THE NATURE OF ACADEMIC LANGUAGE AND LTERACY SESSION 2 EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION: TEACHING, LEARNING AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES logo_imapct_bitmap72dpi_bez_sloganu OPVK_MU_min_EN_rgb What is academic language? • • VOTING SLIPS • ACTIVITY 4 Feedback.tiff Is this academic language? •In February 2011, I happened to be in the UK for a conference. Watching the BBC news in my hotel room, I heard that Imperial College London had just announced that it was going to charge the maximum fee of £ 9000. The news item also included glimpses of Maastricht, a pretty small town in the south of the Netherlands whose university is a magnet for German students. The message was clear: the fee increase presents UK students with an international arbitrage opportunity. Back at Erasmus University Rotterdam, I called together my marketing team to discuss new marketing efforts specifically aimed at UK students. An academic writing but not academic writing Royal Economic Society Newsletter The competitive position of Dutch schools of economics This is an academic writing but it is not academic writing. Is this academic langauge? •The results showed that although each national group highly valued both intrinsic and extrinsic job factors, Americans placed greater emphasis on self-fulfillment, responsibility, and other intrinsic rewards, whereas Australians stressed extrinsic factors like income and job security. These national differences have implications for the management of multinational corporations. Journal of Management Nationality and Work Attitudes: A Study of Australian and American Business Majors Peter J. Dowling1 and Trevor W Nagel2 Is this academic language? •Netting of the various costs and benefits it is clear that international students at Sheffield-based universities will make a positive economic contribution to the local economy during the 2012/13 academic year. We estimate a net direct economic contribution to sub-regional GDP of £97.9 million with a slightly larger figure of £102.5 million at the regional level. Moreover, further net benefits are realised via indirect and induced impacts. We estimate these to be worth some £4.5 million and £17.9 million respectively at the sub-regional level and £10.8 million and £23.5 million at the regional level (Chart 4.1). • The Economic Costs and benefits of International Students Oxford Economics A report for the University of Sheffield Is this academic language? •Asian students are more likely to be motivated by the possibility of collective achievement and, consequently, it has been observed that these students perform better in group projects (Kember, 2000). Asian students may also be reluctant to take part actively in class due to their shyness, lack of confidence and language skills, and uncertainty about implicit social conventions for taking turns in group discussions (James et al. , 2002) • Accounting Education: an international journal Vol. 17, No. 2, 187–198, June 2008 Preferred Learning Methods: A Comparison between International and Domestic Accounting Students Is this academic language? •A second reason is that taking a big slug of students from other countries gives universities a more international flavour, enriching the mix and broadening the experience of British students in the process. That, at least, is the theory. In practice large groups of foreign students from a single country tend to stick together rather than blending in. The problem is a familiar one at the London School of Economics (LSE), where half of undergraduates and 80% of postgraduates are from abroad. “The LSE celebrates its diverse student body but there is not multiculturalism, rather it is multi-monoculturism,” observes Peter Zakowiecki, a recent Polish graduate. The Economist Is this academic language? •So we’ve got the product of the products over the product of the reactants. We just need to plug in the values and cancel out the electrons. • Is this academic language? •This brings us to the purpose of this essay, that is, to highlight the reasons as to why it is that majority of incumbent firms, which face disruptive technology, gradually lose their market share. Is it really the incumbents’ lack of effort which renders them unable to compete or is their demise inevitable? We will see, as we consider various academics’ opinions that the answer to this question is neither. The answer is - it depends on circumstances and the strategic decisions made by the incumbent. • DISCUSSION OF RATIONALE •How did you decide which was academic? •What criteria were you applying? •Where do these criteria come from? What is academic language? • • VOTING SLIPS • ACTIVITY 4 Feedback.tiff How would this help? CAT - participation Diamond Nines •Academic writing is… •Precise •Formal •Concise •Impersonal •Coherent • • • ACTIVITY 5 How would this help? • Critical • Analytic • Evaluative • Robust Diamond nines – use given words or add own Hopefully there will be disagreement on some points between disciplines Impersonal? •Average frequency of personal pronouns per research paper in different disciplines – (Hyland, 2002) • SUBJECT I WE Marketing 1.6 36.5 Physics 0 17.7 Mech eng 0 2.6 Jigsaw Groups •5 groups of similar disciplines discuss: – What kinds of writing do your students do? •Move AAA BBB CCC to ABC ABC ABC ABC •Report your discussion to new group • ACTIVITY 6 How would this help? The place of essays Arts and Humanities Based on Nesi & Gardner, 2012 The place of essays Social Sciences Based on Nesi & Gardner, 2012 The place of essays Physical Sciences Based on Nesi & Gardner, 2012 Biochemistry example Transfusion & transplantation example Minute Paper •What have we ‘studied’ so far? •What have you learnt so far that might have implications for your teaching and assessment practices? ACTIVITY 7 Orally as group - individual in writing