Začátek formuláře 1. Marcus started learning French two years ago. learning Marcus has two years. 2. Harry isn't here. He went to lunch twenty minutes ago. gone Harry isn't here. He lunch. 3. Do you own that stereo? yours Is ? 4. Look at how black the sky is! There is rain arriving. going Look at how black the sky is! It . 5. What a shame. There is no food left! wish I left! 6. What a shame. They ate all the food. wish I all the food. 7. The teenagers were stealing my car when I arrived. being My car teenagers when I arrived. 8. You use that little hammer to crack the stones. for This little hammer . 1. Marcus started learning French two years ago. learning Marcus has two years. 2. Harry isn't here. He went to lunch twenty minutes ago. gone Harry isn't here. He lunch. 3. Do you own that stereo? yours Is ? 4. Look at how black the sky is! There is rain arriving. going Look at how black the sky is! It . 5. What a shame. There is no food left! wish I left! 6. What a shame. They ate all the food. wish I all the food. 7. The teenagers were stealing my car when I arrived. being My car teenagers when I arrived. 8. You use that little hammer to crack the stones. for This little hammer . Konec formuláře