Speaking activity on an academic course Do the following stages loosely relate to your academic courses? What kinds of spoken forms i.e. seminars, workshops and lectures take place at each stage? Do you agree with the balance of spoken forms? Do you have any reservations? If so, why? Stage areas tasks Introductory stage Mapping the terrain — Overview – “shrinking” the subject — Methodologies — Principle theoretical concepts — Exemplary objects Students work with grasping the discipline and getting to know its terrain Stage areas tasks Intermediary stage: Plotting the map — More detailed view of key areas in the discipline — History of the discipline — Key questions and paradigm shifts Students put methods and concepts to work within teacher-directed tasks or constraints Students apply the principle of charity in understanding and accepting the key questions, methodologies and conceptual tools in a positive light Students gain a historical understanding of developments and shifts in the field. Stage areas tasks Exit Stage – the moment of critique — Pedagogical activities — Current readings in the field — Seminal readings and works Students critically engage in their subject area Students have an experience of being a participant in an academic community of practice Jo Eastlake 2013