CEITEC MU Recruitment Policy 2 Version 2020-11-24 Approved by J. Nantl, Director (24. 11. 2020) Editor / Reviewed by J. Nantl, Director K. Říha, Deputy Director for Science E. Handlířová, Head of Director’s Office, HR Award Coordinator M. Pokorná, Deputy Director for Administrative Matters Authors N. Kostlánová, Scientific Secretary E. Handlířová, HR Award Coordinator, Head of Director’s Office Consulted with Heads of Administrative Departments, Secretary Admin Meeting August 2019, March 2020 Management February 2020, May 2020 Director’s Board June 2020 GL Meeting October 2020 (introduced) November 2020 (consultation) Type of Document Policy Key Words HR Award; Recruitment Sensitive Document No Related Documents Internal: Masaryk University Recruitment Policy Rules (the Recruitment Policy is in full compliance with the MU Recruitment policy rules) Director’s Measure No. 5/2016 Recruitment Rules (this measure is expected to be updated as a direct follow-up to the recommendation of this policy) CEITEC MU HR Excellence in Research: HR Strategy and HR Action Plan External: LIBRA Recruitment Handbook Open, Transparent, Merit-Based Recruitment Principles (Report, 2015) 3 Table of Contents 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................... 4 2. Purpose of the Document...................................................................................................... 7 3. Recruitment Policy Baseline and Goals .............................................................................. 9 3.1. Number of applicants per vacant position opened to be increased and comparable to other EU-life institutes ............................................................................................................. 9 3.2. Instalment of a modern recruitment policy that implements the OTM-R principles, thereby clarifying the role of the HR Department and group leaders, and the service that is being offered to the group leaders.........................................................................................10 3.3. People participating in selection procedures are to be properly trained......................11 3.4. Administrative burden to be minimised, handled by the HR Department, and e-recruitment tools are to be used......................................................................................................12 3.5. Onboarding of new employees to be standardised and provided by a direct superior in cooperation with the HR Department...........................................................................13 3.6. Work@CEITEC website is to be launched and regularly updated, and provide necessary information for candidates, new employees, and current staff about the recruitment process and all of the important aspects of working at CEITEC MU.........................................13 4. Basic Principles....................................................................................................................15 5. Selection Procedure.............................................................................................................17 5.1. Preparatory Stage ........................................................................................................17 5.2. Job Description ............................................................................................................18 5.3. Position Advertising......................................................................................................18 6. Candidate Selection .............................................................................................................20 6.1. Selection Panel ............................................................................................................20 6.1.1. Selection Panel Setup ..................................................................................20 6.1.2. Candidate Evaluation by the Selection Panel ..............................................20 6.2. Receipt and Evaluation of the Application Forms ........................................................21 6.3. Selection of Candidates ...............................................................................................21 6.4. Interviews .....................................................................................................................22 6.5. Other Rounds of the Selection Procedure ...................................................................23 6.6. References...................................................................................................................23 6.7. Outcome of the Selection Procedure...........................................................................23 7. Termination of the Selection Procedure ............................................................................25 7.1. Announcement of the Results and Feedback..............................................................25 7.2. Job Offer ......................................................................................................................25 7.3. Storage of the Selection Procedure Documents..........................................................26 8. Responsibilities....................................................................................................................27 8.1. Scientific Secretary ......................................................................................................27 8.2. Head of the HR Department ........................................................................................27 8.3. HR Manager/HR Specialist (authorised employee) .....................................................27 8.4. Announcement Submitter.............................................................................................28 8.5. Selection Panel Members ............................................................................................28 9. Specification of the Selection Procedure Settings for Particular position Categories.29 4 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Recruitment Policy is based on principles of the European Charter for Researchers and a Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (“Charter and Code for Researchers”) and forms an essential element of the implementation of the HR Award (HR Excellence in Research, HRS4R), which was laid out in the so-called “HR Award Strategy and Action Plan” for the period of 2018- 2022. The Policy responds to the analysis of the current state of the recruitment of new scientists. What Is the Purpose of the Recruitment Policy and Its Implementation? For the group leader (GL):  Higher quality selection of new team members  Amplification of the pool of applicants for the announced position  Support of group leader in the area of organisational requirements  Stable environment for selection of applicants  Development of competencies relevant for suitable candidate selection  Creation of partnership with the HR department  Strengthening of accountability during the process For the management:  Obtaining an overview of the realised selection procedures, numbers, and type of candidates and selected persons  Recruitment of high-quality applicants  Internalisation  Strengthening of CEITEC MU brand’s position in scientists’ recruitment and protection of the Institute’s good name  Protection of candidates and provision of a positive experience with CEITEC MU, regardless of the outcome of the selection procedure What, On the Contrary, Is NOT the Purpose of the Recruitment Policy? The purpose is not to decide on behalf of the group leader on whom to select for his/her team. The purpose is not to drown the group leader in excessive paperwork. What Should and Should Not Be the Role of the HR Department?  The role of the HR Department is not to choose and decide whom to recruit, on behalf of the GL.  The HR Department helps the GL with the processes (i.e., advertisement posting, collecting and categorising the applications, planning and organising the interviews, and monitoring and reporting to the management).  The HR Department contributes to the modernisation process (i.e., electronisation).  The HR Department protects not only candidates, but also the Institute, against the possible negative results of discriminating behaviour.  The HR Department offers alternative expertise, views and experiences (e.g., assessment of personality profiles or advertisement wording).  