Implementation Plan of Language Guidelines 2019 - 2023 DRAFT5 10.1.2019 2 Introduction The Aalto University Language Guidelines are designed to support our university on its journey towards world class status by promoting a multicultural and multilingual environment where everyone is a full member of the community. In addition, the guidelines focus on the continuous development of our two national languages as languages of science, and emphasize the value of language quality as an increasingly important indicator of high academic quality. The Language Guidelines and their implementation plan have been prepared for the next five years. Internationalisation and multiculturalism are built on the basis of Finnish bilingualismish. As our university becomes increasingly international, English will increasingly become the common language used by many of the Aalto community. Thus, it is natural and, in terms of resources, reasonable to invest also in English as our common working language. We wish to promote the natural parallel use of languages, not artificial trilingualism. Communication and interaction are key challenges of internationalisation. According to the university strategy, Aalto University is a place where the best connect and succeed. Success requires both participation and enabling participation and, above all, the opportunity to understand and share. The development of a multilingual environment requires much consistent work and resources. The Language Guidelines, together with the implementation plan, set the direction for Aalto University, but leave room for the schools and degree programmes to make their own language decisions. The guidelines and their implementation plan contribute to a shift in thinking in which multilingualism and multiculturalism are seen to an even greater extent as enriching our community and opening up opportunities. The left column of the implementation plan table shows the guideline and the right-hand actions to be taken. 3 1. Research High-quality language is part of high-quality research. A starting point for the language guidelines is to support the language of research by training and support services. Another focus area is Aalto University’s role in supporting the development of the national languages of Finland as languages of research. Guideline Actions 1.1 Research publications are characterised by fluent language. Organising writing clinics and courses for the researchers. 1.2. Aalto University plays an active role in developing Finnish and Swedish academic terminology. Aalto University participates with other universities in developing terminology. A shared terminology for important concepts will be adopted at Aalto University. The production of teaching material as well as the writing of academic texts for general audience will be recognised as a merit in the tenure track system. 2. Learning and teaching The Language Guidelines clarify the languages of the study paths of degree programmes, and implementing the plan calls for careful planning and consistency. The share of degree programmes taught in English is increasing, and the degree programmes offered by the university need to be seen as a whole, rather than as consisting of stand-alone programmes. We need to make clear and long term decisions regarding teaching in Swedish to ensure Aalto University’s status as a university that provides teaching in Swedish. As our student body is becoming increasingly international, studying Finnish, Swedish and English has to be made as easy as possible. Guideline Actions 2.1. Aalto University offers undergraduate education mainly in Finnish, but to some extent also in Swedish. In Finnish- and partly Swedish-language Bachelor programme, some courses are also offered in English. The same system for the classifications of language of instruction will be implemented in all schools: the language of instruction will be specified in the curriculum and it must be followed. 4 Bachelor programme offered only on English can be found in each of university’s academic areas (technology, economics, art). Most master’s programmes are offered in English. The key courses in the degree programme that are taught both in Finnish and in Swedish will be clearly defined and communicated in Into. Aalto University has advocates whose primary duty is to support Swedish-and Englishspeaking students and to ensure fluent communications in those languages. The advocates will be appointed and their names communicated. 2.2. Swedish-speaking students will have the opportunity to take their exams in Swedish when the language of instruction is Finnish in the fields of Science and Technology or Art and Design. Swedish-speaking students will have the opportunity to discuss their studies in Swedish in the fields of Science and Technology or Art and Design The Aalto University General Regulations on Teaching and Studying shall be followed. 2.3. Degree programmes at the undergraduate and graduate levels must define the intended learning outcomes for the language, communication and intercultural skills relevant for the field of study. The learning outcomes of all degree programmes shall include these skills and their attainment is evaluated. 2.4. Good communication, language and people skills are part of the pedagogical requirements for teaching staff. Teachers are provided with pedagogical support and training to enhance their skills in teaching in English in a multicultural academic environment. Those teaching in a language other than their mother tongue are required to demonstrate proficiency in the language of instruction. In recruitments, pedagogical skills will be emphasised in addition to merits in research, as well as language and communication skills. In teaching demonstrations, candidates should pay attention to the usage of clear and understandable teaching language. Teaching in a language other than the teacher's mother tongue shall be evaluated and developed based on the (student)feedback. 5 3. Services The need for all Aalto employees to possess good language skill increases as the University becomes more international. Through the use of foreign languages at work, the whole Aalto community is tied more strongly to the multiculturalism of the university. The use of a shared terminology and the consistent availability of documents in the different languages enhances the equality of languages at Aalto. Guideline Actions 3.1. International and national students and staff members are given the opportunity to study Finnish, Swedish and English. All students and staff at Aalto University will have equal opportunities to study Finnish, Swedish and English. International students and staff are actively encouraged to study the national languages of Finland also. 3.2. Aalto University offers high-quality editing, translation and proofreading services in Finnish, Swedish and English. Production of language services will be included in the job description of lecturers in foreign languages and considered in Language Centre recruitment. Outsourcing of services will also be used. 3.3. Aalto documents are written in the standard form of the language and Aalto University has a unified terminology for key terms. To commit to use the Uniterms tool and to add the most commonly used abbreviations to it. glossaries To increase communication and training on language practices. 3.4. Key documents concerning education are available in Finnish, Swedish and English. Several internal documents concerning academic administration and services (like forms and instructions) are available in Finnish and English. Decisions of the president, vice-presidents and deans as well as decisions and memos of academic committees are always available in Finnish and English. A common document template for decisions will be produced, containing the content both in Finnish and English. 6 3.5. All Aalto members can participate in the activities of various working groups and committees of the university. The various actors of the Aalto University use Finnish and English in parallel. If the primary language of a meeting is Finnish, the material will be in English when international staff is present. 4. Communication The implementation plan for the language guidelines of communication takes a stand on how Aalto University's language guidelines are implemented in the communications channels maintained and coordinated by the Aalto communications unit. These channels include digital channels (,, social media channels (Twitter, Facebook, InstagramLinkedin and YouTube), press releases, brochures, Vision blog and a publication for Aalto University stakeholders, Aalto University Magazine. Guideline Actions 4.1. Communications are conducted with consistency and awareness of the situation, communications channel and language to serve the intended audience. The user experience of communication channels are evaluated regularly. 4.2. The Aalto University website and student website are published and maintained in Finnish, English and when necessary in Swedish The renovated website and the student website into will be comprehensive and easy to use. Execution and follow-up: The provost of Aalto University is responsible for implementation of the language guidelines. Aalto University's Equality committee, which has representation from the schools, student union and services, will monitor the implementation of the language guidelines in connection with the annual review process. Every three years the results of the language guidelines will be evaluated in the Aalto University review.