B1 First day of the course B1.1 Introduction My name is John Smith. I'm your Chemistry lecturer. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Peter Johnson. I am your IT professor, so I'll be seeing you twice a week throughout the first term. I am the lecturer responsible for the subject of Electronic Engineering. I will be taking you for the first two modules of Mathematics I. The lecturer taking you for problem sessions is Paul Smith. I've got four hours with you each week. You will have two lectures a week on this subject. Our Monday lectures will take place in Room 301. The whole group will be together. For the second class session each week, you will work in smaller groups in the computer room. I expect the lecture to start on time. If you are late, please join the class without interrupting. B1.2 Guidelines for queries I prefer to answer your questions during the break or at the end of the lecture. Please feel free to ask any questions at any stage of the lecture. Outside class time, you can come and see me with your queries at the set times. I will handle your queries and questions on Thursdays from 3 to 5. You can reach me in my office every Wednesday between 9 and 11. My time for dealing with queries is Tuesdays from 9 to 10 in the morning. Bear in mind that I am available for queries on Fridays. Don't leave your queries until the last week of the term. It is very important for you to deal with questions as they come up. B1.3 Objectives and competences Throughout this course, we will be studying the basics of this theory. By the time you finish this course, you should be able to interpret all wave functions. The aim of this course is to provide you with the basic tools for solving problems in this area. The main goal is to understand the fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics. The objectives we have to achieve in this subject are the following: Here is the list of the basic objectives and the complementary objectives. We will also work on improving oral and written communication skills. As a generic competence, we place great importance on teamwork. Can you take a look at the list of specific competences for this subject? The competences related to this subject are the following: We will provide you with tools to help you improve your autonomous learning skills. B1.4 Course content Outlining the syllabus Each unit stands on its own. Each unit is related to the previous one. In order to understand each unit, you will have to have studied the previous one. The course content is divided into two sections. The second part deals with circuit theory. In Unit 1, we'll review the basic concepts of the subject. In Unit 2, we'll study the technical details for the construction of the models. In the third unit, we will summarise the key points from the previous units. In Unit 4, we will learn how to apply this in other contexts. The last unit will help you to understand how the apparatus really works. Scheduling the course By Christmas, we should have got to Unit 5. We'll spend two weeks on each unit. Each unit specifies the number of hours of class that will be spent on it. On each unit you should spend double the number of class hours. B1.5 Assessment The mid-term exam accounts for 30% of the total grade, and the end-of-term exam for the remaining 70%. There will be a final exam for this subject on June 10. The end-of-term exam is on June 20. 50% of your final grade is based on continuous assessment. All exams and assignments are taken into account for continuous assessment. In order to pass, you will have to hand in at least two of the assignments. There will be two eliminatory exams during the first semester. There will be a mark awarded for classwork based on the activities we do. For your end-of-year grade, we calculate the average of the grades from your final exam and your classwork. It is compulsory to take part in fieldwork. B1.6 Resources Referring to the bibliography Here is the list of reference books. The first book listed in your bibliography deserves special mention. We will be following Larson's book as a text book. We won't be following any one book in particular as none of them includes all the units. You can expand on what I explain in class by referring to the books listed in the complementary bibliography. It's important to compare different sources of information. Please note that some of the books have an answer key, while others don't. You should try to get through the reading list during the term. Following that, you also have a list of interesting web sites. I am sure you'll be able to find other web sites that will be of use to you. When you use the Internet to search for information, check that the source you use is reliable. All the information on this subject can be found on the digital campus. Keep posted on the activities and assignments that will be set. You should log in to the digital campus every week to make sure you stay informed. Problems, notes and summaries are listed on the digital campus. Adapted from: http://www.upc.edu/slt/classtalk/