The HR Department helps to facilitate communication with the applicant (e.g., presenting the benefits of working at CEITEC MU in terms of employee benefits, benefits of working in Brno and the Czech Republic, and answering questions related to work-life balance, contract conditions, etc.) 5 Who Is Affected by the Recruitment Policy and Its Implementation? How? Institute The Director approves the Recruitment Policy, and the management oversees its proper implementation. The Institute takes care of the CEITEC MU branding, including “Recruitment Branding,” which supports the increase of both the quantity and quality of applicants. The Institute aims to balance the interests of the Group Leaders (hiring managers) and the applicants, with a specific focus on decreasing the administrative burden, by offering a professional service by the HR Department and protecting the applicants from any misconduct during the selection procedure. The Director, Deputy Director for Science, and Scientific Secretary organise selection procedures for the positions of Group Leaders and CF Heads (as hiring managers). Group Leaders and Core Facility Heads Group Leaders and CF Heads are hiring managers. They desire to hire the best applicants from a wide range of high-quality applicants. Their obligation is to carry out the recruitment procedure in line with the Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment Principles (OTM-R principles), and to cooperate with the HR Department regarding the organisation of the procedure. It is important to note that both successful and non-successful applicants will spread their positive or negative experiences with CEITEC MU after the recruitment procedure has finished. Therefore, the role of GLs and CF Heads is not limited to their RG, but also influences the reputation of the entire Institute. HR Department The HR Department provides expert services, both to the management (i.e., implementation, monitoring, and reporting), and to the Group Leaders and CF Heads (hiring managers). The HR Department supports the hiring managers in the organisation of the selection procedure, from the beginning (i.e., preparation of the advertisement, collection of the applications, logistics of the interviews, etc.) to the end (i.e., signing the contract, and the orientation of new employees). The HR Department is responsible for the electronisation of the selection procedure and for the minimisation of the administrative burden to the minimum that is required by law, or by the needs of reporting to grant providers and the management. Members of the Recruitment Committee(s) Members of the Recruitment Committee(s) are properly trained with a specific focus on unconscious bias and legal requirements. Applicants Both successful and non-successful applicants must be treated in a transparent, open and respectful manner. When their experience with CEITEC MU is positive, it strengthens the brand of the Institute worldwide in the research community, and further supports the quantity and quality of applicants. European Commission The European Commission oversees compliance with the HR Award (i.e., 40 principles of the Charter and Code). It decides if the Recruitment Policy is in line with the HR Award conditions, evaluates proper implementation, and decides if the Institutes can hold the HR Award (i.e., CEITEC’s interim assessment is in January 2021, and the on-site visit is in 2024). 6 Summary of Fundamental Drawbacks (Weaknesses) in the Recruitment Area  Absent overview on recruitment procedures and their quality  Low quantity of applicants for postdoc position(s)  Hiring managers (heads of worksites) are not properly trained (i.e., Open, Transparent, and Merit-Based Principles)  Applicants are evaluated and interviewed by one person only (i.e., no diversity of views)  Missing partnership between group leaders (hiring managers) and HR managers  Direct offers of position still exist (decreasing in extent)  Missing conception of advertisement of open positions and the Institute as a whole  Electronisation of the recruitment procedure is not used effectively  Web presentation is reduced (i.e., only in the “Jobs” section) Source: HR Award Gap Analysis, 2018 7 2. PURPOSE OF THE DOCUMENT This document originates from the scope of the “”HR Excellence in Research Award" implementation” process. CEITEC MU received this award in 2019. The new recruitment policy is a follow-up to the process and is fully consistent with the adopted policy on HR development and the HR AWARD action plan from 2018 (“HR Excellence in Research: HR Strategy and HR Action Plan”). The area of “Recruitment and Onboarding” (see Tab. 1) forms a part of the action plan. The purpose of this document is to describe the basic goals, principles, and processes of the recruitment of new researchers, considering both CEITEC MU Institute’s interests in attracting, acquiring, and retaining high quality staff, as well as in adopting a transparent and open-minded approach to the candidates. CEITEC MU is fully aware that the quality of its research and the Institute’s prosperity are dependent on the ability to attract, select, and retain high quality employees. For this purpose, it has introduced, by means of this document, a modern recruitment policy that implements the OTM-R principles and clearly determines the roles of the HR Department and other involved parties, particularly the research group leaders, in this process. CEITEC MU also declares that all processes related to new staff recruitment are performed in accordance with transparency, equal opportunity principles, and quality standards that are internationally applied to this type of process. Among others, this document draws on the results of the project, LIBRA1 (2015-2019). The purpose of this project was to suggest the rules for the open, inclusive, transparent, and non-biased recruitment of researchers. In particular, it draws on the “LIBRA Recruitment Handbook”2 document, which serves as a methodologically supporting tool for the HR department and represents a suitable educational base for future trainings for members of hiring committees. 1 LIBRA is a Coordination and Support Action project of the European Commission’s framework programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 and is funded under grant agreement No 665937. 2 LIBRA Recruitment Handbook - Carolina Corrales, Michaela Herzig, Catherine Lloyd, Binia Meixne, and Michaela Steine; https://www.eu-libra.eu/sites/default/files/article-files/libra_recruitment_guidelines_second_edition_0.pdf 8 Tab. 1: HR Excellence in Research: HR Strategy and HR Action Plan (2018) Chapter 3.1 “Recruitment and Onboarding” (p. 9) Considering the fact that most research positions have a limited duration, and the researchers are expected to be mobile, there is a high rotation of researchers. This means that as a research institute, you have to recruit new people almost continuously. This requires a lot of time and energy from the institute. CEITEC MU aims to become a “first-choice” employer for PhD students, postdocs and (junior) group leaders. Recruitment of new people also requires an effective onboarding. It is crucial that new employees are well informed about their new working environment right from the start, that they are properly introduced and have sufficient knowledge of what is expected from them. Proper onboarding will lead to better identification with the institute, its priorities and culture. Targets: 1. Number of applicants per vacant position opened to be increased and comparable to other EU-life institutes. 2. Instalment of a modern recruitment policy that implements the OTM-R principles, thereby clarifying the role of the HR Department and the group leaders and the service that is being offered to the group leader. 3. People participating in selection procedures are to be properly trained. 4. Administrative burden to be minimized, handled by the HR Department and e-recruitment tools to be used. 5. Onboarding of new employees to be standardized and provided by a direct superior in cooperation with the HR Department. 6. Work@CEITEC website to be launched and regularly updated, providing necessary information for candidates, new employees and current staff about the recruitment process and all important aspects of working at CEITEC MU. The Recruitment Policy defines principles, activities, and processes that are connected with the recruitment, selection, and hiring of new researchers. Even though some of the processes may partially or fully overlap with the rules for recruitment of non-scientist positions, such groups of workers do not have to be explicitly included in the document. For the technicians, the principles described herein are adequately implemented. The Recruitment Policy shall be further expanded upon in the Director’s Measures and HR guidelines so that the principles and strategic objectives are realised in daily routines. 9 3. RECRUITMENT POLICY BASELINE AND GOALS The goals of this Policy are derived from the CEITEC MU HR Strategy of 2018 and have been further elaborated into 6 following specific points. 