1 ACADEMIC SKILLS SUMMER SCHOOL Micro-teaching activities CAN YOU MAKE A CAKE? §Task chaining 2 Define footer - Name of the presentation / Your name / Unit, Office 3 Micro-teaching activities § §WHAT §WHY § §tips, inspiration, sharing, pooling ideas, … § § (… shaping your Friday micro-teaching task) 4 Micro-teaching activities/strategies § §WHAT §WHY § §ANY FAVOURITES OF YOURS??? § §think about your teaching during the term … § … share in groups Why? § 5 Define footer - Name of the presentation / Your name / Unit, Office 6 Define footer - Name of the presentation / Your name / Unit, Office Bloom's Taxonomy Howard Gardner: Multiple intelligences 7 Define footer - Name of the presentation / Your name / Unit, Office Výsledek obrázku pro gardner multiple intelligences Scaffolding § 8 Define footer - Name of the presentation / Your name / Unit, Office How scaffolding can improve your CLIL lesson Scaffolding §The idea of scaffolding is based on work by Wood, Bruner and Ross (1976) and Vygotsky (1978). Builders use temporary scaffolds to support a building during construction, and then – once the building can stand alone – the scaffold is removed. 9 Define footer - Name of the presentation / Your name / Unit, Office Scaffolding §Whenever I provide my students with a task that requires multiple steps, I will structure this for them. This will help them to understand the content a lot better and faster. 10 Define footer - Name of the presentation / Your name / Unit, Office § 11 Define footer - Name of the presentation / Your name / Unit, Office Výsledek obrázku pro clil scaffolding activities Look at the activities entry/exit ticket think-pair-share Switch it up! board rotation one-sentence summary panel discussion student pictures imaginary “show and tell” jigsaw reading mind-mapping (concept mapping) role-playing harvesting 12 Yes, I know this activity. Hmm, I can guess. Yes, I know it and I use it. I have no idea … https://image.freepik.com/free-icon/smiling-emoticon-square-face_318-58645.png §entry/exit tickets - short prompts that provide instructors with a quick student diagnostic, they can be collected on 3”x5” cards, small pieces of paper, or online (Google survey, SOCRATIVE, …), §e.g., “Based on the readings for class today, what is your understanding of Action Research?”; “What questions do you still have about today’s lecture?” § § -> other introductory activities? § OBJECTIVES??? § -> other closing activities? § OBJECTIVES??? § § § § 13