists Immersion Splashing Bacteria, viruses Parasites Moulds Non-bacterial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 n 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Head Scull A Hearing B Vision C X X Respiratory system D X Face E X X 14 Whole head F X Upper limbs Hands G X X X X X Arms (parts) H X Lower limbs Feet I Legs (parts) J X Skin K X Torso / abdomen L X X X X X Parenteral routes M Whole body N X 15 Organisation: CEITEC MU, Kamenice 753/5, 625 00 Brno Workplace: Kamenice 753/5, 625 00 Brno, building E35, and other worksites of CEITEC MU Profession: Specialist working with ionizing radiation Description of activities: Work with isotopes, etc. Radiation specialists of category B according to Decree No. 422/2016 Coll., as amended Type of Personal Protective Equipment and Estimated Time o * its Use Name of the personal protective equipment Details Note Mont hs Latex (nitrile) gloves Disposable White coat Medical white pants Protective shield Protective goggles RISK ASSESSMENT TABLE FOR THE SELECTION AND USE OF PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT RISKS PROFESSION Physical Chemical Biological Mechanical Therm al Electricity Radiati on Noise Aerosols Solids Liquids Gases, vapours Falls from height, falls Hit, shock, crush Stabs, cuts, scratches Slipping, falls Vibrations Heat, fire Cold Not ionising Ionising Dust, fibres Fumes, mists Immersion Splashing Bacteria, viruses Parasites Moulds Non-bacterial l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 n 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Head Scull A Hearing B Vision C Respiratory system D Face E X Whole head F Upper limbs Hands G X Arms (parts) H X Lower limbs Feet I Legs (parts) J Skin K X Torso / abdomen L Parenteral routes M Whole body N 16 Organisation: CEITEC MU, Kamenice 753/5, 625 00 Brno Workplace: Kamenice 753/5, 625 00 Brno, building E35, and other worksites of CEITEC MU Profession: Specialist working with lasers Description of activities: Work with lasers according to Decree No. 295/2015 Coll., as amended, lasers of different classes. Type of Personal Protective Equipment and Estimated Time o * its Use Name of the personal protective equipment Details Note Mont hs Protective goggles designed for work with lasers based on the wavelength corresponding to the wavelength of the radiation emitted by the laser device used RISK ASSESSMENT TABLE FOR THE SELECTION AND USE OF PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT RISKS PROFESSION Physical Chemical Biological Mechanical Therm al Electricity Radiati on Noise Aerosols Solids Liquids Gases, vapours Q -tí T a i l/l 13 Hit, shock, crush Stabs, cuts, Scratches Slipping, falls Vibrations Heat, fire Cold Not ionising Ionising Dust, fibres Fumes, mists Immersion Splashing Bacteria, viruses Parasites Moulds Non-bacterial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 n 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Head Scull A Hearing B Vision C X Respiratory system D Face E Whole head F Upper limbs Hands G Arms (parts) H Lower limbs Feet I Legs (parts) J Skin K Torso / abdomen L Parenteral routes M Whole body N 17 ANNEX NO. 2: REGISTRATION SHEET OF PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Masaryk University I ID No.: 00216224 Central European Institute of Technology Kamenice 753/5, 625 00 Brno | REGISTRATION SHEET Personal Protective Equipment at the Workplace Name and surname of employee, ID No.: Work position of employee: The employee confirms with their signature that they have received the personal protective equipment specified above and that they have been informed of the manner of using the provided personal protective equipment and acquainted with the manufacturer's instructions. The employee assumes responsibility for the PPE and must reimburse the employer for the value of the PPE if it is lost, damaged or destroyed, unless the employee proves that the loss, damage or destruction was not caused by them. The employee is required to notify their supervisor of any defects or damage of the received PPE, including a request for replacement. Employees may not use any non-functional or damaged PPE. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Detailed specification Date of re leas e Employee's signature Notes (e.g. return, damage, size) 18 19