3.1. Number of applicants per vacant position opened to be increased and comparable to other EU-life institutes Baseline: The current system for the recruitment of researchers does not allow for the evaluation of the number of received applications. The HR Department does not have a complete overview of the number of received applications. Therefore, the evaluation is based on feedback from the research group leaders who emphasise, above all, the need for recruitment support for postdoc positions. Despite the lack of overview of the statistics, it is evident that the number of female applicants for senior scientific positions is very low, and this number does not correspond to the standards of international institutions. The selection procedure practice and feedback from group leaders further indicates an insufficient number and quality of postdoc applicants. For example, it is necessary to repeatedly advertise the jobs. On the contrary, the development in the quantity and quality of applicants to PhD student positions has been assessed positively. Nevertheless, such jobs have been selected as part of the specific recruitment process for the CEITEC PhD School, which is outside of the scope of traditional selection procedures for other jobs. Target State: Responsible Unit: The system for recruitment of researchers has been adjusted. It is possible to monitor and evaluate the number of received applications for research positions. HR Department Following the point stated above a targeted number has been determined for the applications received for a specific type of position (e.g., – X received applications for postdoc position). Scientific Secretary Commentary: Collected data will be included in the standardised reporting by the Institute’s management, which takes places twice per year. [Responsible unit: Director’s Office] 10 3.2. Instalment of a modern recruitment policy that implements the OTM-R principles, thereby clarifying the role of the HR Department and group leaders, and the service that is being offered to the group leaders Baseline: Currently, the Director’s Measure No. 5/2016 Recruitment Rules is valid. It is relevant for all open positions except for academics (and some management and administrative positions). The proportion of open and internal selection procedures has been changing for a long time, and favours open selection procedures. However, there are still some cases in which the selection procedure has not been announced, and the position has been recruited directly or based on an internal selection procedure (typically by persons from faculties, exceptionally by external candidates). There have been some rare cases in which the group leader actively approached the HR Department requesting recruitment services (e.g., request for application anonymisation, pre-selection of candidates, and the presence of a member of the HR Department at the selection procedure). All (open) selection procedures are published on the CEITEC, MU, and EURAXESS websites. Free publishing servers from the R&D area are also used. Any paid advertisements are covered from a specific worksite budget (from research group budgets for scientific positions). Currently, paid job advertisements are rarely used by group leaders (in 2019, the HR Department did not register any usage of paid advertisement for scientific positions, except for group leader positions). Paid advertisement is used for the opening of a group leader position from the Institute’s budget. According to the Director’s Measure No. 5/2016, for nonadministrative positions, the Selection Panel should have at least three members, which includes one managing employee and one HR manager (or assigned HR employee). However, this rule is not followed in practice. If this principle is to be implemented (primarily relevant to the selection procedures for postdoc and staff scientist positions), it is necessary to provide capacity for HR Department employees and their professional training for OTM-R principles. The advantage of the presence of HR specialists during the selection procedure is that it ensures the professional conduct of interviews (incl. legal requirements in relation to non-discrimination), as well as the facilitation of reporting issues for management employees. At CEITEC MU partner institutions, the presence of HR Department employees at the selection procedure is common practice (e.g. CeMM, MDC, etc.). Another important regulation in this area is the Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures at MU, which must be followed by the Institute during the selection procedures for academic positions. The Regulations represent a minimum standard that must be followed, so that the Institute can surpass them. Target State: Responsible Unit: The Recruitment Policy of CEITEC MU has been approved, and the implementing documents have been prepared (i.e., Director’s Measure, methodology guidelines, and recruitment process check-lists). Scientific Secretary Basic principles defined by the Recruitment Policy have been fully implemented. HR Award Coordinator 11 The OTM-R check-list3 is evaluated regularly – once per year. The expected deadline for meeting all points of the checklist is one year after the Policy for the Recruitment of Researchers comes into effect (unless otherwise specified in the Action Plan for complex tasks). HR Department A system for quality and quantity monitoring and the evaluation of applications received has been created and implemented. HR Award Coordinator At least once per year, the tools for the advertisement of open positions are evaluated (i.e., their reach, targeting relevant groups of candidates etc.). HR Department Commentary: The checklist (see Point 1 in the Table above) will be filled out after each selection procedure has begun, and will monitor the individual phases of the selection procedure. The data will be stored in an electronic form, so that it can be used for statistical purposes, or, if needed, as evidence of following the OTM-R and other ethical principles of the selection procedure. 3.3.People participating in selection procedures are to be properly trained Baseline: Currently, there is no training mechanism for members of the Selection Panels. Within the Institute, the HR Department possesses the professional expertise in the field of recruitment. Currently, the HR Department participates in the recruitment of administrative employees (i.e., the HR Department representative is present at all selection procedures). Currently, HR Department representatives are not present during the selection procedures for research and technical positions. The first instances when group leaders have asked for their HR managers’ presences during the selection interviews have been recently, and the HR Department has met those requests. There have only been a very small number of these situations. Currently, the HR Department has no overview of the setup of the Selection Panels, and therefore, cannot evaluate if they are equal in terms of male and female representation (which is one of the OTM-R requirements). Target State: Responsible Unit: The HR Department representative is present in a pre-defined form during all selection procedures for scientific staff, cooperates in the selection of candidates, and guarantees the quality of processes related to the selection procedure. HR Department A training for selection procedure participants (committee members) has been created, in the form of e-learning based on the LIBRA Recruitment Handbook. HR Department All individuals participating in the selection procedures as committee members take part in obligatory training. HR Department 3 Available at: https://is.muni.cz/auth/do/ceitec/HR_Award/gap_analysis/?lang=en (authorisation via UČO and secondary password is needed). 12 If allowed by the personnel situation, the Selection Panels are balanced in terms of gender representation. HR Department Commentary: Within the scope of the implementation, a training of “train the trainers” for HR specialists should be realised, so that they can perform their role during the selection interviews and create the training materials. 