Rules of Procedure of the Scientific Board of the Central European Institute of Technology of Masaryk University (Effective as of 9th May 2013) Article 1 General Provisions (1) The rules hereof provide for the meetings of the Scientific Board of the “Central European Institute of Technology of Masaryk University” University Institute (hereinafter referred to as “CEITEC” and “MU”) in accordance with the Act No. 111/1998 Sb., on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments and Supplements to Some Other Acts (the Higher Education Act) (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) and MU Statutes. (2) According to Section 34, subsection 5, of the Act, the members of the Scientific Board shall be appointed by the Director of the University Institute (hereinafter referred to as the “Director”). Article 2 Responsibilities of the Scientific Board (1) The responsibilities of the Scientific Board are governed by S 29 and S 30 of the Act (2) The Scientific Board expresses its opinion to a/ a long-term plan of CEITEC MU b/ a draft budget of CEITEC MU c/ an annual report on scientific, research, and development activities of CEITEC MU d/ matters presented by the Director Article 3 Meetings of the Scientific Board (1) According to the needs, the Scientific Board is summoned and directed by the Director, although not less than once a year. If a minimum of one third of Scientific Board members ask for it and provide the subject of the meeting, the Director shall summon the meeting of the Scientific Board within seven following days. (2) In case he/she is not present in person, the Director can entrust another member of the Scientific Board with summoning and directing the Scientific Board. (3) The members of the Scientific Board are obliged to take part in the Scientific Board meetings as much as the circumstance allow. The meetings of the Scientific Board run in either attendance (at least once a year) or correspondence form. (4) The chairman of the Scientific Board shall present key issues related to scientific, research, and development activities of the institute, and the draft budget of CEITEC MU for the members of the Scientific Board to debate. (5) The members of the Scientific Board can present to the chairman of the Scientific Board the proposals which should be debated in the Scientific Board within not less than seven days prior to the meeting of the Scientific Board. (6) The Scientific Board does not constitute a quorum unless a two-third majority of all the members is present or votes per rollam (i.e. by mail or by letter). (7) The resolution of the Scientific Board is valid only if an absolute majority of the voting members expresses their agreement to it by voting “souhlasím” (“agree”). (8) The Scientific Board votes in public unless the members of the Scientific Board decide otherwise. (9) Proposals can be voted on per rollam. Voting per rollam runs either via the Information system of MU (hereinafter referred to as “IS”) at its “e-voting” module or, on rare occasions, by correspondence or electronic mail. When voting via IS MU, it is possible to vote by secret ballot. Correspondence or e-mail voting can be used only for such proposals where the Scientific Board do not decide by secret voting. In case of voting per rollam, the chairman of the Scientific Board provides all the members of the Scientific Board with a draft resolution in the given case, including relevant materials, and sets both the deadline for response and the manner of voting. Hereupon and within the due time, respective members of the Scientific Board send their decision to the chairman of the Scientific Board in which, following the chosen manner of voting, they vote for “souhlasím” (“I agree”), “nesouhlasím” (“I disagree”), or “zdržuji se hlasování” (“I abstain from voting”). Any responses delivered after the deadline shall be excluded. (10) Voting per rollam is recorded in writing into a report from the first following meeting of the Scientific Board. (11) The Scientific Board keeps records from its meetings to publish and archive. Article 4 Final Provisions (1) The Rules of Procedure of the Scientific Board of the University Institute CEITEC MU was approved by the Director of CEITEC MU in accordance with S 34 (5) of the Act on 9th May 2013. (2) This internal regulation becomes effective as of the date of its approval. On 9th May 2013 prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Koča, DrSc. Director of CEITEC MU