P -ed adjective endings and linking A recipe for disaster and vvDnXandftaťsawifewhocanlaiokandwU' fioiwt Frost, US pc* I VOCABULARY preparing food i Imagine you are in a restaurant, and are given the English menu below. Study it for a couple of minutes, and choose what to have. Compare with a partner. Ben's Brasserie staffers tobb solod C4.95 grilled chicVeiv avocado, blue cheese, ond rocVei wlh rctpbeiif vnaigiete steamed mussels wr*i cOCQnui or*} chilli griM mrdinei ZS.5G wiih parsley, lemon ond go'1'! mam courses thai dikkefi curry i' l d. 95 siii-fiisd chicken tVioi ipices. peppers, onions, cashew nun. ond coconut creom wi*i jasmine iice ci egg noodies pork MUMges C12.95 wilh ga'k "Xjshed poroKXS o"d o»on g>ovv herb fruited lorob chcpt C 3 5C wilfi paBOei Headed I'Bnch peons and giovy imolod haddock C12.9S wfr mashed poOOes. pooched egg. and Hollando'W sauce baked aubergine* í 13.95 stutted wiih bos mot* net. pecoxno cheese □nd pistachios desserts plum and olmond tart £5.93 apple ond blackberry pie £6.50 w-h voniRo >ce ;>eo.T b Complete the chart with words from the menu. Try to find at least three For each column. Ways of preparing food Vegetable* Prall Saucesand dreiíiiijie Pish and sea Co od c What fruits, vegetables, and fish / seafood are really popular in your region / country? Do you know how to say them In English? d 0 P-H7 Vocabulary Bank Preparing food. 2 PRONUNCIATION ■ed adjective endings and linking a Write Ihe words In the chart according to how the -ed ending is pronounced. baked boiled chopped grated grilled mished melted minced peeled scrambled sliced steamed stir-fried stuffed touted whipped lit-IV ■cd - lál -ci i nál l)jjfllUfeac words/phrases Into groups i-|frcfta:ktii pile. ,|fib««or brtt a trwier ' /edVaresn pepper roan peai bake a cooker a grill i(nb . gdll an oven carrots 'microwave »saucepan fry aubergine (US; an eggplant| heat up frying pan beans microwave Wok courgettes [US: lucchlnls) tleam Blender a toasier a rubbish bin broccoli _ In the kitchen * fridge lys of cooklQg_öa£U-^' the he ierglnes no n da is. to deggst VUUaUlUOdJ I IUUU dllCTLUUMIIg ffZS a Put the wwdj from the bon Into Ihe 1 correct place In the word map. saucepan oven smet hatte wo*m\ beef scramble bitter frying pan salty 'ry peach roast cabbage boll sour wooden spoon grill savoury parsley plate & What is the oitrerence between groups of words below? i a cook/a cookar ™ a i a vegetable/a vegetarian 1 j * reclpe/a dish ii rare/raw s to lttr/10 beat a to slice/io chop/to grate ? 4 g Work In pairs and add at l< , words to each group In the wt ' Pood and \ V ooofcingy ning. What do you think the mil ' io you think they mean? -of the spaghetti bclog --and underneath It w| the bread. . to my family and they all_ »erienced somebody else's? Wh the pairs/ Choose the correct words In italics. Sushi is a lacanese dish made with rawlron fish. BeotiSllr ihe mlxiure slowly every five minuies ughl This ídud is mucri too sovoury/solry. First, you sllcejchop the onion Into cubes. I don't eat many cakes and biscuits. I find them too jtveer/sot/r. Fill a large saucepan with wale- and bake! bail Lie paxa lor len min j te&, Macaroni cheese Is my favourite dtshlplate. The cooklcookef has broken. I need to buy ä new one. In Britain at Christmas, ll's traditional to bokefroQSt b tjrv.ey In iha oven. Oh not I've pjl chicken In the srjup and Diane Is a vegttcrtonl vegetable. 4 SPEAKING a Work In groups of three, Imagine you have friends coming round in the evening and there is nowhere near where you can cat out or gel a takeaway. All you have In the house (apart from oil, salt, flour, sugar, etc.) are the Ingredients below. Decide what you're going to serve and how you're going to cook it. b Talk in your groups. 1 Who u the best CDok In your family? <#T What dishes do they make particularly well? 2 Do you like cooking? Why (not)? What (if anything) wouid you cook.. n ■ if you were alone et home b If you had friends coming round 3 Do you have a cUah that Is your speciality or that you often make? How da you make it? 4 Do you enjoy reading cookery booJu to find new recipesf Vocabulary and Speaking Food and ways of cooking a Try to put these words Into groups 1-5. Same words can go in more than one group. a peach beans grW peanuts- lamb achlNi an onion acoconui barbecue flour a cucumber a pineapple best boil herbs apices aneuocedo Iry a lettuce sauce stir Iry a hot dog cream a green/red popper noodles bBke a pie 1 fruH a peach 4 other fond words 2 vugeiablBE s ways oi cookino a meat •» Work in pairs. Compare your groups 1-5 The ■S £ i * -a i r I ? S X S £ s 1? r •o -a e [ S O u 5 SPEAKING Work in groups of three A, B, and C. First read sentences 1-6 and decide "(individually) whether you agree or disagree. Think about examples you can use to support your point of view. 1 Women worry more about their diet than men 2 Young people today eat less Healthily than ten years ago. ■5 Men cook as a hobby, woman-cook because they have to. 4 Vegetarians are healthier than- people whp.eat a lot of meat 5 You can often eat better In cheap restaurants- than in expensive on as. 6 Every country thinks that their ebbkins is^the best "g Now A say what you think about sentence 1. B and C listen and I then agree or disagree with A, Then B say what you think abour ntence 2, etc. Try to use the expressions in Useful language. 5 Useful language n For enample i r3 5 % - i II -JS I E 3 5 (■asjuAi zo uujq sqijESoiqiXucuonjwopjTiaoi^Tj/ -^mauroui auj je satwmajddnfi pOOJ .10 SniUJBJlA MJ-E] y - (/AOu iirSu JB3 01 Suiq-tfijE jn?A\ / -i/epai pooj 4u?Xnq oi p33n / - s.'.rpr.iv.m / juaiuum au; ;y snonupnoD JO 3[dtnts jussaid aqi Sirywa 10 snroq 3e Sttues rajaid / - C^r^l^/A. i^pOD 39A3J - 3ip Suunp tpunjjojSAEq/^ensnyiEti^ - i&p t itnijp / S3ss?[8 Airem *">H i»>iuup Xzzy jo m(03 ippp y _ iircpresKUDj aAEiq Anen^ ,n?ijm -J'?p jMid.tj 1: ttfj '^opBnuqjtr. siotn .toj ijFy qjlMJaajiBdinoXiiSEo] suoijsaribajrepsj ' ■maqj asu^Ejd pUE 'Fnonnpuoa juasajd 1 I !f,|i-ii i«l sis 111 £fl J5 p 5 ■00*. * a.t> „ u a u Q q S : I fil S-I.S gl 111 00 E o o o c T3 i-'lial a - S f ■: II S. 31 I 31 sil ssa' »Ib8il ■> -.00 id >= S> E