3.4. Administrative burden to be minimised, handled by the HR Department, and e-recruitment tools are to be used Baseline: The HR Department role does not correspond to the Director’s Measure No. 5/2016, which determines that the head of the HR Department approves the advertisement for a new job offer. Research group leaders are in touch with their HR manager, whose role is mostly to consult with them. The HR specialist supervises compliance with the templates, and, if needed, recommends changes in the candidate requirements, etc. The HR specialist creates reports on the selection procedures. Erecruitment is not realised conceptually. Tools for remote access and remote contact options are used (e.g., interviews using Skype). Target State: Responsible Unit: The HR Department representative is present in a pre-defined form during all selection procedures for scientific staff, cooperates in the selection of candidates, and guarantees quality of processes related to the selection procedure. HR Department A unified email address (or online tool) is used for receiving CVs. This alias is managed by the HR Department.4 HR Department The HR Department manages a range of electronic tools that can be used as an alternative to interviews, or to increase the number of applicants and decrease the economic and ecological impact of paying for on-site visits, during the later phases of the recruitment process. HR Department Monitoring the recruitment process, as well as the quality and quantity of the applicants, is fully electronised. HR Department All advertisements comply with the requirements for sensitive communication (unbiased and gender sensitive communication)5. HR Department 4 LIBRA Recruitment Handbook: “Creating an official application email address or using a recruitment tool is highly recommended. Candidates should not engage in direct correspondence with any member of the Selection Panel, as all candidate applications should be reviewed at the same time. To ensure a fair process, the Selection Panel should be informed about this policy and instructed to forward any correspondence to a Human Resources representative who is not involved in the selection process. If a candidate requests further information about the position that requires input from a member of the Selection Panel, this information should be communicated in writing and the correspondence passed on to the candidate via a Human Resources representative.” 5 Research shows that gender sensitive communication in advertisements is appreciated by both women and men. For women, this type of communication raises the probability that they will apply for the position. 13 Commentary: It will be necessary to elaborate upon this in an overview of all available possibilities for the use of e-tools and their financial costs. 3.5. Onboarding of new employees to be standardised and provided by a direct superior in cooperation with the HR Department The area of adaptation (or onboarding) of new employees is not covered by this policy and will be further worked out in a separate document. 3.6. Work@CEITEC website is to be launched and regularly updated, and provide necessary information for candidates, new employees, and current staff about the recruitment process and all of the important aspects of working at CEITEC MU Baseline: Applicants for jobs at CEITEC MU do not have the option on the website of the Institute (or consortium) of reading more information on the recruitment process. On the consortium website, there is only a section called “Jobs” with the published advertisements for vacant jobs, and a section called “Education”, which includes information on the PhD school, postdoc program, trainings, and Welcome Office. On the CEITEC MU website, there is a section dedicated to HR. Currently, this section includes information about the HR Award process, details about the Welcome Office, and information on the PhD school (the process of student admission is described in detail there). However, it does not include information on the process and principles of new staff recruitment. Target State: Responsible Unit: Section Work@CEITEC_MU on the CEITEC MU website also includes information on the process of individual selection procedures. Potential applicants for CEITEC MU jobs can find an overview of different stages of the selection procedure, deadlines, and standards. Director’s Office “Jobs” section on the CEITEC consortium website will be extended into a “Career” section, and will include information about the common standards of the consortium, as well as a link to the specific conditions of CEITEC MU (Work@CEITEC_MU). Director’s Office Commentary: Actions in this area were already started in the end of 2019, in cooperation with CEITEC BUT. The “HR Strategy” also specifies goals related to scientific staff recruitment in the V. Diversity, internationalisation and gender equality part (see Tab. 2). These goals have already been created and developed, thanks to the implementation of the LIBRA project (H2020, 2015-2019) and the Gender Equality Plan, which included a section called “Recruitment” as well. Currently, these goals have been implemented within the Gender Equality Plan (GEP) for the period of 2019-2020. It is advisable to 14 include the information that the principles of gender equality support are, in most instances, naturally included in the principles of good practise for Recruitment. Therefore, gender mainstreaming is realised within this entire document. Tab. 2. HR Excellence in Research: HR Strategy and HR Action Plan (2018) Chapter V. Diversity, Internationalisation, and Gender Equality V-1. Diversity management with a focus on equal opportunities and internationalizing the institute’s staff to be implemented on an ongoing basis as a standard part of the institute’s management and development. V-2. The proportion of women researchers in senior positions to be increased and be regularly evaluated. V-3. The proportion of international staff to be increased to 40-45 % in 2022. V-4. Gender mainstreaming to be implemented as standard procedure at all levels and areas of the institute’s operation and management. V-5. Standardized and regular reporting to the management always to include genderdisaggregated data. 15 4. BASIC PRINCIPLES  The primary goal of every selection procedure at CEITEC MU is to fill the position with the best possible candidate present at that moment in the job market, who, from an unbiased point of view, meets the criteria for such a position and is motivated to work in this position. For this reason, the selection procedures are executed in the form of an open and international selection procedure.  The strategy of filling available scientific positions at CEITEC MU is based on open and transparent processes, which applies an inclusive approach and objective evaluation, based on the skills and abilities of the candidates. Individual processes might differ according to the type of position for which a particular selection procedure is held, but it can never be discriminatory or non-transparent. The processes related to the recruitment for particular types of positions are described in Chapter 9, Specification of the selection procedure for individual scientific positions.  Available positions must be published in a manner in which they reach the highest possible number of potential candidates and allow them to enter the selection procedure. Any criteria that might possibly lead to the discrimination of any disadvantaged groups (with special attention dedicated to gender) are not acceptable.  Positions for GL, CF Head, Postdoc, and PhD are always advertised internationally.  All candidates within a specific selection procedure must by assessed in a fair manner, and the same non-discriminatory selection criteria, published beforehand in the advertisement, must be applied to them.  All candidates within the selection procedure must be treated in a respectful and polite manner, with a maximum effort applied to fill the position efficiently, and an aim to provide the candidate with a positive experience, regardless of the outcome of the selection procedure. This includes, among others, the immediate confirmation that the application has been received, whether the candidate has been included in the short list, a follow-up for finalists after realised interviews, and information about the state of the application (offer letter, waiting list, or candidate rejection),.  All candidates in the selection procedure have the right to feedback, if requested.  An HR Department employee must be informed about all intended selection procedures before the position is advertised. This employee then guarantees compliance with the basic principles and maximum effectivity of the selection procedure.  Possible conflict of interests of a Selection Panel member and the potential candidate must be reported to the HR Department in a timely manner (i.e., before the start of the Selection Panel proceedings).  All documentation within the selection procedure is treated as confidential, according to the GDPR rules.  CEITEC MU will ensure the proper conduct of selection procedures, in accordance with the aforementioned basic principles, and the development of necessary competences of all 16 employees participating in the selection procedure, in the form of trainings, brochures, and other written materials.  