B6 Exams B6.1 Rules I don't want to see anything except the exam sheet and pens. Close your books and notes and put them away. You can use a calculator. We won't start until there is silence. Settle down now so we can start. Once the exam is underway, there must be silence. There should be no mobile phones in the exam hall. There are different versions of the exam, so please focus on your own exam paper. Make sure you write down your name and ID at the top of the page. You may not leave the exam hall during the first half hour. Raise your hand if you have any questions. If you change your mind, make sure you cross out the previous answer. Think before you answer. Please try to avoid spelling mistakes. Don't forget to sign the attendance sheet when you hand in your exam. B6.2 Time management You have three hours for the exam. About one hour has gone by. You have half an hour left. Make sure you time yourself well in order to finish the whole exam. Don't spend too much time on just one question. Don't rush through the first part. You have plenty of time, so please don't rush through it. Give yourself time at the end to check your exam. In five minutes, we will be picking up your answer sheets. You can have ten more minutes and that's it. Please put down your pens. The exam is over. I'm afraid your time is up. Time's up. Hand in your exams as they are. B6.3 Instructions for multiple choice exams Mark your choice, a, b or c, with a cross. There is only one correct answer for Exercise two. Please do not tick two answers. If you do, neither will be accepted. In Question 3, there is more than one right answer. The questions are in a different order on each exam paper. The first part of the exam consists of multiple-choice questions. Only one question must be answered from each section of the paper. Mark your answer on the question paper and then transfer it to the answer sheet. You must hand in both the exam paper and the answer sheet. On the answer sheet, mark your answer by placing an X in the appropriate box. Marks will be deducted for incorrect answers. You will be deducted 0.3 points for each incorrect answer. B6.4 Instructions for exams in general Your exam includes one section with short-answer questions, and another with two essay-type questions. In all of the questions, give an answer and a brief explanation. In the short-answer questions, get straight to the point. Fill in the blanks with a missing word or phrase. In Question 1, you have to work out the values of the different variables. Make sure you read the instructions to each question carefully. Watch out for Question 4. It's quite tricky. On the exam sheet, you will see four problems. You have to do three of them. Get as far as you can in solving the problem. Marks will be given for every stage in solving the problem. You will get marks for showing how you work out the problem, not just for the answer. You have to justify your answer. You won't get marks if you only give a numerical result. Marks will also be deducted for mistakes in the calculations. The first part of the exam accounts for 40% of the total, the second and third parts 30% each. Don't skip any of the questions. All of them count. The questions are equally weighted unless otherwise stated. B6.5 Qualifications and post-exam tutorials Your results will be out in three weeks. I will give you the results during the next class. I will post the grades on the notice board. The answers to the exam questions will be posted on the digital campus, so you can compare them with your own. You can find the solutions to the exam questions on the digital campus. The exams will be corrected by next week. I will go through the exam with you at the beginning of our next lecture. You can come and see me about your results on Friday, July 7. You can come and see me to go through your exam at the set time. Post-exam review is scheduled for June 20, between 10 and 11 in the morning. Adapted from: http://www.upc.edu/slt/classtalk/