Sentence Error Check Exercise 1. The weather was terrible ever since we arrived last Friday. 2. Do you mind telling me how old are you. 3. Im very fond for cats, but unfortunately Im allergic for them. 4. Simon Brown a specialist in contemporary music was interviewed on the radio recently. 5. When your on a plane, its important not to drink to much coffee. 6. I’ve had a cold for three weeks now and I can’t get rid of it. 7. As a child I would have a good memory but now I’m getting older it’s getting worse. 8. I’ll never forget to see the eclipse of the sun last year. 9. I don’t have time to meet you today, but tomorrow is fine. 10. I’ve watched television since I’ve come home from work this evening. 11. Try to be more careful! Thats the third time youv’e broken a cup. 12. I was wondering why was he always late for work. 13. If you aren’t very good at running, why don’t you concentrate on cycling instead? 14. All I want in life is a good health the happiness and a little money 15. If I were you, I would go to the doctor immediately – that cut looks very deep. 16. If she hadn’t slept in she wouldn’t have missed her flight 17. Centuries ago, people would think the world was flat. 18. My parents wouldn’t let me go to piano lessons, so I teached myself. 19. Why are you returning the milk to the shop? Do you think it’s off? 20. He’s been trying to break the world record four times but he’s always failing.