CEITEC MU will enable the development of necessary competences of all employees participating in the selection procedure, in the form of trainings, brochures, and other written materials, and thus will provide proper conduct of selection procedures in accordance with the aforementioned basic principles. 17 5. SELECTION PROCEDURE New staff recruitment is generally managed by the HR Department, which is also responsible for providing information to potential candidates and for the monitoring and reporting of recruitment to the Institute’s management. Particular processes of recruitment might be guaranteed by other employees, which includes scientists. They can request additional support from staff of the HR Department, who can ensure the high quality of the processes. Target: Monitor the percentage of females during the main stages of recruitment The Selection Panels, as well as the HR Department, should be aware of the percentage of males and females throughout the recruitment process. The main stages to monitor are: Applied – Long/Shortlisted – Interviewed – Offered – Hired. The key stages of the selection procedure include: 5.1.Preparatory Stage The announcement of the selection procedure for any position must be preceded by an evaluation of the need for creating a new job or filling an existing job by a suitable candidate. The proposal for the selection procedure announcement is submitted by a direct manager of the announced position to an HR Department employee. The proposal must comply with the current state of systemised jobs (see CEITEC MU Director’s Measure No. 4/2019 Rules for Jobs Systemisation) and must include: An evaluation of the necessity for the announced position, with respect to the strategic and current priorities of the Institute, research program or research group allowing for the creation of new scientific ideas and research projects, the implementation of modern methodologies, utilisation of the current infrastructure, and addition of scientific areas that suffer from a lack of personnel. The consideration of the demands of the position in terms of space and finances, as well as an analysis of the resources that might be allocated for the position (i.e., financial and spatial). A detailed job description for newly created positions must be provided, and the positions must be included in the Career System. The scope of work activities for existing positions must be reviewed so that they correspond to the actual requirements for the positions. The HR employee will assess whether the proposed position complies with all of the requirements necessary for announcing a selection procedure. If the HR employee finds a potential problem in the proposal for the given position, he/she is responsible for reporting this to the submitter of the selection procedure, as well as his/her manager. The selection procedure cannot begin until all risk factors have been eliminated. 18 Target: Write the job description and define the selection criteria before the position is advertised. The more defined the tasks are, the easier it is to define the selection criteria, which will serve as a reference for the objective evaluation of candidates. 5.2.Job Description For each announced position, an advertisement with a specific job description must be created. This advertisement might draw upon an existing job description, but must be always reviewed and amended so that it reflects the needs of the specific announced position. The advertisement should be created in a coherent visual style of CEITEC MU. For each group of positions, there is a dedicated template that corresponds to modern trends and uses a gender-sensitive communication style. The goal is to attract a numerous group of candidates and to prevent the discouragement of any groups of candidates from applying, due to an inconveniently selected style of communication. Announcement templates are managed by the HR Department. Job specification should include the necessary criteria, as well as other expected criteria that prove the skills, abilities, knowledge, and experience of the candidate. Such criteria should be directly linked to the specific position and applied to all applicants in the same way. When specifying the relevant criteria, it is necessary to pay special attention to the direct or indirect possibility of discrimination of any specific groups of applicants. 5.3.Position Advertising All available scientific positions should be published on the CEITEC MU Institute’s website, which should also be automatically published on the EU-LIFE portal, Masaryk University website, and EURAXESS portal. Except for this standard, positions might be published on other relevant job portals that are dedicated to research staff. The submitter of the published position always decides whether to use a paid advertisement of the job position, and the submitter also bears the costs related to advertising. Upon a previous agreement, the HR Department employee is responsible for publishing the advertisement. In some instances, publishing can be omitted in the following cases:  A specialised research or technical employee position needs to be filled and there is a suitable person that fits all of the requirements of the specific position.  The HR employee confirms that a different method of publishing (which complies with the open selection procedure requirements) was used to find suitable candidates (e.g., external recruitment company services, etc.).  A position with a specified goal will be filled for a short period of time (maximum of 24 months), and the candidate was approached directly by the scientific employee. 19 The advertisement draft shall be prepared by the submitter of the offered position. The following tools shall be used:  Library of previously published advertisements;  Advertisement template specifying its necessary content. The advertisement draft is reviewed and approved by the HR employee who amends or completes further information relevant for the published position, especially taking into account maintaining equal positions for the candidates, approaching the largest possible group of suitable applicants, compliance with all legal obligations, and application of good practises. It is necessary to pay special attention to the specific requirements to be followed for publishing advertisements for academic positions (see Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures at Masaryk University). The HR Department is responsible for publishing the advertisement. The HR Department employee agrees with the advertisement submitter on the final wording of the advertisement, the portals where the position should be advertised (above the minimum standard), and the type of advertisement financing. Further details on the selection procedure shall be arranged as well. 20 6. CANDIDATE SELECTION 6.1.Selection Panel Immediately after the announcement of the selection procedure, it is necessary to establish a Selection Panel, which is responsible for the evaluation of the qualities and skills of individual candidates for the specific position, the selection of candidates that meet the specific requirements, and the compilation of a list of candidates. The Selection Panel members evaluate candidates individually (i.e., their evaluation is independent from other Selection Panel members’ assessments), and in a fair manner (e.g. considering all aspects, personal qualities, and skills of the candidate, without any prejudice). The final ranking of the candidates is determined by an average ranking, assigned by all of the evaluators. 6.1.1. Selection Panel Setup The Selection Panel always consists of at least 2 members (hiring manager and HR Department representative). “Diversity is the key to creating a successful Selection Panel, as it allows both for diverse hires and for a more valuable and fair assessment of candidates.” (LIBRA Recruitment Handbook, p. 1) For that reason, it is recommended that hiring managers establish a selection panel of at least three members. The Committee is managed by the chairman of the Selection Panel (hiring manager) who is the line manager of the advertised position (or his/her representative). The other member is the HR Department employee. Other members are suggested by the Selection Panel chairman, with the purpose of covering a wide scale of professional and social skills and abilities that are relevant for the advertised position. The Selection Panel shall include men, as well as women, preferably in an approximately equal ratio. External members are also a benefit. Target: At least one, ideally two, committee members should be women* When there are more women in the Selection Panel, the chance of a female applicant being appointed significantly increases, and generally, more female professors are hired. *van den Brink M, Benschop Y, Jansen W., Transparency in Academic Recruitment: a Problematic tool for Gender Equality? Organization Studies 31:1–25 (2010) 6.1.2. Candidate Evaluation by the Selection Panel Candidate evaluation by a Selection Panel that has multiple members ensures an objective assessment of the candidates and a better prevention of subject bias of the evaluation. None of the panellists can have a conflict of interest with any of the candidates. Each member of the Selection Panel records the progress of the interviews in an evaluation form so that he/she is capable of an objective assessment of the individual candidate’s qualities after all of the interviews are over. 21 During the selection procedure, the HR Department representative also acts as a supervisor, who checks that the admission procedure has been fair, and did not have any ethical violations or prejudices. If such conduct occurs during the interview, it is his/her duty to point this out and to avoid any influence of unethical conduct on the outcome of the candidate decisions. 