pre- summer school questionnaire I. GENERAL 1. Do I teach? YES NO* 2. Why do I teach? Because I love it. 3. What type of teacher am I? self-confident, extrovert, emphatic, analytic 4. What teaching methods and strategies do I prefer? Interview, group work, examples, exercises 5. What teaching methods and strategies do I use? Interview, group work, examples, exercises 6. What types of materials do I prefer? Texts, videos, presentations, 7. What types of materials do I use? Texts, videos 8. What types of students do I teach? Master students 9. Which are my strong teaching skills? Talkative, enthusiastic, good in exercises 10. Which are my weak teaching skills? I ´m sometimes worry that I´m too young, sometimes talking a lot II. ENGLISH for GENERAL and SPECIFIC ACADEMIC PURPOSES 11. What is my level of English? ** A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 Go to the following link:, and evaluate yourself according to the CEFR grid. 12. What is the evidence of this level? ** DIALANG test: listening, vocabulary, reading – B2, writing, structures – B1 13. How confident am I about my command of English? Not very much 14. How often do I use English for general and/or specific academic purposes? Is there any regular frequency? I´m in international team, so I use it on everyday basis (till march 2014), I´m writing articles in English and sometimes attending some courses, conferences, workshops in English (8-10 times per year) 15. What are the typical academic or specific types/genres/ purposes I use my English for? (conference papers, research articles, presentations, lectures, Emails) See answer 14. - conference papers, research articles, presentations, Emails, team meetings, workshops 16. Do I have any models to relate my English in academic context to? If so, some examples are: To write articles I must follow APA style of writing III. TEACHING DELIVERED THROUGH THE MEDIUM OF ENGLISH 17. Have I ever taught / Do I teach through the medium of English? YES NO 18. If so, what type of activities/courses/frequency is it? What subject(s)? e.g. individual tutorials; seminars, a course, practical sessions, lectures 19. How would you describe a typical class: Students of psychology, small amount of people (max. 12), talkative 20. Do I have any models to relate my teaching to? If so, some examples are: 21. Am I being observed regularly? If so, what is the frequency? If not, why? Because I´m not teaching English course yet 22. Do I take into account my colleagues´ comments to my teaching if I get any? If so, am I able to improve anything? If so, here is the list of what helps me most: Constructive feedback – like what could I do better next time 23. Do I observe sessions of my colleagues? If so, which are the most important comments I make? What do I usually learn? 24. What types of materials do I use in my English sessions/courses? Texts, videos, presentations, 25. How often / how much are my students supposed to work independently? Half of the time 26. Do I test / assess skills of my students? How? no 27. Do I test / assess knowledge of my students? How? Yes, I don´t know yet. Maybe on some group meeting by talking with them. 28. Would I like to be a student in my own course? YES (Why?) maybe. I don´t know yet. NO (Why?) * If you do not teach, have never taught and you are planning to or there is high probability you are going to teach in the future, please, answer all questions that are applicable for your own situation. All other questions can be answered based not on your experience but imagination. ** To get a relatively clear evidence of your English level according to CEFR, it is useful to try the Dialang test. Reference to your results to the CEFR based on Dialang will be used in the seminars run by Marcus Grollman and Ruben Comadina Granson. To do the Dialang test, it is necessary to download the programme. Please, follow the instruction below in Czech. 1. Otevřete si v prohlížeči stránku o této adrese: 2. Pod nadpisem "How to use DIALANG" klikněte na první z červených odkazů ("by clicking here"). 3. Nabízený soubor uložte do svého počítače. 4. Uložený soubor (komprimovaný soubor) otevřete a spusťte v něm obsažený soubor dialang.exe (buďto prostým poklepáním, nebo jej nejprve rozbalte na Plochu a poté spusťte odtamtud). 5. Spustí se instalátor, ve kterém jen klepejte na tlačítka "OK", "Next", "Yes", "Next", "Next", "Next" a pak počkejte na nainstalování programu, které nakonec potvrďte tlačítkem "Finish". 6. Po nainstalování program naleznete v menu Start — Dialang – Dialang. Pokud by se vám program nedařilo po nainstalování spustit, nainstalujte si ještě starší verzi programu Java JRE, tímto postupem: 1. Na stejné stránce (bod 1 předchozího návodu) klikněte na odkaz "Click here" (tedy použijte raději "this older version of Java" nežobecný odkaz "Java website"). 2. Obdobným způsobem jako výše stáhněte a spusťte ze souboru soubor sun_jre_installer.exe. 3. Obdobným způsobem jako výše proklikejte instalátor ("OK", "Next", "Yes", "Next", "Finish") 4. Poté by už mělo být možné program Dialang v pořádku spustit. Objeví-li se při spuštění v nových Windows hláška „Barevné schéma bylo změněno“, nic se neděje a po ukončení programu se schéma opět samo vrátí zpět.