1) The improvement in English proficiency will happen as a by-product of the content lessons and students are responsible for their own progress. 2) For my university it is necessary to open the doors, globalisation has arrived. 3) We are linguistically an isolated country. Internationalisation is one of the big words here. English as world language, as the key to success, is omnipresent. 4) Hebrew is the language of the Jewish People, but if you write your thesis in Hebrew, it is buried. 5) The Estonian Language Act declares that Estonian medium instruction should be provided in all curriculum fields at all levels. There has been public discussion about protecting Estonian. 6) Speaking Italian to our countrymen is like watching a movie in colour, high definition, very clear pictures. Speaking English to them, even with our best effort, is like watching a movie in black and white with very poor definition, with blurred pictures. 7) No controversy, yet. It is expected in Germany to spend some time abroad, there are many initiatives to encourage study abroad. And there is a high expectation that everyone speaks a second language or has a reasonable level of English. 8) At university level, the increase in the provision of courses in English is largely considered essential if Spanish universities are to compete for international students. There has been some public controversy around the assessment and standardisation of levels of English in tertiary education and at all levels about the poor level of English of pupils and students. 9) For sure yes, they (students) will be exposed to more input, relevant input. Yes, because they are forced to communicate with me in English and forced to think in English. I’m sure they will improve because they have to express themselves and collect the vocabulary to express and for their writing. 10) I’m not interested in their (students´) English, I’m interested in their comprehension of micro-biogenetics … I’m not going to improve (their) English. 11) I’m going to transfer basic knowledge, try to communicate in a correct way but I’m not going to correct or teach them (students) English. 12) They (international students) end up being taught separately as the main course is taught in the country national language. For foreigners, there is a special course. 13) Some teachers claim that older university teachers might hand over their teaching to younger teachers if it had to be done through EMI, as they feel incapable of delivering lectures in English. 14) We are lucky because we have two PhD students from India so they speak very well English. We have given them the task to teach seminars in English. We give them the literature and the papers. (Adapted from: https://www.britishcouncil.es/sites/default/files/british_council_english_as_a_medium_of_instructio n.pdf )