6.2.Receipt and Evaluation of the Application Forms Application forms for the selection procedure are collected through a single e-mail address career@ceitec.muni.cz. This way, the HR Department can analyse the numbers and structure of the received applications. The advertisement submitter will be provided with information by the HR Department on where the HR Department worker will collect the received applications, the frequency of application collections, and the deadline for admission of applications. Within three working days of the deadline for application submission, all applications must be stored in an agreed-upon place and fully accessible to the advertisement submitter. The evaluation of the applications and the selection of candidates who will be invited to the first round can be carried out throughout the whole process, based on an agreement with the Selection Panel members. If agreed beforehand, the HR Department employee will check all received application forms and will discard all of those that are unable to meet the formal requirements of the selection procedure. The scope of this review shall also form a part of the agreement. This step can be also performed by the submitter of the advertised position. Discarded application forms are labelled, but shall be kept accessible in storage, with all of the received applications forms. 6.3.Selection of Candidates The candidate shortlist (list of candidates invited for interviews) is compiled by the Selection Panel members, based on the written materials that were provided by the individual candidates. The Selection Panel assesses whether the criteria for the specific position have been met. It is key to meet the required (i.e., necessary) qualities and skills of the candidates, which is an essential condition for passing on to the next round. “Other” (recommended) qualities of the candidates that are met will determine whether (and in which order) the candidates will be invited to interviews. A shortlist should be compiled so as to include representatives of both genders, which ideally, should have an equal proportion of male and female applicants, if possible. Selected candidates must be informed at least three (but ideally at least five) days before the planned interview (unless previously agreed upon differently with the candidate), and about its intended content (including any types of testing). This information must be sent to the candidates in written form, (e.g., by email). Candidates that were not selected for an interview must be informed about the Selection Panel’s decision as well (see Chapter 7.1, Announcement of the Result and Feedback). 22 Target: Ensure that there are at least two representatives of both sexes shortlisted for all independent research positions. At least two women and two men should be shortlisted for all independent research positions, ideally more, if the final candidate pool is larger. Statistically, there is no chance of hiring a woman if there is only one female candidate on the shortlist, meaning that one woman is the same as none. The reasoning behind this is that if there is only one woman in the final candidate pool, she will stand out as being different from the norm. Decision makers tend not to deviate from the norm, as this is considered to be risky behaviour. 6.4.Interviews An interview with the invited candidates is always conducted by a pre-determined Selection Panel, which is managed by the Selection Panel chairman. The interview can be held in person, or by means of telecommunication, and it can be conducted by entire Selection Panel, or it can be composed of individual sessions between Selection Panel members and the candidates. The evaluation model is predetermined (before the start of the interviews) by the Selection Panel chairman, and should be followed through for all candidates. Any change in the evaluation model for specific candidates must be based on the objective needs of the Panel or the candidate, must have proper reasoning, and cannot discriminate against or favour any of the candidates. The Selection Panel members must agree in advance on the following:  None of the evaluators have any conflicts of interest with any of the candidates;  Intended model and interview process (i.e., length, structure, form of feedback);  Questions to be asked of all of the candidates (so-called common questions);  Approximate number of questions to be asked. Each Selection Panel member has a right to ask at least 3 questions, in addition to the common questions;  Other complementary tasks which must be realised by all candidates (i.e., content, form of realisation (including time allocation), form of evaluation);  Weights of importance assigned to particular steps, and the evaluation criteria for the selection procedure. 23 Target: Make the candidate feel welcome, not examined, and leave a positive impression. Establish an open and friendly relationship with the candidates from the start of the meeting to help them to overcome any anxiety or nervousness that they may be experiencing. The interview should be considered satisfactory when there is a conversational flow between the candidate and the Selection Panel members. Remember that the job description should provide the foundation for interview questions. 6.5.Other Rounds of the Selection Procedure If there is not a clearly determined ranking order of the candidates by their suitability for the job position after the interviews or other selection procedure rounds, it is necessary to carry out more rounds of the selection procedure. The candidates must be informed on whether they will proceed to the next round, the date of the next round (with at least three, but ideally, at least five days of notice, unless previously agreed upon differently with the candidate), and its intended process. This information must be sent to the candidates in written form (e.g., by email). 6.6.References References as a part of the evaluation of the candidate’s qualities and competences for an advertised job might represent a crucial part of compiling the shortlist of candidates. If required in the advertisement, it must be clearly specified and include the following:  Minimum number of references;  Structure of references;  Method of delivery, or validation of the references. Failure to provide references for a job in a form compliant with the required specification is a reason to discard the candidate’s application form from the selection procedure. If the advertisement only requires a contact for the person providing references, it is understood that this person is fully aware of his/her role as a person providing reference, and the candidate understands that any member of the Selection Panel can contact such person any time during the selection procedure. For the sake of time-efficiency, it is possible to contact such person via telephone, or in person. It is not possible to confirm the candidate’s references without his/her agreement. Candidates without any work experience can provide references from their previous studies or other personal references. 