§ 1 C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png Dynamics in multicultural classes 2 agenda §before meeting a student § §thinking as a student § §tools C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png …before meeting a student § 3 C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png …meeting the student § 4 https://media.licdn.com/media/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAYlAAAAJGE3NTlmOGM2LTIzN2UtNGRhNi04OTAwLTQ0YjYxYmU0YjJjY Q.jpg C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png § § 5 C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png Adapted from: : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMyofREc5Jk …ovejas § 6 Textové pole: C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png § 7 C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png … reactions… §One of the world leading figures is the Pope. (Chinese) § § § § 8 C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png … reactions… §One of the world leading figures is the Pope. (Chinese) §What is the Pope? § § § § § 9 C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png … reactions… §One of the world leading figures is the Pope. (Chinese) §What is the Pope? § §Are you planning the trip in winter? (Argentinean) § § § § 10 C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png … reactions… §One of the world leading figures is the Pope. (Chinese) §What is the Pope? § §Are you planning the trip in winter? (Argentinean) §Yes, I´ll arrive in August. § § § § § 11 C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png … reactions… §One of the world leading figures is the Pope. (Chinese) §What is the Pope? § §Are you planning the trip in winter? (Argentinean) §Yes, I´ll arrive in August. § §How old are you? (Korean) § § § § 12 C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png … reactions… §One of the world leading figures is the Pope. (Chinese) §What is the Pope? § §Are you planning the trip in winter? (Argentinean) §Yes, I´ll arrive in August. § §How old are you? (Korean) §Do you mean Korean or international age? § § § § 13 C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png … reactions… §“Academic 15 minutes” means § §a) it is tolerated if a teacher appears in class 15 minutes late. §b) it is tolerated if a student appears in class 15 minutes late. §c) the class has to start 15 minutes later than what is written in the official timetables. §d) it is just a saying that has no effect to the class management. § § § § 14 C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png … reactions… §When a student comes after a session asking for help with the subject matter. § §a) Always, the teacher has to deal with that issue at that moment of the student request. §b) The teacher should never deal with that issue in the time of a break. Instead, they should inform the student about their consultation hours and instruct them to come for that time to their office. §c) It depends on the student´s request, on the situation, on how busy the teacher is at the moment…. § § § § 15 C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png … it´s all about cricket… §Most people are really surprised the first time they try a cricket. § §Cricket can symbolize good luck and protection. § § §Cricket often appears in literature. § § 16 C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png 17 https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7a/Pollock_to_Hussey.jpg C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png 18 http://dsbrody.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/chimney-cricket-and-flashing.gif C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png 19 http://www.nationalgeographic.com/content/dam/peopleandculture/rights-exempt/insect-dinner/GettyIma ges-452127826.ngsversion.1465128082664.adapt.768.1.jpg C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png 20 http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-RYSEDiQhWLg/UUpVVcE2HEI/AAAAAAAABaE/9EF5POJ5hRQ/s1600/Cricket+in+a+taxi.j pg http://www.whatsthatbug.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/field_cricket_canada.jpg http://www.nationalgeographic.com/content/dam/peopleandculture/rights-exempt/insect-dinner/GettyIma ges-452127826.ngsversion.1465128082664.adapt.768.1.jpg C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png 22 http://image.slidesharecdn.com/communicationacrosscultures-12668091239476-phpapp02/95/communication -across-cultures-5-728.jpg?cb=1401017367 C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png http://i.imgur.com/oBSpPHH.jpg?1 http://i.imgur.com/NJvOWVd.jpg C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png C:\Users\Bertl\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\LG9EO783\MP900434075[1].jpg C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png C:\Users\Bertl\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\LG9EO783\MP900434075[1].jpg C:\Users\Bertl\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\57RXQTYB\MP900402510[1].jpg C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png C:\Users\Bertl\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\LG9EO783\MP900434075[1].jpg C:\Users\Bertl\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\57RXQTYB\MP900402510[1].jpg C:\Users\Bertl\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\57RXQTYB\MP900403769[1].jpg C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png § 27 http://www.odat.nl/training_icw_en/eigenbestanden/images/Onion.JPG C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png …theories and tools § 28 C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png Culture: Two Paradigms Essentialist view Non-essentialist view C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png Culture: Two Paradigms Essentialist view Non-essentialist view Adrian Holliday’s Small Cultures This suggests that ‘culture’ is a movable concept used by different people at different times to suit purposes of identity, politics and science. C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png Culture: Two Paradigms The essentialist view (Geert Hofstede) This suggests that ‘culture’ is a concrete social phenomenon which represents the essential character of a particular nation. C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png Rupert Beinhauer (2013): Diversity Management in Education, seminar, https://impact.cjv.muni.cz/publikace-a-vystupy/materialy/ (Podpora jazykových soft-skills dovedností u akademických pracovníků (klíčová aktivita 5) Janice de Haaff (2013): Intercultural Teaching, seminar, https://impact.cjv.muni.cz/publikace-a-vystupy/materialy/ (Podpora jazykových soft-skills dovedností u akademických pracovníků (klíčová aktivita 5) Geert Hofstede (1991). Cultures and Organisations: software of the mind. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Geert Hofstede : https://www.geert-hofstede.com/cultural-dimensions.html Adrian Holliday (1999): Small cultures, Applied Linguistics 20/2, http://adrianholliday.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/holliday-99-smal-cultures.pdf Pellegrino Riccardi (2014): Cross cultural communication, TEDxBergen, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMyofREc5Jk sources and links C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\Obrázek1.png