CEITEC MU Budget Plan 2022 and Financial Strategy 1) Executive summary of financial results 2021 The year 2021 was the first year of CEITEC MU institute after termination of sustainability period (2016-2020). Compared to 2020, CEITEC operated with a lower budget in 2021, mainly due to the end of the subsidy of the National Sustainability Programme. However, CEITEC has maintained the funding of research teams at the same level as in 2021. Similarly, CEITEC has maintained a significant level of capital expenditure on instrument renewal, namely with the contribution of European subsidies. The Institute CETEC MU reached a positive economic result in 2021. The Institute closed the fiscal year with a net profit after taxation 17 million. CZK. The budget involved financial reserves from previous years of around EUR 24 million. CZK. Total balance of financial funds still remains high at over 100 million CZK. 2) Budget plan 2022 · The total budget in 2022 is growing by 4 % compared to the budget spending of 2021 and reaches 822 mil. CZK. · The budget plan includes use of reserves in the volume of 45 mil. CZK. · We expect a growth of gross institutional revenues by 8 % in the amount of 13 mil. CZK. · The budget plan reflects rapid growth of prices of energies (e.g. by 130 % in case of electricity, by 45 % in case of heating). · In total, running costs of CEITEC buildings increases by 50 % (27 mil. CZK). · Cost of CEITEC administration remain at the level of 2021 budget. · Institutional budget of research groups persists at the same level as in 2021. · Newly, there is a contribution to the CF Biological Data Management and Analysis (CF BioData), established in 2022, in amount of 500 th. CZK. The CF is predominately funded by the ELIXIR project. · Three projects are planned for 2022-2025 within National Recovery Plan with total budget over 300 million CZK and obligatory co-funding in the amount of 40 mil. CZK (ineligible VAT). 3) Financial Strategy · Planned amendment of CEITEC budget rules o Funding of research groups (RG) of a leader reaching the age of 65 (Institute will stop institutional funding of RG a year after the RGL reaches the age of 65. These RGs shall be financed solely by individual grant sources.) o Institutional funding of RGs - flat rate / performance funding (Existing construction of RG institutional budget based on flat rate contribution and performance bonus (depending of publications performance) should be modified to enhance flat rate and to diminish performance bonus). List of tables Table 1 Adjusted profit and loss account 2020-2021 (mil. CZK) Table 2 Balance of funds 2021 (mil CZK) Table 3 Budget 2022 Structure of Revenue 2021-2022 (mil. CZK) Table 4 Budget 2022 Structure of Expenditure 2021-2022 (mil. CZK) Table 5 Breakdown of Institutional costs 2021-2022 (mil. CZK) Table 6 Model of budget allocations to research groups 2022 CZK) List of charts Chart 1 Budget 2022 Structure of Revenue 2022 (noninvestment) (mil. CZK, %) Chart 2 Budget 2022 Structure of Expenditure 2022 (noninvestment) (mil. CZK, %)