6.7. Outcome of the Selection Procedure The outcome of the selection procedure is a ranked list of the candidates, according to their suitability for the advertised position. If the final selection of the candidate does not follow other procedures defined 24 in a binding document, the order of the candidates shall be determined by a consensus of the Selection Panel members. Each member shall draft his/her own order of the candidates. The average order of the candidates shall then determine the final order of the candidates that are recommended for the specific position, or the candidates that are not recommended for the position. In the event of a tie, the preferential vote of the Selection Panel chairman shall decide. A report on the selection procedure shall be prepared by the HR Department employee who represents one of the Selection Panel members (with or without voting power), within 5 working days of the termination of the selection procedure, at the latest. The reporting structure can be determined by a binding document for the selection procedure for this position, or it must have the following structure (below). The report is kept for a period of at least one year at the HR Department, unless stated otherwise. The report on selection procedure, unless otherwise stated, must include the following:  Name of the announced position;  Date of advertisement publishing;  Place of advertisement publishing;  Dates of selection procedure stages;  Names of the Selection Panel chairman and members;  Number and content of the selection rounds;  Total number of candidates for the position, including identification of their gender and nationality;  Number of candidates proceeding to further rounds of the selection procedure, including identification of their gender and nationality;  Final ranking order of the candidates for the position, including identification of their gender and nationality. The outcome of the selection procedure (i.e., the ranking order of the successful candidates), is of a recommending nature. Nevertheless, it is not possible to fill the position with a person who was not recommended for this specific position by the Selection Panel. Target: Objective assessment of candidates All Selection Panel members should be provided with a short survey asking them to assess each candidate against objective criteria, which are necessary for the job and were included in the job advertisement. A standard form should be created and modified appropriately for each recruitment process. 25 7. TERMINATION OF THE SELECTION PROCEDURE 7.1.Announcement of the Results and Feedback Immediately (in any event, no later than within five working days) after the decision of the Selection Panel and compilation of the list of successful and unsuccessful candidates (or anytime over the course of the selection procedure when candidates are eliminated), the HR Department employee will provide the final information to unsuccessful candidates on their negative results. If a candidate requests feedback, the HR Department employee will ensure feedback about the candidate’s potential, as well as what the candidate should focus on developing, such as strengthening his/her weak spots. The wording should be positive, and it should not discourage the candidate from future potential collaboration. Over the course of the selection procedure, the HR Department employee shall inform the successful candidates that they have proceeded to the next round. After determining the final ranking of successful candidates, the HR Department employee will initiate the negotiation of the job offer with the first candidate (according to the final decision of the managing department of the job position and the Institute’s Rules of the Organisation). After the work contract has been signed by the selected candidate, the HR Department employee will notify the other candidates about the results of the selection procedure, and will highlight the remaining candidates’ positives from the selection procedure. 7.2. Job Offer A job offer to the candidate selected from the list of the successful candidates shall be, upon previous agreement, provided by the HR Department employee (or the managing employee, pursuant to the Institute’s Rules of Organisation, who works in cooperation with the HR Department employee who oversees compliance with the binding rules of the job position (e.g., type and length of the work contract)). Negotiations of final conditions of the work contract will be determined by the conditions defined within the preparatory stage of recruitment. If negotiations with the first candidate fail, it is possible to offer the job to other candidates from the list of successful candidates. If all candidates reject the proposed offer, the selection procedure is terminated, without the relevant position being filled, and it is necessary to announce another selection procedure for its fulfilment (or, if possible, extend the current selection procedure). The initial negotiations for filling the position may be conducted verbally, and the written offer with details of the working conditions agreed upon by both parties can be sent subsequently. The position can then only be filled after the execution of the work contract by both the employee and the employer. The job does not have to be offered to any of the candidates. 26 7.3.Storage of the Selection Procedure Documents A report on the selection procedure shall be carried out, and should be kept for at least one year. Personal documents of the candidates should be discarded immediately after the termination of the selection procedure, unless previously agreed upon with the candidate in a different manner. If the candidate agrees to his/her personal documents being stored for the purpose of future selection procedures, these materials have to be treated as confidential, and remain in compliance with all GDPR rules. The HR Department shall be responsible for the handling and subsequent use of the documents in future selection procedures. The HR Department will keep overall statistics of employee recruitment, which should be evaluated once per year. The data will be a standard part of the regular reporting system to the management, which is completed twice per year. 27 8. RESPONSIBILITIES 8.1.Scientific Secretary  Responsible for the wording and interpretation of the Recruitment Policy of CEITEC MU.  Coordinates selection procedures for positions for research group leaders and heads of Core Facilities, upon assignment from the Institute’s Director. 8.2.Head of the HR Department  Responsible for the creation and realisation of trainings for Selection Panel members about new scientific employee recruitment.  Prepares supporting documents (e.g., instructions, measures, methodologies, etc.) that implement the Recruitment Policy for Scientific Employees at CEITEC MU into common practise.  Guarantees competencies of HR Department employees for the organisation of selection procedures, and the implementation and interpretation of binding documents for selection procedures at CEITEC MU and MU.  Participates in selection procedures as a Selection Panel member (with the ability to delegate within the HR Department).  Carries out the final revisions and proposes adjustments to the job advertisements, and decides on the final version of the advertisement that will be published.  Provides consultations regarding the practical realisation of staff recruitment. 8.3. HR Manager/HR Specialist (authorised employee) Manages the processes of selection procedures, in which he/she has been authorised, in accordance with the relevant binding documents of the selection procedure for scientific workers at CEITEC MU and MU. In particular:  Checks the advertisement;  Publishes the advertisement;  Acquires application forms;  Checks and discards application forms that do not meet the formal criteria (based on the agreement with the managing employee);  Conducts the selection procedure (organisation);  Communicates with candidates;  Reports on the selection procedure;  Guarantees non-discriminatory conditions of the selection procedure;  Is a member of the Selection Panel; 28  Offers the job position and negotiates conditions of the work contract, unless agreed upon differently;  Prepares the work contract draft and arranges for its signature. Target: Separate conversations on work-life balance from the decision-making process A Human Resources expert who is independent of the search process can speak with a candidate in confidence, and this discussion will not influence the Selection Panel’s decision. 8.4.Announcement Submitter  Authorised by the managing employee to decide on filling the announced position, according to the Institute’s Rules of Organisation.  Specifies the criteria for the announced position.  Specifies the financial and spatial possibilities dedicated to the relevant position.  Proposes the wording of the advertisement.  Proposes the content of the individual rounds of the selection procedure.  Is a member of the Selection Panel.  Makes the final decisions on the candidate selection and participates in negotiations of the work contract conditions. Target: All salaries and benefits should be equal among employees of similar positions and level of experience Salary criteria and additional benefits should be agreed upon before the start of the interview process and made transparent to the candidates. 8.5. Selection Panel Members  Familiarise themselves (preferably in the form of training) with the valid rules and recommendations for Selection Panel members.  