A4 Using visual aids A4.1 Equipment Using the tools Please look at the board. I am going to show you a short video clip on this subject. Now, let's look at this slide which outlines the objectives. Right. I'll show you a slide of a diagram to illustrate this. This transparency outlines the process to be followed to obtain the result. If you look at the screen, you can see a computer simulation. I'll show you how this works on my laptop. Checking clarity of sound and image Could someone switch the lights off, please? Can you all see the board? Can everyone in the back row see? Can you all hear this clearly? Can you read the small print? Is there a reflection on the screen? Do want me to zoom in on any part? Can you read this clearly? A4.2 Signposting In the background, you can see a real image of the prototype. The result is in the top right-hand corner. In the top half, there is a bar chart. In the lower section, you can see the formula that was used. Over here, we have the proof. The main problem is here in the centre. The scale of this is 1:1000. The letters X and Y stand for the unknown variables. If you follow the flow of the arrows in this diagram, you'll get to the result. The source of the information is given at the bottom of the page. Let's move on now and look at the next diagram. I'd like to make a few comments about these graphs. Let's go back to the previous transparency. Now we can move on to the next slide, which illustrates Property 1. It will become clearer when I show you the slide with the example. A4.3 Explaining Describing content This diagram on the transparency illustrates this cycle. This chart outlines the data we need. These figures give us a breakdown of this year's budget. These data are not up-to-date but they will serve our purpose. This figure is just over 3 million. Referring to sources This diagram was drawn up by the University of Michigan. The data was provided by the Central Statistics Office. This equation was tested by a well-known Russian professor. With each image, there is a reference to the source web site. At the end of the presentation, I'll give you the list of references. Adapted from: http://www.upc.edu/slt/classtalk/