A learning experience Speaking Paper 5 Parti 3 and 4 Vocabulary: education 1 Discuss these questions. •In your country! 1 at what age do you go to different types of school - nursery, primary and secondary^ At what age do you go to College or university? ST i. 3 9- | s-M s & 5 3 Which of the picture(s) opposite do you associate with these? Mutch each of these with one or more of the pictures. = ; s [I ST" c S if- higher education playgroup undergraduate unifonn tutorial playground lecturer curriculum head teacher homework continuous assessment degree strict discipline exams Discuss these questions. 1 Which of these subjects have you studied? At what age did you study them? Which would you like to study? mathematics History engineering science sociology drama philosophy languages economics 2 What is a person called who specialises in the subject? Which is the stressed syllable in the word? 3 These are three common subjects: PE, ICT, DT. In which do you study a) design b) keep fit c) computing? 4 Which subjects are/were you good at? Which do/did you enjoy most? b Vftucri ones ate the mostAeast useful in future ufel Complete the sentences with one of these verbs in the correct form. r skip attend revise re-sit do apply get study fail pass pay 'I hated maths at school. 1 didn't do any of the homework, never ............attention to the teacher and.............classes" whenever I could. Of course, the first time round I...........my exams and had to .........them the following year, The second time round 1....... wbich [ was really pleased about. It really boosted my confidence and I decided to..........to oneof the better urdVersities. To my amazement, I got in and I'm there now — studying mathsI' 'Marc's very bright. He always..........very well when he was at school. I'm sure he'll.........a good degree, even though he doesn't.............. very hard. Of course, he hardly ever.............lectures or............the things we've done. I sometimes resent the fact he's so clever!' I 3 My first week Vocabulary education Grammar uses of auxiliaries Help with Listening contractions Review verb forms r~K REVIEW SO 9 k of something you: did last weekend; have done recently; have b«n doing io X do every week; were doing at nine o'clock last night. Work In pairs, unVT el ea^h other about these thing, Ask follow-up question, jabulary Education 1} Work in pairs. What is the difference Jeiween these words/phrases? Check tew wards/phrases in p 113. . a stale school, a priva;c school ! a university, a college, a campus i an undergraduate, a graduate, a post graduate • a degree, a Master's, a PhD i a tuiar, a lecturer, a professor i n tutorial, a seminar, a lecture • tees, a student loan, a scholarship i a subject, a course, a career We only show die main stress ( 1 n words'ph rases )) Choose eight words/phrases in 1b] that ire connected to you or people you know. :) Work in pairs. Take turns to teli each >iher why you chose those wotos. Ask ollow-up questions. i chose 'a lecture' because i went to an interesting lecture yesterday. Oh? What was it about? tening and Grammar l) Work in groups, Discuss these questions i Have you, or has anyone you know, been to university or college? Did you/they enjoy it? Whai did you/they study? ■ What problems do you think students have during their [irsi week at university? )) Look at the photos. Mia and Ttm ire university students. This is their first *eek. Listen and tick the things they talk .bout. i lecture transport problems locd accommodation £cuinj> Ids': money courses they're doing weekend plans Listen again Fill in gaps aHi) with one word, 1 tim You went to Professor Lee* geography *>............................ yesterday, didn't you? MIA Yeah, but I didn't understand very much. tim Neither did 1. 2 TIM And its a huSe campus-1 keep getting 1......................... ntA Yes. SO do I. Yesterday 1 was walking around for ages looking 3 tim VVelUi leasLyou'found it in Lhe end. Maybe you should get a I did have a '\,. ......................! My brothers done thai course. He graduated las: "................... □id he? Has he found a job yet? And what are you Studying? Geography and economics. Mosi people think economics Is [ea||y t\............................, bm i don't. Anyway, do you live here on campus? No, 1 don't. I was told il was really h>........................... 5 What sort of pupil are/were your What are/were the good and bad things about the schools you go/went to? < i Work on your own. Fill in ihe gaps with the )Trcct form of the verbs in brackets. Have you ever tried Ja.lesrn.. another foreign language? (!eam) Where do you think you'll end up________ when you retire? Give) What would you encourage your children _________at university? (study) Have you stopped________________ to the music you Liked when you were 16? (listen) When you were a child, did your parents make you___________jobs around the house? (do) Did yau remember______________your best Friend a card on their last birthday? (send) Would you allow your children______________what ihey studied at school? (choose) What kind of mistakes in English do you keep ______________? (make) i Work with your partner. Take turns to ask and iswer your questions. Ask follow-up questions possible. 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