Familiarise themselves with the details of the selection procedure.  Behave ethically (without prejudice), politely, and with an effort to be time efficient.  Provide feedback if requested by the candidate.  Participate in the training for Selection Panel members, according to the current practise.  Familiarise themselves with the GDPR rules. 29 9. SPECIFICATION OF THE SELECTION PROCEDURE SETTINGS FOR PARTICULAR POSITION CATEGORIES Type of Selection Procedure (variants) Suggested Advertising Platforms Suggested Promotion Selection Panel Members Suggested Selection Procedure Process Binding Document(s) Position: Group Leader ‒ Open internationally (open only to outside candidates) ‒ Academic procedure ‒ CEITEC MU website ‒ MU website ‒ EURAXESS website ‒ ResearchJobs.cz ‒ Nature Journal website ‒ Science Journal website ‒ ReserchGate ‒ LinkedIn ‒ VědaVýzkum ‒ Active headhunting by GLs ‒ Publish on institutional social networks ‒ Share within EULife and Alliance4Life ‒ HR Agency ‒ List of key individuals who share the advertisement on their social networks ‒ Includes at least 5 members ‒ Has an odd number of members ‒ Members of the Selection Panel include:  CEITEC MU Director  Deputy Director for Science  Heads of Research Centres  Representatives of GLs  Head of HR  Outside members ‒ Determined by the CEITEC MU Director or Deputy Director for Science ‒ HR Manager is appointed ‒ Job advertisement is international and proactive ‒ Final shortlist and negotiations are approved by the CEITEC MU Director ‒ Two round selection procedure:  Round 1: evaluation of CV, previous performance, and scientific plan;  Round 2: presentation in front of a scientific wide public audience, discussion with selected GLs, ‒ Director’s Measure 05/2016, Rules of Tendersfor Emploeey Recruitment ‒ Director’s Measure 09/2018, Career System ‒ Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures at Masaryk University 30 and separate discussion with the Selection Panel Position: Group Leader (Hosting Letter) ‒ Open internationally (open only to outside candidates) ‒ Academic procedure ‒ CEITEC MU website (long- term/year-round) ‒ Active headhunting by GLs ‒ Publish on institutional social networks ‒ Share within EULife and Alliance4Life ‒ Includes at least 5 members ‒ Has an odd number of members ‒ Members of the Selection Panel include:  CEITEC MU Director  Deputy Director for Science  Heads of Research Centres  Representatives of GLs  Head of HR ‒ Determined by the CEITEC MU Director or Deputy Director for Science ‒ HR Manager is appointed ‒ Job advertisement is year-round on the CEITEC MU website ‒ Two round selection procedure: Round 1: evaluation of CV, previous performance, and scientific plan; ‒ Round 2: discussion with the Selection Panel ‒ Final shortlist is approved by the CEITEC MU Director Position: Head of Core Facility (CF Head) ‒ Open internationally (possible internal candidate) ‒ Typically a non- academic position ‒ CEITEC MU website ‒ MU website ‒ EURAXESS website ‒ ResearchJobs.cz ‒ Nature Journal website ‒ Science Journal website ‒ ReserchGate ‒ Active headhunting by GLs ‒ Publish on institutional social networks ‒ Share within EULife and Alliance4Life ‒ Share within partners in ‒ Includes at least 5 members ‒ Has an odd number of members ‒ Members of the Selection Panel include:  CEITEC MU Director ‒ Determined by the CEITEC MU Director or Deputy Director for Science ‒ HR Manager is appointed ‒ Job advertisement is international and proactive ‒ Director’s Measure 05/2016, Rules of Tendersfor Emploeey Recruitment ‒ Director’s Measure 09/2018, Career System 31 ‒ LinkedIn ‒ VědaVýzkum infrastructural projects and consortia  Deputy Director for Science  Coordinators of relevant programmes  Deputy Heads of research groups  HR Manager  Outside members ‒ Two round selection procedure: Round 1: evaluation of CV, previous performance, and scientific plan; ‒ Round 2: presentation in front of a scientific wide public audience, discussion with selected GLs, and separate discussion with the Selection Panel ‒ Final shortlist and negotiations are approved by the CEITEC MU Director ‒ Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures at Masaryk University Position: Postdoc ‒ Open internationally (open only to outside candidates) ‒ FindAPostDoc ‒ CEITEC MU website ‒ MU website ‒ EURAXESS website ‒ ResearchJobs.cz ‒ Nature Journal website ‒ Science Journal website ‒ ReserchGate ‒ LinkedIn ‒ VědaVýzkum ‒ Publish on personal social networks of GLs ‒ Publish on RG websites ‒ Keep existing colleagues informed on the vacant position and ask them to share the info ‒ Ask the previous supervisor to share his/her PhD’s advertisement ‒ Ask the previous supervisor to forward the application that ‒ Includes at least 2 members ‒ Members of the Selection Panel include:  Line Manager  HR Manager Suggested procedure: ‒ Determined by the GL ‒ HR Manager is assigned according to the programme ‒ Proactive advertisement emphasizing personal recommendation ‒ Multiple-round selection procedure: including candidate’s CV and references, a skype interview, and the shortlist ‒ Director’s Measure 09/2018, Career System ‒ Director’s Measure 05/2016, Rules of Tendersfor Emploeey Recruitment 32 he/she is not using ‒ Share the advertisement with within EULife and Alliance4Life will be discussed amongst the research group ‒ Selected candidates are invited for a personal interview (can be financed from the Visiting programme), including a discussion with the entire research group, or Grant Office members, the Training Manager, and a Postdoc Platform representative Position: PhD Candidate ‒ Open internationally (in-house candidate is possible) ‒ FindAPhD ‒ CEITEC MU website ‒ MU website ‒ EURAXESS ‒ ResearchJobs.cz ‒ Publish on institutional social networks ‒ Share the advertisement with within EULife and Alliance4Life ‒ Includes at least 3 members ‒ Members of the Selection Panel include: ‒ Members of the Doctoral Board ‒ PhD Studies Manager ‒ See the CEITEC PhD School website for the protocol - Accrediting materials of the relevant programmes Position: Specialised Scientific and Technical Employee Position: Technician and Lab Technician ‒ Open internationally (priority assignment to vacated systemized position is possible) ‒ sed position ‒ Direct addressing of a candidate, if ‒ CEITEC MU ‒ MU ‒ EU-LIFE ‒ ResearchJobs ‒ ReserchGate ‒ LinkedIn ‒ VědaVýzkum (ScienceResearch) ‒ Publish on personal social networks of GL or CF Head ‒ Publish on RG or CF websites ‒ Contact alumni ‒ Share within co- workers ‒ In-house advertisement ‒ Includes at least 2 members ‒ Members of the Selection Panel include:  Line Manager  HR Manager ‒ Determined by the Line Manager ‒ HR Manager is assigned according to the programme ‒ Advertisement at Line Manager’s discretion ‒ An interview, at the minimum ‒ Director’s Measure 09/2018, Career System ‒ Director’s Measure 05/2016, Rules of Tendersfor Emploeey Recruitment ‒ 33 the position is, for a short time (maximum 24 months), filled with a specific aim. ‒ Final selection and negotiation are completed by the Line Manager Position: Deputy Director for Administration, Head of Director’s Office, Head of Administrative Department, Secretary, and Scientific Secretary ‒ Open internationally (inhouse candidate is possible) ‒ CEITEC MU website ‒ MU website ‒ VědaVýzkum ‒ Publish on institutional social networks ‒ Includes at least 3 members ‒ Members of the Selection Panel include:  Deputy Director for Administration  Line Manager  HR Manager Suggested procedure: ‒ Determined by the Line Manager of the vacant position ‒ The advertisement is shared across the Czech Republic ‒ Multiple-round selection procedure: including candidate’s CV and references, and an interview of shortlisted candidates ‒ Director’s Measure 05/2016, Rules of Tendersfor Emploeey Recruitment Position: Coordinator, Manager, Specialist, Administrator, Economist, Accountant, and Assistant ‒ Open internationally (priority assignment to vacated systemized position is possible) ‒ Direct addressing of a candidate, if the position is, for a short time (maximum 24 months), filled ‒ CEITEC MU ‒ MU ‒ EU-LIFE ‒ VědaVýzkum (ScienceResearch) ‒ In-house advertisement ‒ Publish on institutional social networks ‒ Includes at least 3 members ‒ Members of the Selection Panel include:  Line Manager  HR Manager ‒ Determined by the Line Manager of the vacant position ‒ The advertisement is shared across the Czech Republic ‒ Multiple-round selection procedure including candidate’s CV and references, and an interview ‒ Director’s Measure 05/2016, Rules of Tendersfor Emploeey Recruitment 34 with a specific aim. of shortlisted candidates Note: Chapter no. 9 is to be further developed as a separate internal guideline (methodology).